CP appreciation note here....

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jilozzo, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Thanks for the memories chad! When you were healthy you could lead this team to the playoffs, but now it's over. Chad no longer has what it takes to be a starting QB in this league. But that doesn't take away from the great leadership skills and hope he brought to this franchise for the past 5 seasons.
  2. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    Curious how many negative posters were Jets fans in the late 80's early 90's. Having to start over with QB's agains sucks and will lead to losses before it leads to wins. The greatest success the Jets have seen since the 70's and the 1 year with Parcells has been with Chad at QB. Give the guy some credit.
  3. Flyboy

    Flyboy Active Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I agree. I have some fond memories with the guy as our QB. It hurt when he got hurt and was out, and it hurts to say I appreciated him for what he did do, but no longer can. It's too bad he doesn't have the arm, because his heart is definitely huge
    #23 Flyboy, Oct 29, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2007
  4. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    If you look, its the same handful of guys making the ridiculous anti-CP comments. They obviously don't get it. Hell one of them openly admits he does not believe half the shit he writes, which are blatantly lies and completely stretching the truth. True Jets "fans" appreciate what CP has done for the franchise. It's a bitter-sweet day, there is no going back, its KC or bust.
  5. stlrzrule

    stlrzrule New Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    Being from Pittsburgh I couldnt watch the game so I was hoping for some insight on what happend vs. the bills particularly with Lav Coles. 1 reception? Was he not started until late in the game on account of his ankle or did he play the whole game? Hopefully he'll be fine after that hit he took, man Chad really floated that one and left him out to dry! Anyone know if Coles will play next week and what do you guys feel about his play with Clemmons as QB. I dont know much about Clemmons. Thanks
  6. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I Give Chad alot of apprciation , coming in 2002 leading us to the playoffs and knocking arguably one of the best QB's out in the playoffs in the colts then almost bringing us to the AFC Championship game in 2004 and a good year again last year chad has done alot of good things for the jets and i thank him for that. I Just think time has gone by and with chad where 1-7 and the season is done so putting in our highly praised back up to give him a shot and see what we gotta do in the offseason is the best move at this time. Much appreciation has to be handed to chad for what he has done.
  7. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Chad Pennington has, and would continue to lay it all out on the field for this team. He is worthy of heroic songs and toasts in the public house. But, like many heroes, he was faulted, he wasn't perfect. Like all storied heroes, he will fade into memeories of song and story telling. He is worthy of such rememberances. He was a warrior, and a man, and a player I will always hold with the utmost respect. Right up there with the likes of Chrebet. Yes, he deserves that. This is a guy that went back onto the field in KC with a ripped up shoulder, and did his best.

    Like Brian Boru, or Michael Collins, he ultimately failed to reach his ultimate goal, but that does not tarnish the man. Like those two, he is, and will remain a hero, a Jets hero to me.

    Now, it is time to see if we have another Jets hero that we can cheer for. I wish Kellen Clemens the best.
  8. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    You can change your signature now. Lucky you! Go back to the players you love who the Jets traded away. :up:
  9. Carpetbagger

    Carpetbagger Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I honestly have looked up to Chad Pennington in a lot of ways. His leadership ability, the way the team rallied around him but most of all, the thing that sticks out for me was his ability to come back from 2 rotator cuff surgeries to still be an effective qb.

    I had gone through a very similar procedure, a procedure that ended my football career, so I greatly respect Chad's ability to come back from 2 surgeries.

    The 2002 season will always be one of my favorite seasons as a Jet fan, the way Chad just tore apart defenses. Unfortunately injuries cut his potential and career short.

    Thanks Chad for everything! I honestly hope that you are successful with some other team, or Clemens backup for a long time.
  10. nyjetsmac

    nyjetsmac New Member

    May 19, 2003
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    I just have one thing to say. Chad was and always will be the reason why i started to love my New York Jets.
  11. GreenScreen313

    GreenScreen313 New Member

    Aug 15, 2006
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    It may be silly of me to take some ideas that football players say and apply it to my life but here's one quote from Chad that I hold close to me. And not just in the football sense:

    "You know you're an adult when you realize that life is more about what you give than what you get"
  12. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    as opposed to sticking with the same QB that was leading to losses. the team is 1-7, 2 wins in the last 8 is an improvement in record and will, in comparison, lead to more wins than the previous 8 games, so starting over with a new QB is hardly the doomsday scenario you want to present.

    that being said, I appreciate what Chad accomplished in the past, but his play had deteriorated to the point that it was a detriment to the team, and I was only a Chad fan because he was a Jet, not a Jets fan because of Chad.
  13. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    You really have a brass pair to question ANY fans loyalty that posts on this sight, whether or not you agree with there views. This team SUCKS, yet people still come here to talk about it because they're true "fans". You're no better then anyone else here chief.
  14. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    Never said it was a doomsday or a good or bad thing. Just pointed out the growing pains that are going to come with it and what to expect. It is always difficult when changing QB's and hopefully Kellen is the answer because I don't want to be like Miami or other teams that don't have a clear cut #1 QB. It does not breed success.
  15. sethgilistro

    sethgilistro New Member

    Mar 10, 2003
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    i am for this move mainly because the season is over and we need to see if kellen has it..... but to say chad's starting career is over is i bet 100% wrong.... this guy will be starting next year for somebody... especially if vinny is out there starting....
  16. mgjetman

    mgjetman New Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Although I liked CP It's time to move on and see what the future brings at QB we might need to draft one yet.
  17. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    I always liked Chad. When he was brand new to us, I always loved his confidence turing his back on play action. I thought he could have won one. Either way, very smart individual.
  18. Ty Law's Brother24

    Ty Law's Brother24 New Member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Chad Pennington is my favorite athlete that I've ever rooted for. He's the only athlete that I could truly call a role model in that he bounced back from injuries, took pay cuts, and did WHATEVER it took to play his heart out for this team. Thank you Chad, for everything, and good luck in the future.
  19. Todd14

    Todd14 Member

    Nov 5, 2006
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    Most of the young Chad haters on here were not born when the Jets really sucked. These same "fans" would have hated Namath in his last 4 or 5 years...

    What is also a joke is their excuses about KC before he even get's out there on Sunday...all of sudden the Jets really do have problems other than the QB...give me a break.
  20. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    don't forget 04 and 06 too.

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