Hughes is a #3 AT BEST and who gives a shit about Kennedy? Unless Minny just wanted Joba then I understand why the Yanks didn't pull the trigger. But if Cash just wanted to hang onto Hughes then he is a moron...Best pitcher in baseball and you don't want to give up a potential 3 starter? LMAO. Way to go Brian...
just wondering, where the hell are you getting all of this #3 bullshit? There is a reason he was the #1 pitching prospect in all of baseball last year. There are also numerous reasons why he is widely regarded as a potential ace. I have a feeling that you're basing this idiotic statement off of his post-injury starts, and that you forgot all about his near no-no in Texas. Brilliant, lets judge this kid on a few starts where his mechanics were out of whack, and his legs still weren't at full strength. Lets also ignore his playoff performances. Moron.
i really pray to god that this post was sarcastic. phil hughes was ranked as the #1 pitching prospect in baseball last year. #3 starter? sorry, not even close.
Moron? What the hell does the #1 pitching of baseball get him? He won't have nearly the career Johan has had and will have. HE'S 28 YEARS OLD! And the BEST pitcher in baseball and Cashman didn't want to give up Hughes? And I'm not sure if he was or wasn't, just saying if it was. But sorry, a no-no in Texas and one great playoff performance doesn't have me sold, 2 appearances and "potential", great... Let's just crown him as an Ace after those credentials right there. I don't see "it" from Phillip.
Yeah it's funny we couldn't potentially get an Ace who's only 28 years old and the best pitcher in baseball. When is the last time the Yankees had an Ace? But wait, we have the #1 pitching prospect...He'll be an Ace.
How are you not willing to give up Hughes for the BEST pitcher in baseball!? Now if Cashman offered Hughes/Kennedy/and somebody else and Minny declined, then fine, I respect that and have no problem with it. But if Hughes was the holdup, then that's pathetic. I can understand Joba, I see much more potential in him, and he has Ace potential... I just don't see it in Hughes.
Yeah, that's usually the point of bigtime pitching prospects. To become aces. Trading away one of the best pitching prospects in baseball along with other stuff, and then giving him 6 years $150 million isn't good business.
Remember Randy Johnson? I think it's funny that you have such an adamant opinion with no real reason except from what you saw from the kid's rookie year (which was very impressive all things considered).