J E T S SUCK SUCK SUCK God I can't stand this team. I may as well be rooting for the Alaskan Platypi!!!!
As a Chad supporter. I must say, His Job is on this Drive. EOS. Of course we can't put him in a position to fail like Hackett did with the 2nd/3rd and Long....
this is on chad. He left at least 6 points on the board with the two picks. BENCH HIS ASS MANGINI! BENCH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope Burress brought some plastic bags to the game I think in NJ you have to pick up after your bitch takes a crap on the sidelines.
I'm talking about this game, not 2 weeks ago. The D has played well other than that last play by Dyson.