Intelligent Jet talk! Enter please:

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Miamipuck, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    What the hell does sitting out a year have to do with the right time of day? Clemens will still be a rookie starting QB whether it be now, or a year from now. And he will still be starting behind a sub-par Oline. Yes the pass protection is OK, because of Brick, Mangold and the TE and FB help they need to compensate for a crappy LG, RG, and RT.

    And it is not just about pass protection. There is no RUN BLOCKING and therefore a shitty/inconsistent run game. So you are going to put the entire success of the offense and the team on the passing skills of a young QB seeing the field for the first time? That is alot to ask, he might rise to the occasion, or be set back for years. Like I said there might not be a choice, but I can certainly see the logic of trying to sit him out as long as possible.
  2. rbreitkopf

    rbreitkopf New Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    I'd like to address Miami's #2 about the nose tackle. I recall in '04 our run D was a whole lot better, presumably because we still had Jason Ferguson at NT (granted this was 4-3, but run D was pretty bad in '05 once he left). But I seem to remember Ferguson being flexible enough to play nose in a 3-4, even at 310 lbs. Does this mean that we don't need to find a 320-350 lb NT as long as he has skills to be a space eater? Might a lighter player have more stamina in the position?
  3. In Mangini We Trust

    In Mangini We Trust New Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I have thrown in the towel for this season, but I believe we can be an AFC title contender in two years...I really think we can be an elite AFC team soon, but we have to do a few things...if we do some of these things, expect big things for the future

    1) Bench Pennington and get Kellen Clemens ready for next year...we all know that

    2) We will have a top 8 pick in the draft, maybe even top 5 and I believe we should get Glenn Dorsey and if we feel that he is a true NT, throw him at NT and put DROB to DE...if we believe that DROB and Dorsey would be a quality DT tandem, go to the 4-3 and have Ellis and Coleman at the ends

    3) If we stay with the 3-4, trade Vilma in the offseason so we can get something for him before he walks away in free agency after next year and we get nothing for him in return...THAT WOULD SUCK...I bet we could get a late first rounder for Vilma...if we stay with the 4-3, its obvious to keep Vilma, cuz hes one of the best 4-3 MLB's in the league

    4) Give Kerry Rhodes a long term deal...Next year is his contract year, so we want to sign him before he can even think about playing for another team...we should give him a long term deal in the offseason so we have him and Cotchery (in my opinion, our two best players) locked up for the next several years

    5) Revis is going to be a stud...Dyson and Barrett are kind of sketchy, so address the other CB position in free agency

    6) If this goes how I want it to, we will have another first round pick since we are going to trade Vilma and an early second rounder...we will already have drafted Dorsey with our first rounder

    Other first round pick and early 2nd rouder:
    1- Draft a BEAST ON THE talking like a 330 pound Beast who will dominate DTackles
    2- Draft a linebacker to replace Vilma...put him and Harris together at the linebackers, and have them build our 3-4 LB core

    If this all works out, we will have improved DLine play...Davis Harris, young LB talent to replace Vilma and an improved secondary that we addressed in free agency

    We will also have another offensive linemanand Clemens will have a few games under his belt...the running game will improve because Clemens can stretch defenses and we still will have Cotchery and Coles

  4. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    You got it all figured! I liked the part about Vilma , if he truly cant hang in a 3-4 alignment then true indeed get some value for him (Just not the dolphins). Cole has about three years remaining (or less) before he gone and Cotchery is a major keeper. The corner back through free agency is always a crap shoot unless your unloading the farm to lure a major player from a team even then you might not get good play. Lock up Kerry Rhodes!!!! Start Clemens now! A lot of poster feel he needs to be Slowly brought in and that's where I disagree; with 40 percent desire to win this year and 60 percent to get him the rep's. (In real time action) Address the O-line and D-line exclusively. Obviously jump on a quality pick if its there in the draft . Are current roster has a tremendous amount of talent that isn't getting a chance to shine. I expect great things from the Jets as well!
  5. ihatethedolphins3

