Some reasons why.. As a Jets fan, I was rooting for the Giants with all I had

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TampaBayJetsFan85, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    The Giants play in the same State as us, but the Patriots are our AFC East rivals, used the Spy Gate against us, and BB turned his back on the Jets front office to go and coach for the Pats

    The Giants winning the Superbowl is one of the Greatest upsets ever


    If the Patriots would have beat the Giants, not only would it have been one of the best SEASONS in all of pro-sports, it WOULD HAVE BEEN THE PERFECT SEASON! Would have been better than the 72 Dolphins... Now its just the **Perfect Season** That never was. This loss in the Superbowl will always and 4ever be known as the biggest choke in all of pro sports, and guess what? The Patriots didnt go UNDEFEATED

    Do you all really think I wanna see T.Brady and BB for the next 40 years having the "Perfect season" Get together with the 72 dolphins?

    Was anyone else looking foward all week to the look on BB's face after the game? I was... Did anyone see the interview after the game? I did... LMAO @ Mumbles... It was priceless, does anyone else think he was about to cry? I do...

    Jimmy Johnson said... His Miami Hurricanes went undefeated, the perfect season, but lost in the NCAA Championship bowl game... He said he never got over that loss... Guess what? I dont see BB and Tom Brady ever fully recovering from this loss.

    New York.... Vs... Boston


    BRADY vs Eli Manning

    BB vs Coughlin

    I can go on and on...


    Tiki Barber can STFU now... Still wanna tell the world how you would laugh at Tom Coughlin when he would hold meetings? His meetings paid off... Huh Tike?
  2. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    I think you have a great point about being tough to get over a loss like that. I feel like the Yankee dynasty never regained its swagger after losing the Series to the DiamondBacks. After that, everyone knew that Mariano Rivera was human as were the rest of the Yankees. Will the Pats recover from this? Only time will tell.
  3. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Totally agree. Instead of being the perfect team, and the greatest ever, they are the biggest chokers in nfl history.
  4. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    This was all I needed to root for the Giants. I have no idea why some Jets fans have this loathing for a team that is not really our rival, other than during the pre-season.

    They are the NFC representative for the city of New York, now logically, how could anyone POSSIBLY have wanted our most HATED rival to have won the SB???

    I was happy as a f*g with a bag of d*cks to see Tom Brady walked on all night and see that smug look slide off the faces of all those friggin Patriots players and coaches.

    I swear I hate EVERY team that comes out of the Boston/New England area, the Sox, the Celtics, The GAYtriots, the Bruins, Boston College, ETc...Etc..., I detest that NEW YORK wanna be city.

    I'm ELATED the Patriots lost and to a NEW YORK team.:breakdance::pats_suck:
  5. stevesaks

    stevesaks New Member

    Oct 20, 2007
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    I was rooting for the Giants too....Hard not too,if you are a NY'er and have watched Eli play the past several games....THIS Giant team isn't a team you HATE as were some of the older Giant Tiki years....
    Makes it so much sweeter with big mouth Tiki gone..
    the unbeatable, perfect Pats n Bellichick LOST..that must really Hurt...being a NE fan today is much worse when the Yankess blew their lead to Boston in 2004....

    This was 60 minutes away from they are a cliff note...the 'Almost' team....

    I love it..
    I hate Boston..and NE teams......
    I hope they enjoy the sweet and bitter taste this devasting lost is.....

    I would love to see video cams of the bars in Boston and NE to see the reactions and looks on the NE their perfection went out the window......pricelesss
    ...And, I'm a Jet fan... to see their faces would be
  6. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    Damn right I was going for the Giants, NE represents everything wrong with the world, people that cheat and lie their way to the top. Well today they got what was coming to them. For 18 games every god damn bounce, every freakin loose ball, every big play ALWAYS went their way. Not tonight, Karma is a bitch huh NE fans?
  7. stevesaks

    stevesaks New Member

    Oct 20, 2007
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    I wonder if Brady and Moss and Belli...wish they didn't breal all types of offensive records this season?????

    EVEYONE knew when they played the GIANTS the last game of the season..
    ..that Brady and Moss were getting their 2 TD's and breaking the records...

    well..they got their special records against the Giants... everyone knew they would get any cost they wanted to have all those records...NOW...
    they will always been known as the ALMOST short of perfection....

    KARMA is a MF'er.....

    and this is from a Jets fan....
    Good prevailed over Evil...
  8. joeyg94

    joeyg94 Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    i rooted for the giants if they woukd have played another team i wouldnt have though it was a great game and 5 minutes after it ended i was already saying fuck the giants
  9. EcKo151

    EcKo151 Active Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    I really couldn't. I was in a Sports Bar with a buddy who drove down with his family from Tampa and it was majority Giants.

    I showed up supporting the Giants but I couldn't get crazy and cheer. They asked me why I wasn't excited and standing on my feet, I simply said, "Be happy that I'm here in support of you, but at the end of the day, the Jets aren't there."

    I am very happy the Patriots lost...

    But after the game hit :00 and I saw them hugging and kissing, pouring water and beer everywhere, jumping up and down...It came upon me that my jealousy grew larger than it ever would.

    Just seeing them celebrate and tear up over this had me jealous, I was happy for my friends, but the jealousy inside me was insane.

    Maybe one day...
  10. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    I know what your saying, my brother is a Giants fan, it is bitter sweet, hey some Joy in life is better than none, celebrate the fact the *Pats are 18-1 and not, 19-0. As for the Jets... only time will tell if this regime will get it done. Hey with a gimpy Pennington just a couple years ago we could have been 1 game away... Giants proved anything can and will happen.
  11. ArgyleFury

    ArgyleFury New Member

    Feb 8, 2006
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    Greatest Upsets in Football now in NY

    If you're looking for common ground, as i was, it is satisfying to know that two of the greatest upsets in football history, if not THE two greatest, both belong to NY. Joe Willie White Shoes - 1969 SB "Easy E"li Manning 2008 SB:beer::beer::jets:
  12. sect105

    sect105 New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I couldn't sleep last night, just thinking about how the Giants won yet another SB, and my beloved Jets have not since 68. My wife told me not to worry because all the hoopla will be over in a few days. I told her that games like the one yesterday will live forever.

    Jets fans want our coaches and Qb's run out of town too, but that only gets us 4-12 seasons. The Giants Fans do it and they win a SuperBowl.
  13. Wahoo

    Wahoo Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    ^ I feel your pain brother. We wait on and on and on, and other teams go through whole cycles of champion to basement to champion again, and we just sit on the side and watch it all happen, as our team goes from mediocore to awful to mediocore again. Although I'm glad the effing Patriots lost, now I have a year of hearing about the "great" Giants to look forward to.
  14. abdulsalaam

    abdulsalaam New Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    I have no problem saying that I rooted hard for the Giants. I'm in the minority here, but I don't think you need to hate the other local team to prove you bleed green.

    My hope is that all the hysteria and hoopla motivates this team - from Owner to Management to Players to get better now.

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