ohhhh I like that one, but the one in your Sig is also pretty sweet...I say we do a final vote in a brand new thread, so we can do this when the cuts are finalized
Well, GM, Mantana and dwalsh are still messing around with their templates. When they have finished ones, then we will vote. Most likely it will be a vote between two of each of theirs
zero hour is approaching, time to get this going Gents...I still need photoshop, but when I get it, if in time, I can help make the templates if you need
I was going to go ahead and do it, but dwalsh has said that he would like to run the show. Do you think i should go ahead and make a final template thread? Or would GM, dwalsh and Mantana want more time to finish their designs
you can go ahead and set up the polls, i dont really care abut that. I just think that me, Drew, and the other graphic people are going to do the sign-up sheet
No you can't. When the thread is opened by dwalsh. It is a first come, first serve basis. But, there are probably going to be people taken already. Mods, for example, might have already got guys. And i think walsh will have taken Clemens
I'd guess you'll get someone better than that. I want it done monday or tuesday , so that those that were interested in this, can get better players....