How can we beat the Pats?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Tony, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. 319-1-x4

    319-1-x4 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    just have to score 1 more point they do when regulation time runs out.
  2. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    Harrison was Brady's supplier
  3. jdon

    jdon Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2006
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    The Pats will ignore the sidelines and jam the middle of the field, disrespecting Chad's arm. They feel they can run with his passes to the sideline. If the jets cannot stretch them out horizontally then there will be TO's and the Jets will probably lose. Brady will go after guys like Eric Coleman and Justin Miller or David Barrett, who is smart but slow. I remember Buffalo surprised New England on opening day a few years back and slaughtered them. And they were not a great team. They were in Brady's face all day. That is the only way the Jets win. Pull out that game tape guys. Sack him, force some TOs and keep your own TOs at a minimum or zero.
  4. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    If we can score more touchdowns than them while at the same time not allow them to score more field goals than we do – we should beat them pretty easy.

    If that won’t work – we could try doing what Ray Finkle did to Dan Marino but to Tom Brady instead…or was it Einhorn?
  5. L3JET

    L3JET Active Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Is it Sunday yet?

    I'm sick of hearing about the Pats. Watching the Disney channel helps, especially watching HIGH-SCHOOL-MUSICAL-2 with my daughter?:sad:

    Anyway, the Jets defense has to contain the Patriots. I think the boys need to score more than 24 points against the Pats. As long as the Jets play mistake free and consistently throughout the game, win the battle of the trenches, we have a good chance to win this game.

    Let the game begin! In the meantime, I'll try to distract myself from the game as much as possible until Sunday.

    Peace out.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    You beat me to it.
  7. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    First of all Tony this is a great idea for a thread, lets get some real football know how into the discussion.
    First of all I think this is a great game to get the Pats, despite their confidence this was the last opponent they would have liked on opening day, they know they have only one real challenger for the division and the crowd must be really pumped for this one and can unsettle the Brady bunch if we can keep them honest in the first quarter. I expect to see some aggresive play calling early and whilst they must be gaming for Jones to carry the load I can see Brad and Leon featuring to confuse them. Our wide men are more than a match for their secondary. A lot falls on Chad's shoulders for this one and I tell you I think he knows how important his performance will determine the outcome. I know questions are being asked about our run D being up for the fight, what a game for Vilma and co. to answer a few critics.
  8. PMCRW

    PMCRW New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    by not beating ourselves...
  9. jetsaholic1094

    jetsaholic1094 New Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    Slaughtering a goat and offering it up to the football gods.
  10. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Lot's of great inputs. Here are my thoughts
    A) Defense - Pressure, pressure pressure. Disguise our formations and force Brady off his game. We need to rush and blitz and get them to a 3 and long situation. We need to give Brady lots of new looks, confuse him and get him off his timing. We can not miss tackles, and when we hit, get the bones to rattle.
    B) Offense - Lot's of 2 TE formations to protect the blitz. Go over the top often on second and short to loosen them up. We can beat them if our running game particularly down the gut opens up.
    C) Secret weapons - Our special teams must excel. Keep them in poor field position and us in great field position. We have the horses to make it happen.
    D) Coaching - Show them we have guts and that we can play aggressive. Fourth down and short right down their guts or short passes to the TE.
    E) Jet fans - Keep the noise up so high to drown the Pats particularly when their defense is on the field. That will pump our defense up
    F) Force them to make mistakes
  11. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Tony, great thread starter... and you know football as well as anyone here.

    The Pats are a better team, even without Harrison, Seymour and Moss. It's very difficult to surprise Belichick, but I think that is what we have to do on offense. I'd like to see us run at Seymour's spot... name escapes me, but the kid that will fill in there is still pretty good.... but I say run him over. Get Barnes and an H back, like Kowalewski or Pociask to lead block right into the DE. Lots of bodies crashing the line. Try and soften them up, then try a couple quick strikes over the middle. I've seen the Jets working on this H-back, FB lead blocking play at TC.

