The Giants winning is probably worse for us Jets fans

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Salz, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. #28Martin

    #28Martin Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Some of you are so delussional. I'm almost embarrassed to be a Jet fan after reading stuff like this.
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    For once I'm with you. I wasn't rooting for anyone, I just took heart in the fact that one of them was going to lose. If someone doesn't live here, didn't grow up here, especially in the 80s, or doesn't attend home Jets games, I can see how you have no bad feelings towards the Giants. But as a guy who fits all three descriptions, I'd rather have seen any other NFC team knock off the Pats than the Giants.
  3. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Seriously man, we all need to stop worrying about what other teams are doing and what games they win and start worrying about OUR HOUSE. I personally enjoyed seeing Strahan and Company kick the shit out of Tom Brady, so I'm not about to let some stupid "Got Milk" ad in a subway give me indigestion.

    And even if that stuff bothers you, don't lose track of the fact that New Yorkers forget shit in a NY minute. If we put together a team that beats the Giants in the near future, then all of a sudden it'll be, "Holy shit, the NY Jets beat the f*cking SB champion NY Giants! WOW!"

    So, I say let's get on with building OUR team and winning OUR games next year and let the chips fall where they may as far as what other NY fans think of us. Quickest way to turn that around is to start winning.
  4. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    ^ what he said. nice to see pats lose. to bad both teams couldn't lose. i don't look forward with the gloating, pity looks and finger pointing from giant fans. i don't care that they aren't in our division, they are still city rivals and douche_bags.
    #64 soh_vet, Feb 4, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2008
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I say we riot and trash the stadium for our first "home" game.
  6. GriffDog

    GriffDog Member

    Apr 17, 2007
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    No asshole it was great seeing the patriots lose. A new york team just ruined their "perfection" . They are the real rival. Fucking awesome win, awesome game, bradyy ate shit all night and I was going nuts. Did you see payton going crazy at the end, you got to feel good about that.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yeah, I agree man. I went berserk in my family room when Burress caught that final TD pass. I was actually sorry the game was over though, because I was getting such a kick out of seeing Brady getting bitch-slapped all over the field.
  8. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    I guess what it all comes down to... is how much you hate the Giants. They are high on my hate board... unhappy is the ultimate result for this superbowl.
  9. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    The look on Belicheck's face at the end made it all worth it..
  10. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Very true. We just need to start worrying about us and not about every other team. We are not going to bet any respect until we start beating up teams. Lets just hope it's sooner then later.
  11. nevbeats319

    nevbeats319 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    either way we were fucked..i juss hope giants fans dont make a big deal bout it and go easy.. but it aint gunna happen..theres prob gunna be a big parade and super bowl shit all over the place now. WTF!
  12. KHBirdman

    KHBirdman Banned

    Aug 12, 2005
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    The Worst Sports Day Ever !

    I was born in 1970. I just missed the Jets victory in Super Bowl III. Besides a 2 championship game appearances, being a Jets fan has been pretty miserable.

    That misery hit a new level yesterday with the Giants upsetting the Patriots to capture Super Bowl 42. The Patriots were undefeated and 1 game away from a perfect 19-0. Deep down, I wasn't that nervous as I thought the Patriots were going to murder the Giants with Eli Manning throwing 4 interceptions. In just 6 weeks, Eli went from a bust to a Super Bowl MVP. It makes me want to puke.

    I was prepared in 1986 for the Giants to win their first Super Bowl. They were clearly the best team that year. It sucked to watch but mentally, I was ready. In 1990, I knew it would be close and that missed Norwood Field Goal still burns when I see it. Still, going into the game, it was 50/50. When the Giants made the Super Bowl in 2000 as a fluke, I didn't think they had a chance to beat the Ravens. Luckily, I was correct and had some enjoyment out of that game. So, going into yesterday, against what many were calling the Best Team Ever, I felt pretty comfortable that the Patriots would figure out a way to win the game.

    Even when the Giants took the lead yesterday, I figured Brady would just walk the team down the field and score. And, just as planned, he did exactly what I figured he'd do. However, things got worse. It was 3rd and 5 and the Pats basically had Eli sacked. Somehow, he didn't fall down and just chucked a ball down the middle of the field and was caught. What the heck was that? How did the Patriots defense not come up with the big sack? How did they not stop Eli and the Giants from scoring. They blew a chance at history. Eighteen and one means nothing as they didn't finish the game.

    I sat and buried my head in my hands near tears. The frustration was building. I was angry, pissed, disappointed, sick to my stomach, nauseous, jealous, irritated, and mad beyond belief watching the clock hit 0:00 with the Giants celebrating their 3rd championship while my Jets still suck. Yesterday really hurt and it will hurt the entire off season and for years until the Jets win the Super Bowl...if ever.

