Chad Pennington is a WINNER

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by PinPointPenning10, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. FatStupidLoser

    Jul 26, 2007
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    As Kornwhatever said on PTI yesterday. There are many Jets fans that won't be happy until they have a qb that can throw 70 yards on a rope.
  2. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Kornholer is a jackass. He also followed that statement up with "for a 12,000 point TD".
  3. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    ^^ got as far as "As Korn..."
  4. FatStupidLoser

    Jul 26, 2007
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    I hear ya, but he was right about that.:rofl2:
  5. stephenw

    stephenw New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    It is truly sad to hear a lot of the reactions about the Jet fans on the web, the TV, and Radio and across the county. I for one am sad to say I am a Jet fan. Jet Fans don?t deserve a Super Bowl Title. I have sat and heard nothing but bad negative comments for years and its all from the fans. The people that sit next to me are morons during the games. Boomer was going for an all time completion record and Rob Moore missed the ball. All I heard was ?Boomer you suck? Now too hear what a lot of the fans say about Chad. You fans don?t deserve a player like Chad. This man gives his heart and soul to the team and for what, You. I heard it, his arm, he gets injury, but he still gives it all. He is the one cheering louder and harder then most of you. He is everything you want in a QB.

    You want a Champion Ring, the Super bowl title, then act like a Champions not a bunch of Monday morning QB?s

    I said it last year during the season opener when I was tail gating. Chad will take us to the playoffs?.and he did. It takes every person on the team to win games with the help of a true fan.

    I for one believe he is the best quarter this team has seen
  6. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Jets fans are some of the best in sports. What other group of fans sells out every game even after being consistently one of the worst franchises in sports? If you're a Jets fan you're certainly not a bandwagon fan, this team has done nothing in almost 40 years.
  7. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Ironically, this guy was making fun of Chad's arm all during the MNF game against the Dolphins a year ago, and was forced to make an apology from taking all that heat afterwards. This jackass is the one criticizing Jets fans?
  8. Phlyphrytz

    Phlyphrytz New Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    To say that Chad can't bring us to a SB is pointless. Jesus Christ... TRENT DILFER HAS A SB ring. The problem with the Jets has NEVER been Chad... the problem has ALWAYS been the inconsistencies of systems, weak players, management, and coaches. We are the farm team for the NFL. The moment someone starts to shine... he bolts for a different team, we struggle for a replacement, then we change the system. If we could just KEEP the players we need in a system that doesn't divert, we'd be awesome. Where's Randy Thomas? Pete Kendall? James Farrior? DONNIE HENDERSON? Kareem Mackenzie? John Abraham? Santana Moss? Too many changes, too many GOOD players lost. Chad has been our rock and our only hope. He thrives off of the crowd!!! Hence the 41-0 indy bashing a few years ago.... he was running off the electricity from the Green Bay game the week before!!!

    And he got booed Sunday?

    We deserve Ryan Leaf and 2-14!!!
  9. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Yeah but if we had the Ravens defense, O-line and lack of competition (the Ravens didn't have to beat the Colts, Pats or Chargers, who are all very talented on both sides of the ball) KC could win the SB too, so why stick with Chad? We don't have the Ravens D and O-line and all that and we're never going to get all that. If you want a consistent winner, you need good QB play.

    Btw, one of the biggest reasons we lost so many good players is because our QB took up a large part of the salary cap. Our RB did too, it was bad cap management where players were overpaid.
  10. ihatethedolphins3

    ihatethedolphins3 New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    look it as simple as this, in order for pennington to win us a super bowl, which i believe in my heart of hearts he can, we need an upper echelon(spl?) offensive line and a defense that can get off the field. Chad does not have a strong arm however given time he makes plays, i cannot recall in recent memory that chad has made a mistake when he is not pressured, he is a master of knowing the offensive and checkdowns, with a good oline the running game will open up the play action pass that will provide big plays we long for, this team goes as the offensive line goes, not as chad goes, he is a proven winner with crappy protection, imagine how good we can be with a dominating oline, i think we would be a serious superbowl threat
  11. Phlyphrytz

    Phlyphrytz New Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    "...We don't have the Ravens D and O-line and all that and we're never going to get all that..."

    EXACTLY my point! The problem isnt Chad.

    (and tennesee was 13-3 vice the ravens being 12-4)
    they had competition too.
  12. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    You sure? We had a top 5 line, Coles, Moss, CuMart, and a top 5 defense just a few years ago you know, and we never finished above 10 wins or in the top half of the NFL offensive rankings.
  13. Serphnx

    Serphnx New Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    The Titans weren't nearly as good as the top AFC teams right now are. The AFC just got a lot better. On paper the top teams really don't have weaknesses, their defenses are as good as or better than the Ravens, and their offenses are light years ahead.
  14. ihatethedolphins3

    ihatethedolphins3 New Member

    Apr 1, 2004
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    thats a good point but i belive chad is a lot better now, and we had a terrible oc and herm mismanaging the clock
  15. Phlyphrytz

    Phlyphrytz New Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    The problem isnt chad. Like you said... our oline and dlines suck. The players dont fit the d system well, and (PERSONALLY, imo) ... i dont think BobSutton is the answer for DC. And youre right.... we had Cmart, and Moss, and Chad, and Coles etcetc.... but WHO was running the offense? That dreadful name appears yet again... HACKETT! Which also leads back to my original point...

    the problem has ALWAYS been the inconsistencies of systems, weak players, management, and COACHES.

    The upper echeleon teams get there by consistency and lack of distractions.
    You get GOOD people first... and you KEEP THEM as long as fucking possible.
    And that's UP and DOWN the chain of command.

    It's year 2 of the Tangini Experiment. Last year most of us didnt expect more than 6-10... maybe 7-9? In the eyes of most fans here... that record would have been acceptable. We lucked out. We got 10-6. But we must remember our ORIGINAL EXPECTATIONS... and grow from THAT (6-10).... not from the results(10-6). An upward movement to 8-8 or 9-7 this year (to me) is SOMEWHAT acceptable. (spot the word "SOMEWHAT"). But what going on behind the scenes as this season plays out is hints of consistency. Which is something we've always needed.

    Peyton's a great QB. Been in the league for what? ten years now? and he JUST got his first ring?

    Everyone needs to chill the hell out. Your expectations are what's letting you down.... not the Jets.
  16. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Yes he IS!!!

    Congrats to Chad....Well earned and deserved. :beer:
  17. There is nothing I despise more about this fanbase than the bizarre attachment and infatuation for former quarterbacks. Chad isn't here anymore.Let it go.
  18. Jets41815162342

    Jets41815162342 New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Jets management to Chad:

    Did you do something different with your hair?
    Did you lose weight? ... you look good. Maybe we made a mistake...are you doing anything in 2009?


    I'm seeing someone else now and they like me for who I am, plus, I dont get smacked around all the time like I did when I was with you.
  19. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    uhhh, no.

    What's worse, us posting about it or you continually posting in them to "let it go" and getting yourself angry?

    Or is that just pride messing with you?

    Penny IS a winner. Deal with it, if you can't don't open anymore Penny threads... :lol:
    LMFAO!!!! ...That's hysterical :rofl2:
  20. Long Love Todd

    Long Love Todd New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    ...says the man with with Herm, Coslet and Hackett in his avatar.

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