Tannenbaum confirms Chad is returning

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jets18, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    As is Kellen=Nagle :wink:
    I was just making an example, calm the fuck down.
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Show me where I said Kellen=Nagle or even mentioned Nagle. You can't even read. Good-bye.
  3. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Foley, bye.

    Chad starting is to the detriment of the team. If we keep him, it should be as a back-up and mentor. If he ends up being the starter it sets us back farther than if we find out Clemens doesn't have what it takes.
    #163 Going4TheGreen, Jan 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2008
  4. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    It was all Chad...except for the INT that Clemens threw that had us in a 7-0 deficit. In a close game, that play was HUGE. Not to mention Nuge missing a FG, and Graham having a punt blocked to set up an easy score for NE. Yep, but it was all Chad's fault with you...again. If Kellen plays the whole game against NE, there was no doubt in my mind that we would have gotten killed.
  5. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Haven't you heard... all losses are attributed to Chad now. He didn't even need to play in the game. That is why we have to have him off the roster. His mere presence causes us to lose games now. :eek:hmy:
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Yes, but they will still be using the "Chad playbook", so any losses for the next three years will be attributed to that, even if Chad himself is in Minnesota.
  7. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    DOH!! :drunk:

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    And Chad had 4 quarters to do what he does best against Ne when it matters! NOTHING!!!!!!!!
  9. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    It's ironic that after a season in which we saw Chad and Kellen both play a siginificant amount of time, nothing has been settled regarding the QB situation. Unfortunately, they both pretty much had some stinkers, and neither were helped by the surrounding cast of characters.

    Many thought that by giving Kellen a good look this year, we'd know if he was "the guy' for the future. But the situation is still very much unsettled heading into the off-season. Not many answers- but still a lot of questions.
  10. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Haha... your post sounds like something we are going to read in some sports writers column anytime now...
    #170 Jetzz, Jan 10, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2008
  11. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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  12. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I agree. I personally want to see Kellen out there to see what he has with some time behind a rebuilt OL. It's hard to get a gauge on ANY QB behind a porous OL with no running game.

    We weren't even one-dimensional as we had nothing.
  13. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    i'll take that as a complement.


  14. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    First year?!? He's basically only played 3 seasons. 2002 was one of those lightning in a bottle moments where we actually scored more TD's the FG's. That season Chad threw 22 TD's (career high) and 6 INT's (career low).

    Since then Chad has thrown 58 TD's and 52 INT's. Nobody not named Brett Favre is going to win a superbowl with those kind of numbers. How we made the playoffs in 2004 and 2006 with his combined 33 TD's and 25 INT's is beyond me.

    This year? He was on pace to throw 18 TD's and 16 INT's. There's your track record. I'll take the kid with no track record over that, thank you.
  15. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I agree. The whole evaluation process is tainted. If we had a much better offensive line this year and I am not just talking about keeping Kendall, we would have had a much better running game. With a better running game it certainly would have meant Chad would have done a lot better. The play action pass would have to be a respected play. Chad would have won a fair amount more games in those conditions.

    We may not have seen Clemens at all if our line was already fixed to some extent.

    I think to evaluate Clemens' performance you have to get completely away from the numbers and look at his attributes - stronger arm, stronger in the pocket, better mobility, and better at running the ball. Then you have to imagine how he might play with a vastly improved offensive line. It is a tough call because nothing is concrete; there is nothing truly there that definitely says Clemens is the guy; here is where a coach has to trust his instincts, creativity, and imagination.
  16. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    So you're writing off two playoff seasons because they are "beyond you". That's fair. For a franchise that is rich in playoff tradition, of course, what are two playoff seasons? Let's just focus on the seven games this year, shall we?
  17. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Firs off Cha's deep balls last year were thrown better than KC's, secondly even if it is 5 yard dumps we have always won when Chad is playing up until last year. We are the only team that will dump a QB the second he stops producing, guys are allowed to have bad years. it does happen for most players from time to time.

    It's very simple how it could have been worse. chad played very well against miami, who knows if KC would have done the same? and KC got worse as the season went along, i he started earlier chances are teams catch on earlier and therefore there's a possibility we don't beat Pitt. at Miami and KC were won in spite of the QB but thewins easily could have went down if KC played all year.

    I like your thinking about Chad getting back to 100% but once if they stayed w/ KC until the bye our season still would have been over and they would have just left him in to see what he had for te rest of the season anyway.

    The bottom line is our record was going to be bad no matter who the QB, Chad played better than KC, Chad has a track record and 1 bad year shouldn't change that. KC showed us absolutely nothing this year other than a good drive or 2 at the end of games after playing awful football for 3+ qtrs and putting us in a hole.

    Apparently you either forget what happened or didn't watch the Jets in 2002. The Jets were brutal early in 2002, we had a million injuries and an almost completely new D. Dave Szott was out until December and Fabini, Mawae and Randy Thomas all were very beaten up but kept playing. Curtis got hurt in the 1st game at Buf, he had 98 yrds TOTAL the first 4 games. The D had 6 new starters in 2002.

    After we won in OT at Buf on 2 Chad Morton KOR TDs we we then lost 3 straight game by a combined 102-13. That's an 89 point differece in 3 games! As awful as we were all season in 2007 the point differential was only 87. We weren't bad we were awful and not only did Chad bring us back to respectability but he also led us to only our 2nd ever AFC East Title and he led the NFL in passing.

