now jets have the ball back. this game is very far from a loss as you people think. support your team! haha chuck norris in restauarnt! funny!!
This D has basically allowed one td drive over 30 yards and a fg and we are still losing!! Schottenheimer out!!!
Anyone listening to these idiot commentators on CBS? This guy just said something like, Barrett, a SOLID YOUNG player can learn a lot from the VETERAN kerry rhodes
Your line of thinking is just flawed man. Pretend the kick never happened, and we got a penalty that gave us a first down. Do we decline and kick a field goal? No, because the point is to score TD's. It backfired, like many other things this season, but do you really think that kicking a field goal there would have been enough to win us the game? Obviously not, because the Titans now lead 10-6.
I don't know if it hasn't been said but it probably has....These two announcers are garbarge. The mess up every name, almost every play. CBS should fire these 2 idiots.
Hahaha...yeah what the hell are they talking about. Barret has been in the league longer than Rhodes. At least the other guy mentioned rhodes is only in his 3rd year.
is team is in complete rebuilding mode and he had them competing for the div midway through the season before they lost some key guys. We have been healthy and sucked, i thought once Herm left all our poblems were supposed to be solved?