I voted for 5. Don't really understand why there has to be the same picture 3 times on the last one though.
How does it violate the directions? EDIT: I you were talking about twombles voting for only 1 instead of 4...
Very nice job all around guys..and as mostly everyone mentioned, I like 5 and 6 the best. By the way, when is voting ending?
Congrats to AnyGivenSunday, Mantana Soss, dwalsh and GM! Round 2 Details will likely be up tomorrow as I have to work tonight.
It's alright, I lost by 10. :lol: It was my first time using photoshop, though, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Any of you veterans have any suggestions for me?
Clean up your cuts and find away for them to "pop"...Make you work more appealing to the eye...Oh, and keep practicing. Ask anyone her...When I first started my stuff was AWFUL...
I didn't vote, but 5 and 6 steal the show IMO..GM coulda made it better with different shots of the city, but its still great. Learn to cut. The rest is all about experimenting, but you need to know how to cut or no matter what you do, it will look shitty. Takes time, so practice alot, I've been doing it since 04, and I'm still not as good as some of the guys here.. just takes time. P.S. the pen tool is your friend.
I hate the pen tool. What I do to cut is take the Polygonal Lasso Tool, set the feather to 1 px, then zoom way in and cut it out.