    The Giants winning their 3rd Superbowl should make a Jets fan, living in NY/NJ beyond livid since it's been like almost 40 years since they've even been to the freggin bowl. I was rooting as hard for the Patriots as I do for the Jets and in typical Jets fashion, I was heartbroken in the end. I don't understand Jets fans rooting for the Giants if you lived in the area. If I was a Jets fan living in Iowa, there would be more hatred towards the Patriots. But, living in NY/NJ, there is a stronger hatred towards the cross town rival than the divisional rival. Plus, the Jets have done nothing in 40 years and the Giants now have 3. It makes it that much harder to swallow. But this is what happens when a Jets fan roots for something to come true; the wrong results happen. Maybe I should have rooted for the Giants so they would have lost.

    This game hurts as it's the Giants. We share a stadium. We are neighbors. Most Patriots fans are 200 miles north. Jets fans have to see the back pages of the Giants holding up the Lombardi trophy and see a ticker tape parade. Well...I hope it pours on that parade tomorrow. What I don't get is that Jets fans are happy that the Giants won and Patriots lost. If you are a Mets fan, you should HATE the Yankees. So, why should this be any different hating your cross town rival?

    What pisses me off as well are the Patriots are the Jets rival. Now, the Patriots and Giants are associated. Heck...people will want to see the Giants and Pats play again instead of Jets / Pats. Basically, our rivalry was stolen. And the frustrating just gets worse. Why didn't Parcells coach this team for the 4th year when he knew we were SO close. Why didn't he then walk away from the organization and let Belechick run the show? I hate Belechick but who knows where we'd be if Parcells just left Belechick in charge? Why couldn't Peyton have come out when we had the #1 pick in the draft? Why did Eli cry his way out of San Diego to force a trade to the Giants? This is all a slap in the face for Jets fans.

    Yesterday could have been one of the Top 5 worst days in sports during my lifetime. The Jets are eons away from a Super Bowl. The Giants have won a Super Bowl in each of the last 3 decades. When will I wake up from this nightmare.
  13. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    To anyone that compares SB III to yesterday, the AFL was considered a joke league by the NFL. Think of an AFL or CFL team beating the Pats yesterday. THAT is SB III.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Man, this is some serious counselling material. You need to print this out and bring it to your next anger management session because I think your therapist hasn't seen a dissertation like this since studying classic paranoia/pyschosis analysis at Grad School. Seriously, I think you're being far too local and myopic in choosing your stressor.

    A crosstown rival will never take the place of an AFC East rival... one we have to face twice a year and with whom we always have to compete for a division title.

    The difference is, the road to the SB is always going to go through the Patriots (or some other AFC East rival), but will rarely ever go through the crosstown rival NY Giants. And that's the difference and always will be.
  15. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Imagine how Canada must have felt when USA beat Russia for the Gold.
  16. allan1

    allan1 Active Member

    Dec 20, 2002
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    Mets in 86 for Yankees fans is a better comparison. It's the perfect comparison actually.
  17. TheCoolerGlennFoley

    TheCoolerGlennFoley Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2004
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    And had I been old enough I would've rooted for the Mets. I've got family who are Giants fans. I've got alot of close friends from home who are Giants fans. Of course I'm going to take some flak for them but because my team isn't good enough. I look at the 2000 baseball season as one of the most fun for me because both teams were good. Hopefully the Jets can make the same leap the Mets did that season.
  18. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I don't think it's a good comparison. The Yankees and Red Sox have so much history that it's hard to imagine a Yankees fan ever rooting for the Red Sox under any circumstances. The Patriots/Jets is a "newer" rivarly(if you can even call it that, to me most of it is media hype).

    It's much more like the 96 world series from a Mets fan point of view, the Braves were the "new" team in the NL East and the Mets stunk. I certainly wasn't rooting for the Yankees to win then.
  19. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I think age in this case matters. Had you been old enough to remember how obnoxious Mets and Giants fans were in the 80s and had you grown up around that, your outlook would be a lot different towards those teams ever winning anything. Even Giant fans don't seem as bad now as the Simms/LT jersey wearing blowhards from back then, maybe because I'm older and associate with older people, I don't know. That's why so many of us remember the Jets knocking out the Giants at the end of 1988 so fondly, even though we didn't make the playoffs either that year.
  20. JetFanInPA

    JetFanInPA Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Check's poll everybody. America says that The Giants victory was the biggest upset ever. Unbelievable...

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