    ihatethedolphins3 New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    dorsey is a 4-3 dt
  6. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    if the jets coaching staff would only sign up and take part of the glorious knowledge thats being uncovered on this site??????? some of the people on here may get full time coaching/ general manager jobs if they would only apply. i guess they dont need to apply since john madden still makes a newer version each year. great those "all knowledgable ones"...... may you hear nothing but the noise of golf claps, and the pattings of your own backs!!!!!
  7. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    I'm sorry was the word "knowledgable" that offensive to you? Or do you just think you can't add anything worthwhile? Oh wait, you only like to write short, nonsense posts, that only berate, belittle, and bash. I have yet to read one post form you that adds anything other than the normal crap that goes on in the main forum so you must feel right at home. But I have to say, it has been a while since TGG has had a troll of your cailbur.
    #127 dabrowsk1, Oct 18, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2007
  8. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    You really are dilusional...While I love to sit and read amusing posts that come from trolls and clueless posters that only joy in life is thinking hes pissing people off, yours are quite annoying. You have absolutely -0-, none, not the slightest bit of football knowledge, at least that you have shared with us here, which doesnt do any justice for your full-of-shit, pathetic posts that are a sad excuse for a contribution.

    If you are like this online, you really must suck at life, and that a compliment compared to the idea you are giving us of who you really are. Id leave now before this site permanently removes you. Save yourself the shame.
  9. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    LOL well said to that classless retard. He rules on the internet. Too bad the only time he will ever talk to the opposite sex is to give his credit card number. Also thanks to Dabrowski.

    Edit: BTW this jackass has been dying to post like that in this thread for 2 reasons:

    1.) He knows next to nothing about football and actually thought C. Chambers is a good reciever and was pissed that I thought he was completely wrong..............He must have missed the Waaaahmbulance there, as he mentioned this thread in several of his posts.

    2.) His lack of intelligence forces him to post like an illiterate schmuck. So it is an inferiority complex thing.

    Further edit: Until he posts something relevant and/or intelligent just ignore the schmuck. That should last about his entire lifetime.
    #129 Miamipuck, Oct 18, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2007
  10. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    To get this thread back on track:

    There is a thread mentioning that they are sick of Mangini bringing in boy scouts for this team.

    Is that really hampering personnel moves? Is that was causing this team to lose as a whole or in part?

    I do not think that in the least. For one, the drafts have been rather good in the last 2 years. Certainly, they have been the best initial drafts of any new FO the Jets have ever had.

    Other than the partial offseason this FO had in 2006 in 2007 there just was not the right type ofplayers to fix what ails this team. Other than A. Thomas and it did not seem like he wanted much to do with the Jets as he signed with NE in a NY minute.

    Curious as to what the others think.............
  11. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    Honestly I think people are making too much out of it. Remember they drafted Stuckey even though he got into trouble during the summer (I believe it was with Miller). They are keeping Miller around even though they could have cut him due to his off the field issues.

    Yes NE signed Stallworth and Moss, but for years they drafted and signed for "character." They have leaders all over the team. So the rest of the team can keep the select few in line. The problem is when you don't look at character at all, you end up with the Bengals.

    I agree about the drafts too, they got great value so far (even though I am still not sold on trading up twice last year). Brick, Mangold, Clemens (especially if he pans out), Brad Smith, Eric Smith, Washington, Revis, Harris, Stuckey (I hope he continues to develop and kicks ass next year). It is possible to find very talented players without problems (NE and Colts did it for years). You just have to be smart about it.
  12. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    psychotic.. dumbrowski...miamipuke.....while you guys think you are kings of football talk, let me just crash your party. all the crap that you are going over is just a bunch of speculation, and re-hash. nothing here is original except the beliefs you hold as your being football gods... i guess i hit a nerve and you three creams, rose to the occasion. atleast i can see who fantasizes about owning a dynasty of their own one day... you three. i was atleast giving you a half ass complement full of humor and sarcasm, and then you three took it personal. if the shoe fits wear it ... children. if i get ousted because of my outspoken views from a different perspective then so be it. in the mean time i do not regard you dumb asses as above me , even though you might think so. if you cant take it then dont dish it out.... crybabies. how old are you 3... 12, 16 & 18, respectively? you act it ,especially when someone doesnt agree with your stupid opinion!!!!!
  13. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    by the way what personal football knowledge do you have first hand other than playing madden? since you think i'm ignorant, tell everyone what it is you know?were you a pro? were you a college all-american? did you play high school? pee-wee?
  14. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    And the dimwit replies. Gee it is too bad I have no idea what he said. My guess is it is probably something stupid. Woooohooo the "I rule the internet with Mommy and Daddy's computer" mentality.

    Oh baby got to love Internet tough guys.
  15. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    miamipuke...dumbroski... classic....

    it looks like jeaux got an new screen name
    #135 ollie, Oct 19, 2007
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2007
  16. Miamipuck

    Miamipuck New Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Oh well no more "intelligent" talk, tbagger just got banned. I am truly heartbroken. Man this place will never be the same.

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