    If the offense is going to work, we have to get the Pats D on it's heels. Hit them with something they don't expect. They will come out with 8 in the box, and playing up on the WR's to take away the quick outs that we run so often. The LB's will be looking to jump routes, the way the Giants did against us in preseason. Get those LB's to bite, and then go medium middle.

    On D, I think we need to use more 4-3 early. Get Mosely/DRob/Pouha in there at DT in the 4-3. Blitz Thomas off the edge when in the 3-4, ansd send someone else too, and rely on the safeties to come up and make the gap filling tackles, let the CB's play man. Risky, but we have to shake them up early, get them on their heels. Revis will have to play really well. We can expect Brady to go after him. The blitz will have to work, or some big plays could result. I'd like to see Rhodes blitz some too.

    Even with Penny's arm, a couple deep patterns have to be attempted too.... whatever the Pats least expect, do it.
  12. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    A couple things I think we need to do to have any chance of taking this one.

    #1) Keep a back in to block (preferably Jones) as often as possible. Yes, Seymore is out, but, for now, Bender is a liability in protection, and the rest of the unit is not-spectacular. That more than offsets their loss of Seymore. One thing we heard a lot about Jones coming from Chicago is that he does the little things, namely pass blocking, very well. Chad is struggling enough as-is. We need to keep him upright to have any chance.

    #2) Throw over the middle. Year after year we get killed by the Pats trying to go over the middle, mainly because of their linebacking corps and the hard hitting safety, Rodney Harrison. They then force Chad to try to throw to the sidelines, something we all know he can't do, and they take advantage.

    We have a lot of reliable options at TE, and two tough-as-nails WRs, and they're missing Harrison. This is our chance. Additionally, their linebackign corps has been becoming more and more talented year by year, but it's started to become more focused on pass-rushing (A. Thomas, R. Colvin) than coverage. Yeah, these guys can run, but that's not their forte. If we can get the 12-20 yard range going over the middle, and exploit the absence of Harrison, they'll have to back off with the LB blitzes, and that will open up the running game.

    I'm not even going to bother going into detail on the rest of the key areas, because we all know we need to be able to:
    grind out the tough yards on the ground,
    pick up the blitz,
    make a few big plays on either side of the ball,
    pressure the sh*t out of Brady,
    take away the running game early,
    and get it done on special teams

    But these are pretty much key in every game
  13. MParty7441

    MParty7441 Well-Known Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    I think it's important to convert in the red zone, last year in the playoffs it was just FG's. We need some TD's.
  14. JUNJOBX2199

    JUNJOBX2199 New Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    I think we will see a ball control type game lots of running. The passes will be short and mid range . If chad See's something he likes then and only then will we see a shot down Field! (Lets hope he see what he wants a lot). The defense will be run tested that's for sure and our secondary will also have their hands full with Brady and his rocket passes. Pressure is the key! Don't allow Brady all day to set up back there, I know this sounds basic but its so damn true. Game one last year all day long we get beat up; second game lots of pressure and we win! It took way too long last year for Sutton to grow some balls and unleash the defense. Yeah I know you don't want to get caught or beaten but he who risk's nothing gets nothing! I think we will run for 120 yard split between the two backs and Chad should throw for 220 with a touch down! Hope that will translate into a win!:jets:
  15. JetGreen

    JetGreen New Member

    Mar 5, 2006
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    great point here. In that playoff game, our only TD was that long play to Cotchery. We were in Patriots territory something like 6 times and only got 3 FG's out of them. We have to be able to convert our drives into points. When we beat them last year, we had two 14+ play drives that resulted in a FG and a TD. More of the same please. Ball control and smart football.

    Also, special teams will be huge. We are going to have to get those big returns from Miller and also Nuge's kickoffs will be huge. He's improved his distance and he'll have to show it week 1. Make sure we make Brady start inside his own 30 and not give him a short field.

