this kid has posted 4 mock drafts that have wasted a good 20 minutes of my life that i will never get back. He also posted a fake mock draft just so when everyone opened it there was nothing there.... what a good joke. Im tired of wasting my team reading this bs. Im not gonna open them anymore because i have noticed that this persons football knowledge is that of a 2 year olds but i really think that his posting privileges in the draft forum should be denied. Anyone agree?
dylanjets mocks are the only ones worthwile reading in this forums, hes the only one here that knows what hes talking about. mad props dj, don't let these haters bring you down.
What's with the hate on dylanjets? I read some of his mocks and I am really up for some of the ideas he was making and I am backing him up with some of his picks. They do seem a bit outlandish but we have the money to do stuff and whats to stop a fan from dreaming about player(s) coming our way this offseason. dylanjets could very well be a Mel Kiper Jr in the waiting or the next big thing to hit ESPN. It takes alot of passion to post 4 freakin mock drafts, the passion can take him far in the sports business.
Baker, it's not hatred, its just very silly to watch him run his mocks. his ideas are unrealistic. his enthusiasm is refreshing and while i normally don't like knocking that down, he should realize that perhaps his ideas are not thought out far enough. additionally, his lack of knowledge of the players and the positions is showing. It takes a lot of free time, not passion, to post four mock drafts. he's more than welcome to keep posting them but he better be prepared to get some flack for it. that's all im saying.
it's called a Mock , its not the real thing its fun imagining all these players in the uniform its not suppose to be real idiots it doesnt take me days to make it its a mock the season didnt even end yet
Well if it isn't "real": Why don't you replace Jared Allen, who you have playing the nose tackle position in the 3-4, with Mike Nugent, who is also way undersized? We all know they aren't supposed to be real, but they are supposed to be REAListic.
Mr Electric beat me to it already, but they're supposed to be mock drafts. a mock, by definition is supposed to be a realistic take on the off season, not an unrealistic one. and insulting people by calling them idiots isn't nice or advised, especially with mock offseasons like yours.
If you don't want to read a certain member's post, put him on your ignore list. Calling someone names if you don't agree with their opinions, even if they're different than most, is rude and offensive behavior.