All Yall are lucky. I preordered the shit and gotta wait till 8am to get it from gamestop....such bullshit. Anyways hows play compared to NCAA?
the graphics are a little better then last years its a pretty good game..expect for every single player has no build so they are skinny as hell.oh and this bugs the hell out of me for some reason, for the last four years madden could not make it so the visor actually touches the RB robots facemask that is so freaking annoying and i have it for regular it at walmart at 12:00 only 5 copies and i got the first one =)
This game is ridiculous... Im playing on all madden and theres an average of like 10 turnovers a game. Even with adjusted sliders both my defense and the cpu defense are unstoppable. If EA doesn't fix this soon, im trading this in towards credit for Halo 3.
I'm not sure I like the weapon feature this year. Playing against a team with 4 weapons on either side of the ball is impossible, especially on higher difficulty levels. Also, what is wrong with the fumble ratio in this game? I literally fumbled the ball about 8 times in 3 games, playing in only 5 minute quarters. On the plus side Thomas Jones, and Justin Miller seem to be unstoppable maniacs in this game. I don't have any other major problems with the game play. I love the mini games, very fun, the lineman drills (especially the offensive ones) are really satisfying. Haven't tried out online yet, I still need a lot of practice.
Yeah,i preordered Halo2 and went to pick it up at midnight when it came out. (I was told that if i didnt,i might not get one for a while by the dork in EBgames)There was a line of people waiting for hours. I went back the next day and they had like 400 copies on the shelf. ridiculous.
Star Wars Episode I: Racer sold out at my Gamestop near me. I remember being happy I preordered it, and that was the last time I saw something sell out like that ha ha.
I just played my first game of 08. Played online and won because the hitstick forced 2 fumbles in the game. I like it,not too much different than last year. But i hate all the symbols etc under the players.
Played week 1 vs Pats and Revis wins player of the game for having an INT for a TD, a forced fumble and 4 tackles. Maybe I should put this in the Revis thread.
I played one game so far.....I hate the controls but I guess I just have to deal with it...the animations are good...and I think the game is pretty smooth.....
yeah,usually i will play online after playing some franchise games first. I played it today for the first time online and won because the fumbles worked in my favor. TJones is great in 08.
Settings -> Gameplay -> Game Controls I was used to the PS2 controls, so switching over to XBOX was a tough one for me last year. I can't use RT as sprint, I need A to sprint on offense and B on defense.
The weapons are cool, but seem a bit too overpowered. Like, it should be once in a while they make a great play, but a guy like a brick wall defender shouldn't make every tackle and always be in position. The blockers are like impossible to get past, etc. They are too good IMO. And the fumbling is absolutely outrageous. I understand having to protect the ball, which I do, but you still cough it up pretty much anytime your hit from the side. I think I had 3 fumbles in each of my first two games (5 min quarters). But the gameplay is definately ALOT smoother, and the 60fps is very very noticeable. At first I didn't like the play selection screen, but I got used to it, and actually think it's alot easier and more organized. One thing I FUCKING HATE is that the coaches cam doesn't show you your own play anymore! Why the hell not!?!?! I understand the "smart player" thing is supposed to let you see the other teams plays if they run it enough. But what If I forget my own play and need to know where a certain reciever is going, or if I called the right hot route??? THIS PISSES ME OFF BEYOND BELIEF! Thomas Jones is a beast, I get like 8 yards a carry with him. Although that may be more because of the improved o-line play, where they actually open up holes and play intelligently instead of just running into people and you kind of bouncing around like a pinball. Cotchery, for a hands reciever, drops an aweful lot of balls. And Coles, for a speed guy, can't get open deep for his life. The animations are awesome, they flow so much more smoothly and there are obviously alot more. It's not like the same generic tackle every time. The announcing is absolutely horrible. Faulk is so monotone and unenthusiastic with the intros, and the play-by-play sucks again. Why can't they get an actual commentator from real life to work on the game, since ES is now working with ESPN?
When you hold RT.. press up on the right stick and it shows your play. Atleast thats it for me cause I use the basic 360 controls.