Chad is the starter this weekend

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by MyFavoriteMartin5, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Actually, that pass, technically, was caught a yard behind the line of scrimmage.....

    This is disgusting.... We are 1-6 right now... Pennington is playing as bad as any established starter in the league right now.... Mangini is toying with sitting down Vilma, but refuses to make a change at quarterback... Why? What does he stand to gain from leaving an ineffective quarterback in the lineup?

    Is he simply planning on riding Chad to a 2-14 season, and then catching the first flight out of New York? Screwing over the next regime by not even giving them a glimpse of what Kellen's got.....

    I mean, there is NO rationality in this decision... I know I'm going to get people yelling at me, "We're not losing because of Chad," "If Kellen was better he'd be playing..." And I have no idea how you people trust this coaching staff's judgement anymore, it's bizarre....

    Our eyes are not deceiving us... Chad is HURTING the team as the starting QB....

    This is infuriating....

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Let me claify myself. If we don't find out if Clemens can play now and wait until next year. We will not draft a Qb this year in the Qb heavy draft and I guarantee you because we are the Jets at least one or two of those two Qb's coming out will be superstars and the whole league will laugh at us for years because we passed them up. No good can come out of Chad playing at this point!
  3. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I'm curious if someone could actually come up with a cogent argument for Pennington continuing to play. I certainly can't come up with anything, and Mangini isn't going to share his thought process with us.
  4. Russ Reign

    Russ Reign New Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    Mangini has already proven that he doesn't LEARN ANYTHING from anyone else... he thinks he knows everything already and is stubborn as hell like an ostrich with his head in the sand...
  5. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    That's irrational.. If anything. if Mangini put Clemens in and he sucks, Mangini's got a scapegoat, and may survive a 3-13 season.... You can't make progress buy staying put.... He HAS to see what the kid's got, PERIOD
  6. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    People are going to come at you with things like:

    "Obviously the coaches don't like what they're seeing out of Kellen in practice"

    "Chad's numbers don't warrant him being benched"


    "It's not all Chad's fault"

    All three of these arguments are ridiculous, so I'll just quickly refute them now.... Just so I don't feel obligated to check this thread again to do it

    #1) Who gives a sh*t what they're showing in practice? Justin McCareins is our best WR in training camp/practice EVERY YEAR, yet he is garbage in games.... You're not going to know what you have in Kellen until he gets significant playing time on Sundays....

    #2) Chad's numbers are mediocre, at best, and incredibly deceiving. He would be even in TDs and INTs had it not been for a hail mary and 37 yards of YAC on a 36 yard TD pass to Coles Sunday. Not to mention, his numbers don't tell you that he is doing nothing to stretch the field (unless you dig deeper, which I have done. Less than 25% of his completions travel 10+ yards in the air... Worst in the league)... He can complete 90% of his passes, but if he's not getting us into the EZ, and he's throwing costly 4th quarter picks in close games week after week, I want him benched...

    #3) No, it's not all Chad's fault. The defense has been God-awful. However, Chad has had opportunities to tie or win the game several times this season, and he has failed every single time. The offense would be much improved with Chad out. So maybe the defense will still lose games for us, but Mangini is already working on correcting those problems. Just because he's not the ONLY problem, doesn't mean he's not a problem that needs to be addressed...
  7. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    So Penny starts , so what? Hes not the entire problem. The BIGGEST problem is we can't stop a childs nose from running!
    I want KC to start like everyone else , but this kid is not the F'n Messiah so stop building him up to be one. The higher the pedestal , the further it will be for him to fall.
  8. AlioTheFool

    AlioTheFool Spiveymaniac

    Sep 27, 2005
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    That's it. I'm done with the Mangini bandwagon. Now he needs to prove himself.

    To those saying Chad had a good game last week, go back and watch him. His receivers, as always, made him look good.

    I love how I keep hearing the INT was Coles' fault. He threw a COMEBACK ROUTE SHORT.





    Even if Coles didn't slip, he'd STILL not have made it back to the ball. At best, it was an incompletion.

    I'd love to know what it's always the defense's fault. The points allowed have been shown already. The D isn't giving up enough points to make the game out of reach. The offense just isn't scoring. At all.

    This is just unbelievable at this point. Rather than evaluate the possible future, we're sticking with a guy who doesn't even give us the supposed "best chance to win" anymore.

    I'm with 3rd. I want someone to give ONE good reason why Chad should be the starter. We're all but mathematically out of the playoff hunt. Even if we were in the playoff hunt, Chad isn't winning games. His two minute drills are taking 4-5 minutes off the clock, and aren't resulting in scores.

