I hear ya. Baseball is weird like that. If they aren't gonna throw you strikes, then walk, because unless you're Yogi if you swing at balls you're gonna get yourself out. That's probably why he struggles every post-season. He wants to do well so badly that he swings at pitches he shouldn't. He better get a hit tonight if they pitch to him....for his sake. In the end with all the BS, I like him, and as said I'm not a Yankee fan. SOmeone will come on and say..How can you like him when he cheats on his wife? Know what, SHE didn't have a problem with it. I didn't hear a peep outta her and she's still with him........so why should I have a problem with it? He wants to bang strippers on road trips and he can, more power to him.
25 million a year brings a lot of forgiveness. Besides who knows who she is banging? They may have an arrangement.
LMAO! :rofl: Anyway..... Andy is 1 out away from being the #1 money Pitcher in Playoff history! :smile: Truth is, Why was Mientkiewicz playing so far off the line? C'mon Andy 1 more strike baby!