    When we got healthy in '02 no question the '02 team was better than '07 but we were better the minte Chad started and we didn't all of a sudden get healthy the minute Chad started.

    Don't call anyone a fool espcially after what you post.

    Kellen should have thrown it away. When you are that deep you don't have time to allow a play to develop, if receiver is not open immediately you throw it away. he took his normal drop then pumped a few times before throwig it. he had plenty of time to avoid that difference making INT.

    Nobody crushd anything in the game thread. I made sense and explained myself fully while others were making things up saying he didn't have any time when it was clear he did as he threw AFTER taking his drop then he continued to wait for hs receiver as he backpedaled and pump faked. Heshould have gotten rid of the ball alot sooner.

    Jim Sorgi has nothing to do w/ this discussion, the TD he led Indy to he got the ball at the Tennessee 30.

    There was still enough time in that Buf game to come back. It wasn't likely but he could have gotten something done consdering he is the great kellen Clemens- master of the 2 minute offense.

    What happened on that 1 series? he threw an INT for a TD putting us in a 7-0 hole when Chad stepped on the field. We lost by 10, we sure could have used that 7 points back .

    You mention all of these dropped passes but fail to mention the dropped TD by McCareins in that NE game you brought up(add a TD for us and remove the KC INT TD and we score 17, NE 13) and you fail to mention the dropped passes in the Buf game, the NYG game, the Philly game- all games when Chad was QB.

    Kellen was brutal during the Baltimore game missing open receivers all over the place, same against Wash, we destroyed Miami b/c of the Defense, we scored 31 against Cincy(24 during the cmpetitive portion of the game), the giants swiss cheese scondary? in case you didn't notice the giants played pretty good D this year and Chad was sacked once in that game.

    In '02 the Ol was ravged and playing awful football, Curtis had 98 yards TOTAL in the 4 games Chad did not start in so spare me the top 3 OL nonsense. young Coles had 6 recs for 42 yards in the 1st 3 games, the rest of the season w/ Chad? 83 recs, 1222 yds and 5 TDs.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Go look at a picture of clemens pick. He was hit before the ball even left his arm. Chad had 4 quarters to win that game and didn't. Chad put himself on the bench and got the longest rope in Ny Football History to hang himself. McCareins has had horrible drops for both Qb's. At the end of the day Curtis is the player going to the Hof that played side by side with Chad not vice Versa! Curtis and Mawaee made those teams not Chad!
  19. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    A picture? He could have held onto the ball for ten seconds before throwing it while getting hit and the picture would look exactly the same.
  20. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Chad's deep balls are hail mary's once they pass 14 yards.

    Uhh, this is a stupid argument. There's a good chance that he would've lost? That hypothetical crap doesn't work for me, he still produced more wins than Chad who has 69 games worth of footage for teams to catch on. Direct your attention to the CBs easily sitting on 5 yard outs. I don't care about possibilities. There's a possibility Miami gets their heads out of their ass for 1 game against Pennington but that didn't happen, so he gets credit for the win.

    Chad closed our casket, Kellen gave us a chance.

    And to all of that astute memory, I'll say: injured all pros are exponentially better than anything Clemens had to go off in 07. You won't acknowledge that he often had less receivers than Chad did this year, less time to learn the offense than Chad did in 02, less talent on the O-Line, and not a HOF RB. I don't know what you're going off to say Chad led the NFL in passing. You must remember something. Oh I looked it up and, you meant rating. That's true, he did, and while that is impressive, he has consistently completed passes his whole career. Unfortunately for us, the Jets were never the beneficiary of as many TD completions as he threw in his first season. It is important to not live in the past with football. You have to recognize when a player is on the decline, and after watching Chad's play this year, taking into account he's over the football hill at 30, after 2 throwing arm surgeries in the same spot, and a recurring ankle injury, I believe Chad is on the decline. Let's see if Kellen can do what most QB's do, get better with experience.

    Then don't be foolish. Receivers being disintersted in catching Chad's balls was never intended to be a legitimate argument or point in any discussion.

    Wow man, you must have been reaching for a hotwing or somethign when Kellen made that throw and only seen it in slow mo or something. He didn't have the time you say he did, and it was possible he was trying to throw it away. I don't know how you say he had time when the receiver was 3-4 yards off the LOS when KC attempted the throw. Seymour was on his ass when he was throwing already, like another poster said look at the picture. While I know that it is true that it's impossible to make points against someone who is always right, Barrett picked off a pass and got Chad the ball at the 31. I guess that one yard makes a hell of a difference. The Great Completer still completed it to the other team on that drive. Yeah, the Buf game wasn't likely because there was 3 minutes left. Chad's 2 minute drills take 5 minutes, so don't go there, either.

    Dude, don't go there. Stop pinpointing one mistake by Kellen as the reason he sucks. Chad threw game clinching INT's that happened in the 4th quarter at crucial times in enough games for most of us to know that we can't have him starting. I give credit to Chad when he has his good games like the Pats, you just BS around and give credit to anyone else besides Clemens when he does something good, but when he does something poorly, it's all on him. Even when the O-line allows Seymour to be on Clemens right from the snap. With such a good football memory, you must be able to remember teams using guys that aren't very capable of starting anymore for too long and it was to the detriment of the team. It happened a lot under Herm, your boy.
    #180 Going4TheGreen, Jan 11, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2008

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