Tannenbaum confirms Chad is returning

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jets18, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    If Chad beats out Clemens then it proves Clemens is not the guy. Pretty simple. You don't have to throw away a season just to see if someone is the guy.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    If Chad is the Qb the season is thrown away! That is why Clemens should start to see if he can do it for a full season with a playbook, Oline, downfield threat and offense designed for him. Chad will never get any better only worse at this point.
  3. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    If Clemens cannot beat out Chad in a tilted QB competition towards Clemens then Clemens is not any good. Why waste time on a second round pick if he can't even earn his way onto the field? If this is the case, then you play Chad and draft a QB in 09.

    If you don't think the Pats knew what they had in Brady before Bledsoe got hurt you are nuts. if you don't think Dallas knew what they had in Romo you don't get it. If Clemens cannot win the job in camp when the CS so dearly want him to win it then he did not earn the chance to start, period.
  4. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Did Pennington beat out Vinny in TC in his third year on the Jets? Answer No Vinny played himself out of the starting lineup. Did Clemens beat out Chad last year in TC. Answer No Chad played himself out of the starting lineup.

    If the starter has played himself out of the starting lineup, why should he earn a chance to compete for a spot again? Why waste time is a two way argument.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    He earns the chance because the guy who replaced him did no better than he did, arguably worse. That was not the case in 2002, Chad came in and played better right away. He didn't open the job back up for grabs.
  6. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    There is no possible way you can argue that Chad played better than Kellen this year. Kellen did not play well, especially statistically, but he was excellent at the two minute drill and showed a lot of heart in allowing us to come back. He could have easily won 1 or 2 more games than he did as starter. Chad was lucky to win the one he did. Chad was ABYSMAL this year. He deserves nothing. If this coaching staff is so conservative and meek as to give CHad another shot they deserve to be fired on the spot.

    Kellen may not be the answer, but Chad is DEFINITELY not the answer. I would rather see Ratliff get a shot at QB than retread Chad one more time. It just does not make any sense.
  7. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    If Chad had shit the bed how would that have earned Vinny a chance to come back and get a 5 million dollar salary? Chad hasn't earned a chance to start he earned his ass on the bench. If your convinced Clemens has no upside and no future, what it really means is we need to move in another direction at QB. You don't earn 5 Million when you play yourself out of a job because a low paid rookie wasn't any better. You make plans to move in another direction. You keep the young QB who is cheap, bring in a cheap veteran for backup and draft another QB. You don't reward an over paid veteran who has earned his way to your bench especially when you are rebuilding.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Was Kellen 3-4 and Chad 1-8? Did I miss something? Did Chad's one win come against the Dolphins? The League Layup? If not for Mcarins dropped passes against the Ravens and a Cotchery drop against the Redskins He could have been 5-2! If Mangini does not try to reinvent the wheel in the Cleveland game there is a shot at a win there as well. How can you even conceive that Chad played as good as Kellen. Please tell me how 3-4 is worse than 1-8? It was literally sickening to watch Chad play at the end of games and I actually felt sorry Mangini left him on the field to embarrass himself.
  9. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Again, great quote. I remember the first couple of games when KC finally came in, there was a lot of drop passes due to the recievers weren't use to passes getting there on time and being quick.
  10. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Well, you guys can keep your "rebuilding" mantra going on here until July and keep crying your eyes out and pissing in the wind, because thankfully none of you are in charge of anything but your keyboards and you are not making vital decisions for the Jets. The professional football coaches whose living is assembling talent, looking at film, etc, have decided that Chad is coming back and they are going to battle for the job. Just like I told you they would.

    So I don't know what else to tell you, except what I always say-----professional football coaches > guys on the Internet. Cry away fellas, see you in July.
  11. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    We need to determine for sure what we should do at QB with Kellen starting. It would be nice to have Chad around to help him out and learn the ropes. We all know Chad has an incredible football acumen. IMO, it would be impossible to find someone more suited to teach KC unless we hire Marino as QB coach.

    However, if KC sucks next year, and we need someone else to play QB, we already know Chad sucks. He beat one team that everyone beat. If we get to a backup, no matter who he is, he won't salvage our season if KC has really bombed the season away. If he's been sucking the whole time, we'll be near to or out of contention anyway. So either way, Seafood, your argument sucks. You're saying if Kellen sucks then Chad can be the savior? What has he shown you this season that shows that he can still be the man with all the pieces in? NOTHING. The same thing as KC. So why should we play favorites? Look at it from a logical perspective, age and upside considered.

