New York media interview of Bill Belichick

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Baron Samedi, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    I heard snippets of an interview that someone in New York radio did with Bill Belichick, and I an't seem to find it anywhere to listen to the whole thing...

    Does anyone know who did the interview (via telephone) and/or where I can listen to it online?

    From what I heard, it was hilarious! They asked him how Tom Brady's shoulder was, since he was on the injury report for 4 years....:lol: :lol:
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    All they fucking talk about here is the baseball bullshit, so I can't help you. You'd think at least the Giants would be talked about, but no, just the baseball shit that nobody cares about in December.
  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    You are the man. I hate baseball talk in November in December. I stop listening 2 years ago. I can not imagine what this week and next week are going to be like especially with Mad dog and Kay, 2 douche bags who know nothing about Football. Sirius rules baby, 24 x 7 football Mets free radio
  4. dubagedi

    dubagedi New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    I only heard a little of it on weei, and that was the only part I heard.
    (Basics of the conversation)

    Reporter: Hows Tom Brady's shoulder? He's been listed on the injury report every week for the last 4 years?

    BB: He's doing alright.

    Reporter: So are you worried it all about it? It's been 4 years!

    BB: We'll take a look at it after practice today and try to make a judgment from there.

    The dry response from BB was almost funnier than a Parcells type blow-up where he asks the guy if he ate lead as a child would have been.
  5. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    The sad part is, Belichick is so out-of-his-mind that he probably was 100% serious.... Always gotta keep 'em guessing :rofl2:

    I hate Belichick, but a lot of his behavior crack me up

    IBLEEDGREEN17 Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    Belichick has no facial expressions. It's like talking to a brick wall.
  7. Bill Billicheat

    Bill Billicheat New Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    NFL Rage: Are the New England Patriots Cheating AGAIN?

    It's time for some therapy. Every week in the NFL, players, coaches, media, fans, and etc, say or do something that ticks me off. I'm sure that I'm not the only one. So, after all of the games are played from the previous week I give myself and the people that read this article a little therapy. I do this by venting about some of the things people or saying or doing in the ford of NFL football. I just can't give a pass to some of these individuals and somebody has to argue the other side. Let's dive right into some of the topics that people seem to be giving a pass.

    There are some things I have on my mind today like why the media still stuck the color of a players skin and why Tim Tebow & Dan Lefevour should start NOW! but what is really bugging me here is the question that no one is asking.

    Are the New England Patriots Cheating?

    As I expect many Patriots fans to be perturbed by my Rage about two sentences into this, let me first preface this entire piece by restating some facts which I think we have all taken too lightly as time has gone by.

    The New England Patriots under the regime of Bill Belichick is an organization of convicted cheaters. The facts that have been both proven and admitted to are the following: The sources of these facts are testimony from then assistant Matt Walsh, the guy who took the video's, Senator Arlen Specter, from his investigation, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

    Matt Walsh would videotape as part of his responsibility during the game. He then would take the tape, mark it and then hand it off to Belichick's personal assistant, Ernie Adams. He was instructed to do this and did so did this every year starting the 2000 season and continued it for eight years until they were found out.

    The Patriots used the videotaped signals they obtained from other teams to their advantage: An offensive player would memorize the signals, watch for them on the sideline and pass them on to assistant coach Charlie Weis, who would then inform quarterback Tom Brady.

    "And they had some obviously good results," Senator Arlen Specter said after his investigation.

    Matt Walsh himself stated, "If it was of little or no importance, I imagine they wouldn't have continued to do it, and probably not taken the chances of going down onto the field in Pittsburgh or shooting from other teams' stadiums the way we did."

    Walsh told us that his superiors coached him on how to evade NFL rules limiting the number of camera operators per team to two, and that team officials instructed him on ways to avoid detection.

    With that as the back drop, I was taught that if someone cheated once, they'll usually do it again. It seems to me that in the NFL, the media doesn't read between the lines a lot of times and they wait for a story to break instead of asking if what they are seeing is suspicious or not. The New England Patriots in particular seem to always get a pass. I'm not sure if it's because of Robert Kraft, Bill Belichick, Tom Brady or who or whatever, it really doesn't matter.

    Think about how many rules have come about because of Tom Brady. How many questionable roughing the passer penalties are called because it was Tom Brady? Michael Jordan traveled on almost every pivot when he played. It was maddening to watch it then and it's no different watching Brady getting catered to now.

