I have never been a big Halo guy but I have never played the online. I probably will pick it up since everyone will
Same. Everyones going to have it and I'm sure I'm gonna get game invites left and right so I might as well.
I can't effin wait! I'll be on line at like 10:30, then back to my apartment and up for 12 hours or so playing it
Word up....i'm down for that, only reason i want it is because of the multi player co-op on LIVE! Should be alot of fun!
Hell yea! Me and my friend from home that I go to college with and live with are gonna be playin co-op with my other two friends from back home that still live there. I'm so pumped they included the online co-op.
I got it today, and it is UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE! The cutscenes are amazing. The visuals, sound, overall presentation, new weapons, amount of frickin troops around you, outstanding.
Gamertag: HippyEradicator I think I'm gonna beat campaign before I get caught up on Live. Damn, I can't wait! Only 11 hours away!
Tell me what you guys think of the ending... not impressed. And, make sure to watch after the credits. I think it's on all difficulties, but i may be wrong.
I got it on saturday (US friday) and beat it by sunday afternoon on heroic. It's not that long, i'd say about 7-8 hours worth. 9 levels, but their pretty long.