The Patriots sign-stealing / radio scandal - Official Thread (Merged 21x (ugh))

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by GreenMachine, Sep 11, 2007.

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  1. Pam

    Pam Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    I seen that too. I was yelling at the TV. (Like they can hear me bitching :lol:) Still it really pissed me off. That comment was totally uncalled for.

    Here's what Hines Ward had to say. Sorry if already posted.

    Dirty play
    Steelers' Ward certain Pats had some help along way
    Posted: Thursday September 13, 2007 12:21AM;
    Updated: Thursday September 13, 2007 12:21AM

    PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Wide receiver Hines Ward suspects the New England Patriots may have had some type of inside information on the Pittsburgh Steelers before at least one of the teams' two AFC championship game matchups since the 2001 season.

    Ward is certain the Patriots, while known for the thoroughness of their scouting under coach Bill Belichick, had some kind of unusual help before their 24-17 upset victory in Pittsburgh in the January 2002 AFC championship game. The Patriots went on to win the first of their three Super Bowls.

    "Oh, they knew," Ward said Wednesday. "They were calling our stuff out. They knew, especially that first championship game here at Heinz Field. They knew a lot of our calls. There's no question some of their players were calling out some of our stuff."

    NFL security officers confiscated a video camera and tape from Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella while he was working on the New York Jets' sideline during New England's 38-14 victory on Sunday. The league has confirmed that it is investigating whether the Patriots were taping the Jets' defensive coaches as they signaled to players on the field.

    On Tuesday, Steelers first-year coach Mike Tomlin, who wasn't around for those AFC championship games, said "when there's smoke, there's fire" of widespread suspicion some NFL teams use spying tactics.

    The Patriots also beat the Steelers 41-27 in the January 2005 AFC championship game, though that victory was so convincing it would be difficult to pin it on cheating.

    Still, Ward said he is disappointed there are allegations that any NFL team may have resorted to spying to gain an edge.

    "You would hope that, during their run, when they were winning all their [three] Super Bowls, all that stuff wasn't going on," Ward said. "You look back in the past, and we played them in the championship games, and you kind of wonder. It seemed like they were a step ahead of us at all times, but those games are behind us. There's nothing we can do about it. You just look forward and see what the commissioner [Roger Goodell] will do."

    Ward said any team caught spying should give up high draft picks.

    "It's really hard to say [they should] forfeit games," Ward said. "Draft picks would hurt a lot of teams; take away their first or second-round pick -- that would be a stiff penalty to make sure nobody does it again."

    Steelers cornerback Deshea Townsend also felt suspicious, if only for one play he didn't identify, during one of the AFC title games.

    That led quarterback Ben Roethlisberger to joke, "If they cheated during our AFC championship game (in 2005), so we should get a Super Bowl ring."

    Roethlisberger has given little thought to the possibility the Patriots may have had an unfair advantage against Pittsburgh.

    "No, it's actually the farthest thing from my mind. I don't think it's been in the front of too many people's mind," he said.

    Pro Bowl nose tackle Casey Hampton also downplayed the cheating talk, saying scouting is so through in the NFL that it's difficult to fool any team.

    "In this league, everybody knows what everybody's going to run. It's just a matter of stopping it," he said. "The bottom line is you watch enough film and you know where guys are and where they're coming from."

    Dick Hoak, the NFL's most tenured assistant coach before retiring this year after 35 seasons, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette the Steelers once received a suspicious video tape by mistake from an opposing team during a routine tape exchange.

    The tape focused on a coach making hand signals from the sideline, Hoak said, but the Steelers did not report the tape to the NFL.
  2. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    This draft pick thing is pissing me off.

    So the pats will surrender a draft pick or two. BB might retire so no harm no foul. Maybe BB trades one of his defensive players that has become better then he really is because of the fraud they have committed and he gets the draft choice back.

    You know he will get the draft choice back somehow...just to stick it back to the Jets and the NFL.

    This draft choice things means shit. Go out and sign a free agent with the money instead. All day long yesterday I had to hear Mike and Dog talk about how losing a draft pick is such a big that would stop future coaches from doing the same.

    How many bust 1st or 2nd round draft picks have there been and thats the penalty?

    What a bunch of crap.


    suspend him for the year...or just leave us alone and do nothing.
  3. The Lord

    The Lord Active Member

    Dec 19, 2005
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    This very well is the end of the Patriots dynasty*.
  4. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Exactly my point...yeah...lets let them surrender a second round pick for screwing with the history of the NFL.

    The next time he comes to this stadium the fans shouldnt even let him in the building. I would sign up for that.