    Finally, smart football is key. Keep penalties and turnovers to an absolute minimum. 10 or 15-yard penalties will kill our field position and turnovers will kill our drives and give the Pats all kinds of momentum.
  16. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Amazing special teams, and at least one ST or defensive touchdown
  17. patsox23

    patsox23 Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    GREAT IDEA for a thread, and lots of great contributions from you guys. As a Pats fan, I hope your ideas don't work, but I wanted to commend you for the responses.

    I think a lot of you are on the right track. Getting to Brady and knocking him down is obviously a big + for any D - as is true with pretty much ALL QBs, Peyton included. It's risky b/c Brady's good with picking up blitzes, but as some of you pointed out, it's as early as it gets in terms of Brady-WR synchronization so maybe that makes it less risky.

    I think running the ball and taking shots down the field are perfectly legit approaches. There have been times, though, where the jets and Penny nickel-and-dimed their way down the field. That version of "ball control" could work with occasional p.a. deep to either Cotchery or Coles - both seem to get their catches against the Pats.

    Best of luck in week 2, hope none of your ideas work, but again - AWESOME thread.
  18. supersonic

    supersonic Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2003
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    If we allow them to stack the box they will win. We have to throw deep early and often to keep them honest and spread the field. Chad need to pump fake to keep the LBs from jumping his short routes. If he gets them to jump on the pump fake and burns them a few times they will have no choice to respect him.
  19. MrTibbs

    MrTibbs New Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Since when in the world would any team need to put 8 in the box to stop one of the leagues worst rushing attacks and offenses overall? Especialy considering the Patriots have one of the top 3 rush defenses overall for the last few seasons AT LEAST. The Patriots won the Super Bowl without Seymour so don't say he is a huge loss, Jarvis green filled in nicely all the times he has been out. He'd be a starter hands down on the Jets and most likely your best DE at that.

    Green had I want to say 37 tackles and 7.5 sacks playing off the bench. Now thats a pretty good backup.
    #39 MrTibbs, Sep 2, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2007
  20. In Mangini We Trust

    In Mangini We Trust New Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I know exactly how to win this game.

    Lets look back to week 2 when NE came to our house...we fell behind 24-0...obvioulsy that CANT HAPPEN again haha...we got outrushed 147 yards to 51 yards...we cant win the game if that happens again...we had one sack (Rhodes) and the only time we sacked him, it was from the blindside and he fumbled

    Lets look back to week 10 when we went to NE...this is the key...REMEMBER HOW DIRTY TOM BRADYS JERSEY WAS AT THE END OF THAT GAME, ABSOLUTELY FILTHY...we sacked him 4 times (should have been 5 but that bullshit call where they gave Victor Hobson a personal foul when he JACKED UP Brady)...When Brady threw his only pick of the game, we pressured him into a horrible throw and Erik Coleman picked it off...and how did we end the game, with Shaun Ellis drilling Tom Brady and making him fumble....IF WE CAN PRESSURE BRADY, IT WOULD BE HUUUUGE TO THE OUTCOME OF THIS GAME....we held them to field goals 2 of the 3 times they got into the redzone...PHYSICAL and AGGRESSIVE PLAY, ITS HOW THE PATS DO IT...AND WE NEED TO BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME, we did it last year...we also ran the ball for 117 yards, which is a huge upgrade from 51 in week 2

    Now lets go to the playoff game...ONE sack....we gave Brady ALLLLLL DAY to throw...and they also ran for 158 yards, while we ran for 70...inside the 5 we fucked up twice, we settled for a field goal when we were inside the 5 trying to come back in the third, and then for the last play in the first half, they got 7 on 4th down and goal

    So when we put pressure on Brady, good results came out of that...we put him on his ass at least 10 times in the 2nd game, forced him into an interception and a fumble on the last play of the game...other two games, we let him sit in the pocket all day and he tore us up ALL DAY and it was ugly


    #40 In Mangini We Trust, Sep 2, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007

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