Back in October, Chad WAS the right choice. Up until about 5 weeks ago, Chad would have been the right choice. Eli didn't emerge till the first Patriots game. His season was average at best, as were his first couple seasons. Obviously now it is different. He progressed light years over the last month and 1/2.
Are you people for real or what? Chad has never nor will he ever be as good as Eli and about 20 other Qb's in the Nfl right now! This thread should be who is a better backup Chad or Lorenzen!
Eli has been inconsistent at times and average at best. The defense is what really helped the Giants get to and win a Super Bowl.
Wow if only you can make all your decisions in life in hindsight. Eli finished the year with the most Ints in the league and looked lost at times this year. This is a ridiculous bump to a thread that means nothing in the present time.
I bashed Eli more then i ever bashed chad.. and i fucking hate chad. I remember having conversations as late as week 17 that there was no way Eli Manning ever takes the giants to the superbowl. Pass the bowl of crow this way..
I'll take some of that as well...I never thought eating crow would taste this sweet though...ill gladly take it
Eli was the reason the Giants got to the Super Bowl. The defense didn't improve. The running game didn't improve. The passing game improved by leaps and bounds, and it all started in Week 17.
Well I do disagree that the D didn't improve, they were dominant in the postseason. Anyway I do agree that Eli was a main factor in the Giants winning the SB, starting in GB and fininshing in the 4th quarter yesterday. Still that has nothing to do with this thread, which was a harder decision to make when this poll was started. My point is that it is easy to make decisions in hindsight, there would be no reason to start a poll like this now as the choice is easy, at the time though this poll was a valid question. Hence the reason it is ridiculous to bump now.
There's no way that cotchery and Coles are better than Plaxico and Toomer. Plaxico and Coles are debatable but there's no way Cotchery is better than Toomer. Tommer was a number 1 receiver for years and has a large portion of Giant's statisitical records. Maybe cotery will be better later but as of now definately not.
way to shove that in my face...hehe...Its what...4 months later? I still think Cotch and Coles are up there with them....the Giants SB was a team effort. Its not like the Giants WRs were overwhelming. They scored 17 points...lets not anoint them the best WR duo in the NFL...
I think Burress is the best of all 4, thats no question. I think Coles and Cotchery are a step ahead of Amani " oops I dropped it" Toomer. Toomer being a slight notch below C&C makes it a close matchup. Maybe a slight edge to the Giants...maybe...
Anybody who votes for Chad is so.......:drunk: & the person that would even create such a silly thread.....was .....:drunk:
Chad, definitely... I think he's one of the most accurate passers in today's NFL. Eli has potential to be pretty darn good, though
Right now obviously Eli, but in there primes i'd take chad in a hearbeat. Even last year if you put Chad on that giants team, and he instantly would make them superbowl contenders, with that running game, that offensive line and those wider recievers paired with a great pass rush on d, eli was and still is the weak link on that team, yes they won but dude, he got lucky. on "the play" he threw into quadruple coverage and somehow the guy came down with it. Ill give credit where it is due and the giants and ELI deserve the superbowl they did win, but it wasn't because of eli