    Let me ask you a question. Pretend that you are the owner of an NFL franchise and you get to cheat for eight years. You've never won a Super Bowl before, but during this eight year cheating spree, you get to go to four of them and win three. You make money hand over fist, because you become one of the most popular teams (because of bandwagon fans w/o a spine), you sell out all of your tickets, and rake in the profits from sales of jerseys, merchandising, memorabilia, etc. When you finally get caught you'll only be punished by having to pay $500,000 as the owner (Bud Adams got fined $250,000 for flicking the bird). Your coach will remain coach and have to pay $250,000 and of the two first round draft picks you have that year, you only have to give up the one at the bottom of the first round, don't worry you get to still keep the top 10 pick....

    There won't even be talk of putting asterisks next to your titles. Would you take the deal? Remember, you get to go to four Super Bowls and win three. More importantly, would you risk it all over again? Sure you would! Who wouldn't?

    When the Patriots won their first Super Bowl, they did it as a massive underdog. The quarterback that led them there was a 6th round draft pick that no one felt was anything special. To this day he still gets praise for making no name receivers big time play makers. None of these receivers ever amounted to anything anywhere else. Everyone was sold that these players were special, but the truth of the matter is, they knew what was coming at them.

    Exactly how are the Patriots the "Team of the Decade" if they were convicted of and admitted to admitted cheated eight out of 10 years? Why does everyone sweep this travesty under the rug? The Patriots cheated for 3 Super Bowls and got a slap on the wrist! Tom Brady is getting called one of the greatest QBs of all-time! Do we not have a problem with that? Did I travel to another dimension and not get the memo. Is cheating wrong for everyone except for the Patriots? When Patriot fans bring up their Super Bowl wins, the first thing you should say is, "oh, are you talking about when they knew exactly what the defense was going to do?"

    The most annoying part of the whole scandal is how the Patriots came out and said that knowing what the defense was going to do, didn't provide them with any type of advantage. Somehow the mainstream media has fallen for this. Are you serious? Why did they do it then? Peyton Manning has been good for years because he reads what the defenses are going to do when he comes to the line. Imagine actually knowing what they are going to do before you break the huddle. Even if they show a blitz, you know it's not coming because you know the f**king play! If the cornerback is blitzing, you would know to lob the ball at his man as soon as you snap it.

    This brings me to my current point. What does this year's Patriots team have in common with that first Super Bowl team? A lot of unproven players that wasn't suppose to do too much. Tom Brady hasn't thrown a pick in the last 8 games! It's almost as if he knew where the defense was going to be. DOH!

    Don't you look at your computer screen in that tone of voice..... Is it so ridiculous to think that this team went back to cheating? What would they be afraid of, if they got caught cheating again? NFL fans have already proven that they'll forgive and forget. What do they have to lose?

    Roger Goodell has already proven that he'll take care of his good friend, Robert Kraft. Is Goodell going to jack up the fine to $750,000? Robert Kraft takes baths in $750,000. He tips the pizza man in a $750,000 bill. Kraft would make a 100 times that off of another Super Bowl win. Brady wouldn't get punished and Kraft would just pay Belichick's fine again. Oh, and the Patriots have two first round drafts picks again this year. So they give back the worse of the two, big deal! .

    Why is it so unbelievable to think that this team would cheat again? Because you haven't been fed this opinion by Chris Berman, Rich Eisen or whichever talking head you take as gospel. When people get caught in society they don't reform, they get better at not getting caught next time. The Patriots have gotten better at not getting caught.

    The Patriots shredded the Jets, Steelers, Dolphins, and Bears defenses. The Patties scored 45, 41, 39, and 36 points against those defenses. This is how those teams rank in points given up and total yards given up. Bears 3rd in PTs 8th in YDs, Jets 6th in PTs 3rd in YDs, Steelers 2nd in PTs 4th in YDs, Dolphins 8th in PTs 5th in YDs. Those are some damn good defenses by NFL standards. It's pretty ironic that they all had complete meltdowns against the Pats. It's almost as if the offense knew what the defense was going to do. I'm just saying......

