But your template wasn't even made then? I think it looks alot better when most people have the same thing...
Alright thats fine, but like was stated you changed your template so i chose before i had seen it. Like I said its fine but it would be much appreciated if you could possibly do it after you fill others requests.
Didn't know if you saw my request again or not. Thanks again for all of the hard work. GO JETS!!!!!!!!!!! #63 Dewayne Robertson - Mantana Soss
I think it would be pronounced the same either way. Bit busy today guys, I'll get to these requests when I can.
Its okay. i'm glad someone already had him. knew that was wrong. i was like How come no one has taken Baker! thats kinda why i went with it. its all good it works out cause i really want to adopt a Flight crew girl....fo real...:breakdance: what do you think???