    This isnt a joke...this is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever seen in all my years following sports.
  5. Warrior

    Warrior Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    If the NFL was smart or even the Patriots there should be a full investigation or disclosure of the Pats activities over the last few tears - including these seemingly ridiculous accusations that they utilized additional radio appartus to get signals -in order to exonerate them if they are indeed false premises, otherwise, there will always be a cloud of perception that the Pats were not on the level beyond this recent episode.
  6. RDriven3

    RDriven3 New Member

    Dec 15, 2005
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    No they don't, and people around the league are down playing all of this. I am not sure why people are not seeing the big picture, what you mentioned above. Everyone seems to just leave the past buried and do not think this is a big deal, I keep reading, everyone does it, etc. With the way things are going, a nice slap on the wrist and BB will be back cheating and winning SB's. NFL game integrity forever questioned.
  7. Warrior

    Warrior Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    The punishment will be perceived as strong and will be bold enough to help restore the integrity of the NFL. Goodell will not misss this opportunity.
  8. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Who says there's not? Goodell's a pretty through guy & I wouldn't be surprised if this is taking place...
  9. Canadian

    Canadian New Member

    Mar 4, 2007
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    Exactly...This guy is not like any previous commish, and he seems to be genuinely interested in cleaning up the league
  10. wildthing202

    wildthing202 Active Member

    Jun 2, 2003
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    I hope that after all the crap the Pats have pulled from the injury list fudging to this that Goddell really drops the hammer down on them. The ball is on the tee and we'll have to see if he uses the driver or the sand wedge.
  11. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Why, losing a couple of picks will end the dynasty?

    Your not serious?
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I said this yesterday, Warrior.

    I'm calling for Goodell to do the right thing. Nothing short of a full investigation will satisfy the public. This cannot end Friday with a couple of draft picks, it's just not that simple.

    I'm calling for a hearing... a full-blown hearing with team owners and player union representatives on the panel. Bill Belicheat needs to address the panel in person (perhaps Kraft also, if it is determined he had any knowledge of this). He needs to be served with interrogatories (a list of questions to be answered) ahead of time, and he needs to come to the hearing equipped to answer every one of the questions to the best of his ability.

    The list of interrogatories should include but not necessarily be limited to:

    1) What exactly was going on with the videotaping?

    2) Was any other form of surveilance ever used?

    3) When was the first time this type of surveilance was ever used?

    4) How often was it used and during what games?

    5) Specifically, was it ever used in Superbowls or Playoff games?

    6) What kinds of information were extracted from this surveillance?

    7) What use was this information put to? How was it employed?

    8) In your opinion, what advantage was gained from its use?

    9) To the best of your knowledge, have you ever gained tactical advantage from its use?

    Many other questions could be added here, depending upon interviews with other teams that felt that the Patriots had an edge (the Packers, for example). Upon answering these questions, there needs to be a question-answer period. He needs to have his feet held to the fire and not be able to dismiss the questions with the same degree of arrogance that he obviously displayed the other day with the press. Nothing short of this is acceptable if Goodell doesn't want this thing to blow up in his face. This is serious shit here.
    #432 Section 227. Row 5, Sep 13, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2007
  13. Warrior

    Warrior Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    They're smart, but do they have the guts to possibly drag up dirt. If I was Kraft I would demand complete disclosure (that's if there is nothing to hide).
  14. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No. However, I would be curious to see how hard the refs are going forward as well.

    Remember the NFL actually Changed its rules to help Indy get past NE.

    The NFL can be vindictive when it wants to be, and the refs have an awful lot of subjectivity...
  15. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    oh yeah... longest yard senerio... i like it
  16. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    A full-blown investigation is the last thing the NFL wants on this one. And, as good as this is, a stiff penalty and the inference of unfair advantage is enough. Further investigation could only detract from that.
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    It's going to be hard for me to believe that the Commissioner, even if he were to go all the way to forfeit, to not look back and say, (for instance...)

    last year, they went 12-4. next team in the division, 10-6.

    they were accused several times last year, (including by detroit, where they only won by 7...)

    SO, who knows how much they've been getting.

    Note to Refs* some teams team have been getting loose with the rules, make sure when doing games that the rules are vigorously enforced.

    Every recipient of that memo, will know exactly what is being asked of them....
  18. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    0 can't be.......

    Are you actually wishing for/condoning that the refs cheat, and the NFL changes it's rules to ruin the Pats?

    So, the true colors come out. All this talk about fairness and integrity.....unless it suits YOUR purposes, and then it's OK.

    That's fine, I'm actually OK with that POV. It's just refreshing to see a little honesty.
  19. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I hate Indy.

    HATE....And beause of Polian/Dungy/Manning's whining I respect them less than any other team in the league.

    And what I said was, the NFL already Changed their rules, to interfere with the way one team had built itself (NE) because their marquee marketing player couldnt win out otherwise....

    And no I am not wishing for the Refs to start calling the pats tougher, (partly because I think they already call for certain teams more than others to a limited extent...), but as you watch the games, keep track of those 3rd and 5 holding calls, especially the ones that look a little late and your guy gained 6.
  20. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    You are probably right. :rolleyes:
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