So much for Graham -as in about every game this year, a horrible punt gives the opposition great field position.
just once can kellen take a five step drop and deliver a strike over the middle of the field! He looks like kermit with those happy feet
Even a great team's backups should beat a crap team easily. Quit worrying about me and go back to watching the Toliet Bowl game.
Points to note; 1) This Oline is where the bucks and the picks should go!! 2) Clemens need to steady those feet and stop running around like Borat 3) We suck
That's boring. Everyone imagine if Godzillia was playing DT for the Jets. And ifall the running backs wore moon shoes.
And they'll be much less tired after the Chiefs score and we go three and out to put them back on the field again!
Well to ME, he doesn't fit in the 3-4. Darren McFadden is by far the best available athlete. I won't know who to draft until this week is over with. I want to see where every team with a Top 10 pick stands. In no particular order I like Chris Long, Darren McFadden, James Lauranaitis, Vernon Gholston, and Jake Long.