Clemens Praise

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NDmick, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. Greatful Jethead

    Greatful Jethead New Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Last 3 plays in regulation just plain sucked
  2. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    1st play: He got the spike call from the sideline.
    2nd play: He hit Smith in the hands for the winning TD, but it wasn't caught.
    3rd play: Not great.

    I didn't think it was a terrible series.
  3. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Thats a good point and this is what ive been saying all along he played average to below average. Im not knocking his future i think it was impressive of him to lead us to a game tying kick, but without the return in OT by Washington and i really feel we would have lost yesterday.
  4. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Did anyone see the shot of Clemens after Nuge hit the game winner in OT? That said it all...the kid won his first game as a starter. He didn't hurt his team and he played well enough to escape with a W.

    His stats looked how you'd expect them too after playing against Pittsburgh, and again, don't forget that Smith dropped a very catchable ball in the endzone. When the drops stop Clemens numbers and the offenses as a whole will start looking prettier on paper.
  5. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Let's face it, the sole difference between yesterday's game and the previous 9 was that the defense played a tremendous game. In every other game this year, the defense has been atrocious. Clemens did not have good game. The flea flicker was very underthrown. If that had been Pennington, this board would have been filled with noodle arm references. Clemens had 7 - count them - 7 completions at the beginning of the 4th quarter. He has a tendency to overthrow his receivers. The positives are that he has shown a knack in his three starts to lead the team on big drives late in games. That says something. The defense and Leon Washington won this game with assists from the running game and Nugent. In fact, if Pennington had been the QB, we would have heard how he couldn't pass against a good defense, couldn't get the team in the end zone at the end of the half and regulation. You can't have it both ways - you can't criticize Pennington for not moving the ball against good teams but excuse Clemens' performance because he played a good team.

    Let's not put Clemens in the HOF yet. He has yet to play well for a complete game. Let's hope his poise at the end of games is an indication of him being a gamer.
  6. Greatful Jethead

    Greatful Jethead New Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Thank you I couldnt agree more
  7. Greatful Jethead

    Greatful Jethead New Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Sorry dropped balls wont float as an excuse . We have been dropping them all year long and more than one that would have one a game
  8. Greatful Jethead

    Greatful Jethead New Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    1 No need for a spike here, 40 secs left , 1st down, Terrible call wherever it came from.
    2.A missed catch didnt say it was all Clemens fault , just a terrible MISSED catch. Didnt we have a running back with 120+ yards on the team and another that just returned a PUNT 35 YARDS. Might have been a good call here, screen or a sweep or somethin. Then a timeout.
    3.Last play typical Jets forcing something thats not there
    Houston doesnt run back the kick in OT we lose no matter who Qb was. But we didnt ...Good for us. Onto Dallas. Lets see what Clemens can do against the Boys on National TV. He has had a coupla weeks to get the feel of things. I hope we see something that says future. To this point I see adequate, not future
  9. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Let's not forget he played the number one D in the league.
  10. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    a) The punt return was after that final drive in regulation. And Leon had one carry for the game....

    b) Who is Houston, and where does he factor into all this?

    c) Why do you say we would lose no matter what? Our offense at that point, was moving better than theirs was... Our D was stifling at the time... Doesn't make any sense to me...

    d) Your standards for a QB in his first few starts are WAY too high... On an underperforming, now 2-8 team, Clemens has made 3 starts. He has brought the team to Overtime twice, and if it were not for 2 drops against Baltimore, he would have gotten us there a third time....

    All this against 3 very, very good defenses, and largely without his #1 WR.... 3 TDs and 3 INTs in his 3 starts.... Again, against three top-notch defenses.

    Honestly, what else do you want from a QB in his first 3 starts?
  11. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    No need to apologize, just stating the obvious. And yea, that was kind of the point. The receivers are not playing that well and the team has no offensive superstar. Clemens didn't walk into the 02' starting offense, he walked into the 07' one.
  12. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Wait since when did washington become a "very very good defense"? ill give you baltimore and pittsburgh but we should have put up 30-40 vs them everyone esle has!
  13. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Actually the sole difference in the game yesterday was that Pittsburgh had to respect Kellen's ability and proclivity to throw theball deep, taking the safeties away from the line of scrimmage. This allowed the running game to finally open up. Over and over you saw Polamalu get to the play just a fraction too late.
  14. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Washingtons secondary is widely regarded as one of the best in the league. And since we had no running game working at the time that makes their defense very good matching up against us.
  15. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    So you read my post, which invalidates a lot of this 'But Kellen didn't put up All Pro numbers' crap, and you come out with that rebuttal?

    Really? 30-40, like everyone else?

    22 points per game allowed, including that disaster against New England....

    12th in the league in overall defense, which, again, includes that New England debacle....

    Had New England not been on their schedule, the Redskins would be statistically in the top 10, giving up fewer than 17 PPG....

    Nice argument, champ....
  16. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Im not sure if you really wanna go there. Their pass defense is ranked 22nd in the league and they are ranked 19th in points allowed. Not really a steller Defense you know what i mean.
  17. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Hey "CHAMP" their pass defense sucks big dick! Shouldnt Clemens have lit them up? And i dont know about you but when i think of "very very good defenses" i think of top 10 D's in the league. NOT 12!!! Only reason their rush defense is soo low is because everyone passes on them left and right. Their ranked 22nd in that area!

    Nice comeback "CHAMP"
    #97 JIMsection323, Nov 19, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2007
  18. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Top 12, inlcuding the game against New England, nobody has stopped New England all year.... They also play in the same division with two very, very good passing offenses in NY and Dallas.... They have two of the most talented safeties in the NFL in Landry and Taylor..... Overall defense, #12, once again, despite the New England game...

    Make no mistake, they're one of the 10 best defenses in football, pretty easily

    By the way, if you take away the New England game, they're allowing 15.67 points per game... That's good for 2nd in the NFL.. Behind only Pittsburgh
    #98 Beamen, Nov 19, 2007
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2007
  19. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    They are not one of the best Defenses in the league and get over the well they played NE and NE beats everyone angle. They are ranked 22nd in pass defense, how do you back that up in saying they have good DB's???? HOW??? like i said only reason they give up less then 100 rushing yards is because everyone is passing on them. 12th in league defense not a top defense in the league. GET OVER IT
  20. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    OMG we get it. Chad would have "one" this game too. KC was mediocre and this game was "one" by the defense.

    Well in his third start KC did fine by me. Was he the second coming of Joe Montana/Tom Brady/Dan Marino/Peyton Manning? nope. I do know one thing he is better than the washed up QB that is on the bench. Too bad the blind love everyone has for a mediocre QB gets in the way of the enjoyment you should be having for KC.

    In 3 games in the clutch he has performed way above average. Has he been awesome? not for a full 60 minutes. But when the game is on the line he puts the Jets in position to win or tie the game in every instance without exception.

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