I also can't see any reason to split the book into two movies. An interesting point about The Hobbit is that the original 1937 edition was different in several ways from the revised editions that came out later (and we've all read). Most notably, in the first edition Gollum bets the ring against Bilbo in the riddle game on his own accord, and willingly gives it up when he loses. It was only later, when Tolkein was writing LOTR, that he realized that this would be inconsistent with the hold that the One Ring would have on someone, and changed it. The second edition of The Hobbit said that Bilbo lied about the story in his diary, which had been the supposed source for the book, to explain the change.
You sound like my Dad, he was a big Tolkein reader and tried to make me read the Silmarillion. I abandoned it and at some point I think I lost his respect for that. Oh well, I was only 11 :rofl:. And Exit, as I said above, I tried too young to read it. Just couldn't do it.
I read The Hobbit when I was in second grade but didn't get around to the LOTR trilogy until high school. Never attempted The Silmarillion.
the silmarillion sucks. even most people that like it will admit that while it's a great achievement in world-building it certainly isn't fun to read. as for splitting the hobbit into 2 movies i guess they're going to more fully flesh out some of the events that were only alluded to in the books, because going by the length of the books there's no reason they shouldn't be able to fit it into 1 movie.
"The Hobbit" is Christian Apologist slop at it's worst. I hope fat Dildo gets spanked on his green ass and asks for more. I'm sure it's been done thousands of times in Fantasy Land.
The last three posts have me all twisted... #26) No, it isn't terrible. You just don't like it. #27) Christian Apologist slop? The Hobbit? How? When? What????? #28) It's not......okay, it's pretty boring sometimes. Can't argue with that.
Heh. Dildo Baggins. Maybe the first movie is The Hobbit and the second movie is really Bored of the Rings? I'd love to see the wraiths riding their hogs.
Bored of the Rings was hysterically funny. I've always wanted to buy a bottle of Orca-Cola, just like the Narcs drank.
I hope Jackson directs. He's so passionate about the subject matter. I actually enjoyed those movies WAY more than the books . . . that is extremely rare.
They should make a hobbit vs oompaloopa movie ala alien vs predator...that would kick ass. guest appearances of gandalf and willy wonka. hollywood should hire me right now.
Well, at least Hollywood is politically correct in bringing out Phil Pullman's athiestic apologist slop. Touch?.
:smile: Touch? to what? I'm not an "atheist", I'm not in the least bit PC (!), "Hollywood" can bite my azz, and I have zero interest in slop that's only wearing a different coat. What I do believe in more than anything is love in the only physical life we all know. No matter how many times I hope against hope to not be proven wrong, I still come back for more. Maybe it's because it's one of our only universal redeeming qualities as human beings, maybe because life would be absolutely meaningless without it, maybe because you can't teach an old dog new tricks, maybe all of the above. Anyway, philosophical meanderings lead to instant catatonia. No wonder I'm staring off into space yet still somehow managing to type something that's boring me and everyone else around me in this life - and maybe even the next. :smile:
http://www.comingsoon.net/news/hobbitnews.php?id=45413 Great read! It has got me excited for both Hobbit movies! Too bad I have to wait another 4 years! hmy: Movies I have been truly excited for in my life: The Two Towers (2002) The Return of the King (2003) Batman Begins (2005) The Dark Knight (2008) The Hobbit (2011) The Hobbit Film 2 (2012) Nolan 3rd Bat Film (2011)