    The bottom line? Hopefully Kellen learned enough from Chad this year, or at least has his phone number. I can see Chad on the way out of the Meadowlands' door.
  12. fenwyr

    fenwyr Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Every year that Chad starts for the Jets pushes back our eventual super bowl win.

    Trading Chad, picking up a young vet with upside, and drafting a day 2 rookie at least POSSIBLY gets us a year closer.
  13. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Well your right, the coaches will decide who will be right for the job. All we can hope for is that we will be competitve next year, because to me that's all we have. Tired of all the excuses why we suck, they are all so-called professionals out there, some of them just need a kick in the ass to play.
  14. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Nobody is playing favorites, I've been saying all along let the better guy play. You guys on one hand say Chad sucks and on the other you're all afraid he's going to beat Clemens out for the job and somehow set the team back. If he beats Clemens out then all he's doing is keeping Clemens from setting the team back. You guys are contradicting yourselves.

    All of you who hate Chad want to now base his entire career on this season where he played on a crappy offense with a bum ankle, and you conveniently leave out that every other year he's played anything close to a full season we've been good. Your argument might even hold some water had Clemens come in and produced anything better with the same offense, but he didn't. We got 9 TDs in 89 possessions, no better, possibly worse.

    The fact that the defense got better after the bye and we won a couple games 13-10 in OT (needing OT to get to 13) tells you that just maybe the QBs were not the problem. So logic would then tell you to fix what the problems are, bring the QBs back and let the better guy play, whichever guy that may be. Sounds like that's what they are going to do, but the logic doesn't seem to translate to people here with their blind hatred and their aganda clouding what they actually see on the field.
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Yeah this is the amazing thing. In a year when almost nothing went right for the Jets Clemens brought them back several times and came close to a winning record. And he had basically nearly as tough a schedule as Chad when you factor in Dallas and Pittsburgh.
  16. pennington4life

    pennington4life New Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    the defense won the game vs pitt bro not clemens
  17. pennington4life

    pennington4life New Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    the qb is not the only dciding factor in the game and he was awful along with brodie croyle in that chiefs game and yo have to realize that
  18. Going4TheGreen

    Going4TheGreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2005
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    No one is blind, no one's vision is clouded, no one has their head up their ass, and no one is sucking anything. (I guess.) The thing I see on the field when I look at #10 is a LOSER. He lost 8 more games than he won last season. How can that possibly be a viable option for us at QB. It's not that he can beat Kellen out, it's that if he does, he will set back our franchise. Chad starting is like putting stock in Enron.

    It's not that I hate Chad, or that I am crying to see that he may be on the team next year (who isn't?). It's that Chad is old, injured, can't throw, made mistakes he's never made before, and in the latter part of the season sat there counting the laces while he got sacked, instead of meticulously taking apart defenses like he used to. Early in the season, he didn't exactly manufacture points, like Clemens. But unlike Chad, you are ridiculing a 2nd year player for scoring 13 points against the #1 D in the league, and another game in which he came back after getting both ribs and shoulder crushed under Richard Seymour 2 weeks earlier. So regardless of if Chad completes a lot of passes to Baker in July, Clemens should be the guy. He should be learning from Pennington or someone else.

    Kellen wasn't going to start his rookie year unless Chad's arm fell off. It would be an ethical ass-backwards way of going about things for Mangini in his first year to say "Hey, thanks for rehabbing 2 shoulder surgeries, here's your newbie replacement. Make him comfortable." So he's realistcally had one season. And in that season, he performed better in preseason, and won more games than Pennington in less chances.
  19. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    Ever hear of TEAM sports? While Chad does indeed own a share of the blame for some of the losses while he was in, he was not the only one contributing to a loss. I could go on to make excuses that as a QB you can't expect him to put a team on his back, which I believe in some of those losses he was trying to do, thus the horrible turnovers, but I won't do that. He earned his share of the losses. But still, if the defense had bothered to show up at all while he was under center there could have possibly been another win or 2 on the table for the team. Cincinnati is one that jumps out in my mind. He got the points on the board, but the defense couldn't hold their end.
  20. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    And if this was just a smoke screen put up by the FO to get better trade value, will you post here still? You disappeared when Chad got benched and came back only when Kellen was injured, or it least it seemed like that to me. Makes me wonder if you care more about the Jets or Chad.

    Do you really take this statement as gospel that Chad will be a Jet next season? I mean, don't you think that just maybe they're trying to maximize trade value? I'm not saying that's 100% sure, but it's certainly a possibility.

    Please save the "Just like I told you they would" for pre season if Chad is actually still here.

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