Wierd play by Leon...on defense, its good to see Harris in the game already...and great sack by Hobson!
He called a fair catch then let it hit the ground. I think you have to actually catch the ball if you call a fair catch.
What the hell are these fool watching that was a pretty obvious fair catch call, in fact he did it twice. Once before the ball got there and the after he picked it up.... officials blew that one. Just rewatched it on Tivo.... pretty obvious the 1st time.
I'm telling you, as much as Robertson sucks at eating blocks as a NT, he's really good when it comes to beating OL one-on-one..... He was developing really nicely before we went to the 3-4...
Im praying there's a three hour lightning storm in the Miami-Oakland game :lol: Nothing better than Jets in HD :beer:
Did the refs ust make up a penalty rule to punish the Jets? What's the purpose of that? Why not just ignore the wave if it's invalid? Why is that being penalized? I've never seen that before
They don't want guys waving for the FC, then letting it roll, and running it back when the defense has stopped going after the ball
Hey guys, nice to see that the defense came out of the block well. Hopefully they keep it up the rest of the game.