The Patriots sign-stealing / radio scandal - Official Thread (Merged 21x (ugh))

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GreenMachine, Sep 11, 2007.

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  1. gmfidelity

    gmfidelity New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    i did any1 with sirius radio who listens to howard 101
  2. Analog Kid

    Analog Kid Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    You can't see it, but I just tipped my hat.
  3. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    sorry... have XM
  4. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    do you think King is waiting for Belicheat in his office during these pressers and then holds him till all the reporters leave
  5. gmfidelity

    gmfidelity New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    why waste ur time with those jerkoff's opie and anthony

    but XM has the better music..
  6. gmfidelity

    gmfidelity New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    btw..any1 see the family guy episode with peter joining the Patriots...cant wait til they make a new one on how he wont join bc they are
  7. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I like O & A, I like Ron & Fez... and the music is better... I had sirius for a year... their technology sucks, their radios suck and their reception sucks...
  8. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    PTI just had a story about spying in formula 1 in which the fine was $100,000,000.00
    PARIS (AP) - The McLaren team was fined $100 million and stripped of its points in the constructors' standings Thursday in the spying scandal that has rocked the sport

    McLaren, which leads the current drivers' and constructors' standings, was punished by the World Motor Sports Council for allegedly using leaked secret technical documents belonging to F1 rival Ferrari.

    Team drivers Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso, currently 1-2 in the championship standings, were not punished and can continue to compete for the season title.

    "Ferrari is satisfied that the truth has now emerged," the Italian team said in a statement.

    The $100 million penalty includes McLaren's expected loss of income, and McLaren still could be penalized for the 2008 championship, FIA said in a statement after a hearing.

    McLaren escaped the harshest possible penalty, as FIA could have kicked the team and its drivers out of the 2007 and 2008 championships. In December, FIA will decide on any possible sanctions against McLaren for the 2008 season.

    FIA said it did not penalize McLaren's drivers "due to exceptional circumstances" because they provided evidence in exchange for immunity.

    "We believe we have grounds for appeal," team chief Ron Dennis said. "But of course we are going to wait for the findings of the FIA which are going to be published. The most important thing is that we go motor racing this weekend, the rest of the season and next season."

    The case broke open in July when a 780-page technical dossier on Ferrari cars was found at the home of McLaren's chief designer, Mike Coughlan, who later was suspended. Ferrari mechanic Nigel Stepney, who allegedly supplied the documents, was fired.

    Rookie English driver Hamilton leads the standings with 92 points, followed by two-time F1 champion Alonso of Spain with 89. Ferrari teammates Kimi Raikkonen (74) and Felipe Massa (69) are third and fourth. Four races remain in the season, starting with Sunday's Belgian Grand Prix.

    Hamilton and Alonso finished 1-2 in Sunday's Italian Grand Prix - at Ferrari's home track of Monza - to extend McLaren's lead in the constructors' championship to 23 points. McLaren had 166, Ferrari 143.

    Under Thursday's ruling, McLaren loses all its constructors' points and is ineligible from scoring any more in the season's final races.

    The World Motor Sport Council ruled in July that McLaren was guilty of fraudulent conduct for possessing the Ferrari documents but did not punish the team because there was insufficient evidence the material was misused. However, the council warned that McLaren could be kicked out of the 2007 and 2008 series if it is found in the future that the information has been used "to the detriment of the championship."

    FIA announced last week it was calling a new hearing of the council after "new evidence" had emerged.

    Among those appearing at the hearing before the 26-member council were Hamilton, Dennis and McLaren test driver Pedro De La Rosa. Alonso did not attend.

    Others attending included Ross Brawn, Ferrari's former technical director, and team officials from Red Bull, Williams and Spyker.

    FIA president Max Mosley sent letters to Alonso, Hamilton and De La Rosa on Aug. 31, saying the sport's regulator had been told that "one or more McLaren drivers may be in possession ... of written evidence relevant to this investigation."