    Yes, this is just one man's opinion and no I don't have video evidence of them cheating in 2010; but I have the common sense to realize that if it was good enough for Kraft, Belichick, and Brady in the last decade, it should be good enough for them in this one. Why not, we'll scream and yell for a few weeks and then it will all be forgotten. Don't worry Pats fans, even if they get caught cheating again, we'll still label them as the team of the decade

    Well that's another week of football therapy in the books. I hope I hit on some of the issues that raised your blood pressure. If you have something that bugs you, shoot me an email, if it set me off too we'll talk about it here. After all, this is your therapy as much as mine. See you next week, where I'm sure someone will have done something stupid and I'll beat it into the ground until I feel I've vented for everyone who was upset by it.
  8. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Or maybe the tapes weren't as important as people would like to think. It beats thinking that maybe your team just wasn't good enough. Steeler Fans, Colts fans etc etc etc.
  9. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    I read one sentence.....

    Write a book dude. At least that would be easier to ignore. How about your thoughts on 9/11.
  10. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    It's very pussy-ish to still be whining about Spygate three years later, but I guess with a username like "Bellicheat" we know what we need to know about you. Seriously, grow some balls and get over it. It's ancient history at this point and all the crying in the world isn't going to change anything.

    And to suggest that any illegal taping is still happening only belies a complete lack of understanding of what rule the Patriots broke. As a Patriots fan that's the only thing that ever bothers me... at least understand what the hell you're talking about instead of running straight to, "Cheaters! Waaahhh!!"
  11. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I'm a little confused why someone would bump a three year-old thread with his first post on the board.
  12. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Every team in the league tries to hide their defensive calls, every team in the league guards their playbook like their lives depend on it, there are specific rules to prevent taping, but sure, tapes aren't that important, knowing what's coming isn't that important. Totally makes sense - if you're a PAts fan.
  13. SienaSaints

    SienaSaints Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
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    What rule did they break? I am not still whining about this but it is pretty naive to say that they didn't cheat or didn't know what plays were coming. Kind of funny that the team has not won anything major since they got caught. And to have a teams signals that is like knowing what pitch was coming but because the Patriots and Tom Brady are the NFL's godsend it gets swept under the bus.
  14. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Listen...only if they are still doing it would it ever bother me.

    But please...dont be naive. You are either playing stupid or.... They were caught cheating. The author of this thread is probably a moron...but if Im a Pats fan...I would stay in the closet on this one. They cheated and got caught and paid a huge fine and more and didnt even complain about it.
  15. GreenerPastures

    Jan 3, 2011
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    LMFAO !

    Matt Walsh ? Seriously ? This dude is using Matt Walsh as a reference ?

    Matt- I got the goods on the Pats, I got tapes of the Rams SB walkthru, I can blow this whole thing up on the Pats- Walsh ?

    Matt- I met with the Commish and came up empty after shooting my mouth off- Walsh ?

    Arlen Spector's little fucktoy ? That Matt Walsh ?

    OK. I was laughing so hard I couldn't read any farther.
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Then why did they do it..and tell me about all the Bowls they have one since. is a list..fill it in:


    (use other side if needed)
  17. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    This will always be a real sore spot with Pat fans...fucktoy? Calm down..nobody wants the rings back.
  18. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Filming from the sidelines.

    Think about it... most football stadiums hold around 85,000 people. If you wanted to film another team's signals, it's not that difficult. It was the location of the camera and the allegation (not sure if it proved true or not) that the footage was being used in-game.

    Not to mention, suggesting this is still going on ignores the fact that defensive signals are now radioed in, just like the offense's plays.

    And while it's true they haven't won a title since they got caught, they came about 90 seconds and one helmet catch away from a perfect season. Post Spygate. That's what 2007 was, with running up the scores and whatnot... a big F-U to the rest of the league.

    No doubt, they were indeed, and they paid a pretty steep price for it. Who knows who that first round pick may have been, right? Plus upwards of a million dollars in fines.

    But your point is well taken. I just don't see a lot of people who hang their hats on Spygate who understand what it was, and what was involved. Normally I don't bother, so your advice is appreciated.
  19. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I agree there are not many who fully understood what it was in comparison to whats allowed.

    Hey..they are a great team. He is a great coach. But it was Nixon like to do something when you were so solid to start with. Trash talking is part of sports and it leaves a very good franchise open to criticism...and when you cross the line..yeah...its a go saying they have not won since..and you are correct..a helmet from perfect.
  20. capetide

    capetide Banned

    May 17, 2004
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    At least they didn't try to trip anyone, Now, that would really be cheating!

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