realistic predictions

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetzIII, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    We have an average offense and a bad defense, what does everyone
    think how many games we will win??? We almost saw the Dolphins come back on us and put up 450 yards. I really don't think we will beat the Bill next week. I just don't understand why they are keeping a 3-4 defense when it is clear someone's mother could run through our guy's. This year is becoming a joke.:bills_suck:
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    6-10 to 8-8 is where I see us finishing right now.

    Neither the offense not the defense has it's act together and against many teams on our schedule that will kill us. The Eagles are going to absolutely cream us when they come in unless something changes for the better on both sides of the ball before then.
  3. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    I liked th D today. It pretty much kept the Fins out of the end zone until we went into prevent. I think it's getting a lot better outside the 20's.
  4. GreenScreen313

    GreenScreen313 New Member

    Aug 15, 2006
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    we have a better than average offense. It all starts with the Quarterback and Chad manages this offense better than most. We have talent in the backfield and great receivers. The only criticism I would say is that our O-line hasn't really gelled yet. Wait until Clarke picks it up a little better and when Chad has time to actually use play action we will have an obviously better than average offense.

    The defense has issues but is okay. It is upgraded at DE and cornerback over last year. People are in despair after the end of todays game, but we were playing back and Miami made some nice plays.

    I just hope we don't play the Pats the first round in the playoffs again.
  5. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    I don't think the Pats will have a game week one.

    The jets will win atleast 8 games this year IMO, but if they didn't it wouldn't be the worst thing to happen.
  6. Rambo13

    Rambo13 New Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    We will beat Buffalo next week. They have lost their 3 games by an average of 18.33 points. That is absurdly bad and the worst in the NFL.
  7. GreenScreen313

    GreenScreen313 New Member

    Aug 15, 2006
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    i agree about the pats. but why wouldn't it be bad if they won less than 8 games? A slightly higher draft pick? I always thought that was such a lame way to view a season. Would you really endure watching the team lose more just to get some kid a few picks ahead of some other kid?
  8. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    Doesn't anyone think we would have done better then last year? We are suppose to do better then 10-6 and everyone out here is saying 8-8 will be a good year.. Are we just used to being average..:drunk:
  9. jetsaholic1094

    jetsaholic1094 New Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    I can see that. None of the remaining games on the schedule are exactly "gimme"s. At this point, I think I'd lean closer to 6 wins than 8. Oh boy.
  10. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    I have not changed my prediction, I'm still saying 12-4. I originally had us beating NE in wk 1 and losing to them the 2nd time around, now I'm just swapping those predictions. The Jets should win next wk to get back to .500, the bills are a mess. The jets D just has to make some adjustments this wk.
  11. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Well I think Tanking and losing are two different things. Teams that Tank on purpose for picks usually bring a losing culture into the franchise. And even though they draft great players, those teams usually have a hard time winning because of that culture.

    But if the Jets play hard and come up short in a couple of games to go 7-9 or something like that, I think that is completely different. Last year even though we didn't go past the first round, that playoff year did alot for the franchise and mangini. It change the culture from losing Bill(parcells and Belichick) to gaining Eric. So if the Jets season went like that, fighting and scraping to the end of the year, it wouldn't bother me in the least.
    #11 ANJI, Sep 23, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2007
  12. youraveragejoe29

    youraveragejoe29 New Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    obviously the d gave up way too many yards and and then completely collapsed in the 4th.. but i dont think its as bad as it looks. i feel like we've been a "bend and not break" type of defense for awhile now.. always giving up alot of yards but holding teams to field goals or making up for it by getting turnovers.

    if you think about it, no matter how many yards they gave up.. we were sitting with a nice 31-13 lead nearing the start of the 4th quarter. first sack and interception too so things were looking good. i feel like it was more of a discipline problem rather then personnel or strategy. the defense wasnt playing with anywhere near the intensity they had throughout the game in the 4th.. and it almost cost us the game. i have no doubt that mangini will fix this problem right away.
  13. SouthBayJetsfan4life

    SouthBayJetsfan4life Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

    I wouldn't hardly classify our receivers as "great" Good yes..great..I think not. I will say Coles is steady and Cotchery is coming on...but great receivers combinations are Holt-Bruce, Harrison-Wayne and C.Johnson-Housmenzdah. You are dead on about the offensive line. It's going to take a little time to jell. I'm not giving up on DBrick. I think not having Kendall helping him could take a little time. The D-line is not good right now and possibly could be a problem all season. The secondary is good, but will get better as Revis improves.

    The team has room to grow, butr I think this year could be long, Not 4-12 long, but like 8-8 long. I think by the end of the season we will all come away frustrated. I think Tannenbaum and Mangini will REALLY work hard next off-season to make this team better. Both lines will need a significant upgrade.

    But hey..we are three games in..let' see how it plays out.
  14. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The AFCE is the weakest division in all of football. Outside of the Patriots , there's isn't one team worth talking about seriouisly for the post season at this point.
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    That was true last year also and the Jets managed to parlay their weak schedule into 10 wins and the playoffs.

    I think the Jets have the slimmest of chances at still making the playoffs. Basically it comes down to Tennessee, Denver, Cincinnati and Jacksonville, those are the teams the Jets have to beat out to make the playoffs. 9-7 won't do it.
  16. PMCRW

    PMCRW New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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  17. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I'm sticking with 7-9 at this point. We were beating up on what I feel is a weak Fins team and found a way to let them back into the game. We still have too many square pegs in round holes on D and I'm not thrilled with the O-line as well.

    It was a damn shame to see our Defense show nothing in the 4th quarter on a day where the Jets honored a player who was all about heart and bringing it on every play.
  18. GreenScreen313

    GreenScreen313 New Member

    Aug 15, 2006
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    Yeah...I agree about Kendall delaying the jelling. His departure doesn't mean we just delays us being SOLID.

    But if not "great" we have a way above average receiving core. Coles is more than solid. He's a pro bowl WR who got shafted out of a first ballad probowl nomination last year. While Cotch is "up and coming" he is suuuuuper solid for a 2nd Wide out. Both of those two are tough as nails and great after the catch. I won't speak of J-mac b/c that would defeat my argument :-D

    Not to mention...Baker is a phenomenal receiver. He's clutch. He just doesn't get to go out that often. I'm glad to see them using him in the red zone more in this early part of the year.

    go jets
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Agreed. What I saw today was Chad prove he can beat a bad team like a drum. We already knew that. The defense looked just scary in the 4th quarter. I'm not sure this team could stop a drive from a team not quarterbacked by Kyle Boller if you let them have 12 men on the field legally.
  20. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    We have an average offense (on a good day), below average defense (if that’s what was on the field today) and an average coaching staff. We’ll need allot of luck to get to 8 – 8.

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