    So why? Why is Chad starting, but Vilma is suffering Mangini's wrath?

    F Mangina. As I said, now he's got to actually earn my respect again. I was far too free with giving it up until now.
  9. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    The Yahoo fantasy analysis for Kellen Clemens:

  10. Russ Reign

    Russ Reign New Member

    Jun 21, 2005
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    I agree with you 1MILLION %... very well said... This whole Vilma thing is pissing me off to an infinite degree as well... Jon is not a SELFISH player... here is a guy who was a DOMINANT BEAST - a smart, aggressive, fast player - a LEADER on defense... and what does Mangini do? He NEUTERS HIM by changing defenses, and now SITS HIM, SAYING HE'S INJURED?

    WHO THE F*CK DOES MANGINI THINK HE IS??? TONY SOPRANO??? He's a friggin BALL BOY for Christ sakes! Look what Bellichek's other disciples are doing in the coaching world, AHEM, CHARLIE WEISS???
    #110 Russ Reign, Oct 24, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007
  11. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    I disagree, for 2 reasons. One, the field goals. Against the Bengal D you cannot settle. And the second TD was a gift from Coles. I had no confidence they were going in. Second, when the Bengals started making their run, Chad did n-o-t-h-i-n-g. He enabled the comeback
  12. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    Eeryone knows the defense sucks. But the offense sucks too. We are getting 3 when we need 7. Chad cannot finish drives. Just because we cannot fix the defense does not mean we cannot try to improve the offense.
  13. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    To many excuses on this board. The main thing is that if Parcells would have been coaching this team, Chad would have been benched 4 games ago.
    Yes, our defense isn't that good, but if the offense would give them a break and stay on the field more then 3 plays, maybe they could get a breather.
    OL has been fine, running game would work if they knew how to use Jones, not just 10 times a game. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN THE PERSON BEHIND THE CENTER.
  14. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    It has to be based on film. They watch film and see what the play was and what BS was asking Chad to do. If he made the right decision and made a good throw how can you fault Chad? The coaching staff should be grading every player every week based on the film, while at the same time the HC should be grading the Coordinators everyweek. We do not get this information nor should we.

    Evidently, Mangini and BS feel Chad executed the game plan. It is almost impossible for fans to evaluate this because we do not have the whole field view and we do not know the play call. I do not know how people can get upset with the player for this. He must be doing what the CS is asking him to do to a satisfactory level or to a level that they feel is better than the level they think Kellen would do it.
  15. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    If Parcells would have been coaching this team, we would be in cap hell and he would be leaving in no more than 3 years.
  16. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    There are only two cogent arguments

    One is they know he is done here, but think they may be able to trade him to someplace like Minnesota, and if they can engineer a couple of good starts out of him, his value goes back up.

    The other is this.

    He's done. However, Mangini figures that since his first half play is generally good, and its the second half, particularly the 4th quarter thats killing him, he can play Pennington, keep it close, then bring in Clemens in the second half, so that any adjustments Buffalo has to make have to be done, in a rush and on the fly....

    This way it increases the odds of stealing a game.....
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Dude, I was kidding.

    But the simple fact is you cant judge CLemens on 6 games so the Jets would under no circumstances be drafting a QB high up next year.

    Clemens has already shown enough to merit the two year look that any young QB would get...
  18. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Both of those seem like they're the only semi-logical reasons they can possibly have, but they're still kind of foolish...

    All Mangini has done by leaving Chad in as the QB is hurt his value thus far. And if Mangini is so concerned with improving the team in the future, he'd care more about seeing what his young QB has, rather than acquiring a 2nd day pick for Chad....

    And that second reason, well, it would make a lot more sense if we were, say 1-2 or 1-3 right now.... Mangini's not going to pull Chad at halftime of any game, because, generally, he plays conservative dink and dunk football in the first half, puts up 7-10 points and doesn't make any huge mistakes... Tricking the Bills by bringing in Kellen in the 2nd half is pretty much worthless for us right now....
  19. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Reading that article just drives me crazy.. This Jets organization will never change.
  20. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    you guys are unbelievably short sighted....

    First off the object is to GET A WIN.

    And Pennington has been one of the best 1st half QBs in the league this season.

    His performance deteriorates exponentially as the game goes on....

    Secondarily, if he benches Chad in the second half, then who does your opponent prepare for the next week?

    That gives you a bit of an edge for Washington...then you slay the two headed monster over the bye week.

    However, the possibility exists that they think they can just play chad up to the bye week, so make plans for this sunday and next....
    #120 Hobbes3259, Oct 24, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2007

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