With pennington at QB, you have to come to expect these things. Mangini had seen the pick thrown earlier and knew he was prone to plays like that from what he had done all early season. You take the guaranteed lead, period. The risk is not worth the reward. Accept penalty results in either: Fumble (no pts) INT (no pts) Turnover on downs (no pts) Missed FG (no pts) FG (3 pts - same as taking guaranteed 3) TD (6-7 pts) Decline: Guaranteed 3 With those odds, 1/6 chance of having something better than a 9-7 lead, WHY take the penalty?
we do not need another RB because we have thomas jones and leon, so why draft someone else? we should concentrate on players that will make our OL better so to make the running game and passing game both much better. why are there so many people on this chat that do not know about football they are watching.
The guards are the problem man. Have you seen Anthony Clement? He's "not solid". You are really annoying.
The way you win in the NFL right now is having guys who make explosive plays. The jets have ZERO players like that on offense.
I say draft a qb!! jesus the two we have are poor !! sign andrews and bell in FA there is your oline for the next 5 years ! 2nd round sign an olb
clement and the guards are garbage. that doesn't mean that dbustashaw is any better than mediocre though.
When you're 3-11, you go for the touchdown and the bigger lead. If we would've scored a TD, you would've been saying it was a great call. I like the fact that Mangini actually takes chances and isn't a complete idiot like Herman Edwards.
I just gave you a team that won a few Super Bowls with no threats on offense who made explosive plays.
no! if you draft a QB who is unproven with high pick then you have to pay a lot of money and do not know if they will be bust.