    Mosley asked the three drivers to cooperate "in the interests of the sport and the championship" and offered them amnesty in return. Mosley also wrote that "serious consequences would follow" if they were later found to "have withheld any potentially relevant information."

    The case against McLaren reportedly consists of a 166-page dossier that includes e-mail exchanges between De la Rosa and Alonso, as well as details of phone and text message traffic between Coughlan and Stepney supplied to FIA by authorities in Italy.

    Separately, McLaren was notified Saturday that it is being investigated in a separate criminal inquiry in Italy. Dennis and five other team personnel are reportedly under investigation.

    Those allegations stem from Ferrari's criminal case against Stepney for allegedly placing a mysterious white powder on the gas tanks of the team's cars before the Monaco GP, in a supposed sabotage attempt.

    Now that's a punishment.
  9. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    We're all missing a key detail

    Everyone is speculating about whether or not the footage from this particular game could have been used to gain an advantage in this particular game.

    If this was going on last year, BB had 3 games worth of signals to analyze and decode. He could easily have built up an understanding of the Jets' defensive calls to use during the game. Why hadn't Mangini adjusted, then? He had. Dr. Z quoted an unnamed Patriots ex-employee who stated that Mangini was partially aware of what was going on and had employed several techniques to try to fool the opposing coaches ("bluff" signals, multiple signals for each specific coverage/rush, etc.). The employee went on to explain that doing so takes an exorbitant amount of time and effort. Masking your gameplan can be as time consuming as the gameplan itself, leaving your team underprepared. Bill may have known more than Mangini planned.

    Why videotape this game, then, if Belichick had the Jets figured out? I'm sure he expected Mangini to throw new wrinkles in, change his signals and bluffs, etc. He'd need to continually videotape in order to maintain that advantage. Is it beyond belief that Mangini kept the playcalling similar in order to highlight the advantage the Patriots had taken? He knew, just as we all did, that the talent gap would make a victory on Sunday difficult and unlikely. What better time to allow the Patriots to exploit their previous taping, knowing that it would allow him to blow Belichick's scheme to hell?
  10. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Very good points all, but you always want new updated information. Things and terminologies can change, especially if you're suspicious at all. But you can't change the entire playbook just because one team knowingly cheats. You can stop them from cheating. Other than that, you can do dummy calls and other things, but eventually you need to use your own terminology.
  11. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    SportsCenter 5's Mike Lynch reported that a decision will be announced Friday, but sources have said the NFL is going to fine Belichick $500,000. The fine has to be paid by Belichick himself and cannot be paid by the team's owner, Robert Kraft.

    In addition to the fine, the Patriots must forfeit two high draft choices. They could be as high as a first- and a third-round draft choice, sources said.
  12. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    As I said in the other thread... he should have to give back the mil he stole from Leon Hess... I hope it both 1st rounders
  13. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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  14. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Exactly my point. I was just asking, what if Mangini didn't change things because he KNEW that Belichick was going to be taping and looking for new signals, bluffs, etc, while running his offense based on the old signals. If Mangini ran the old signals, he could give the appearance that the Pats knew what was coming while exposing them for cheating. That way, the way that the Pats offense played only helped the case against them.
  15. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Who says he didn't change things? There's only so much you can do. My only question is why he just didn't have cameras taken away like Polian did. I guess he wanted to bust them.
  16. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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  17. DCanadian

    DCanadian Active Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    I just read on that Goodell has ruled out the option of the Patriots forfeitting last week's game, however, he is almost surely gonna take away a first day draft pick, most likely a 1st rounder. Additionally, Goodell is seriously considering suspending Belichick for 2 or 3 games, without pay.
  18. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    Would this be satisfactory to everyone? Just curious.
  19. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    for me... absolutely... anything without a suspension would be a disappointment in my eyes
  20. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That plus the big taint hanging from your organization.....i'll take it
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