7/30 TC observations with Kurt

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ThunderbirdJet, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Hooked up with Kurt today at training camp... I missed the first hour due to long lines at DMV, what else is new? The first thing that was obvious is that Mangini has lowered the pressure by a fair margin. Today was much more slower paced than last year's TC. Not nearly as grueling, but still tougher than an Edwards camp by a long shot.

    In general, the DB's were not allowing the WR's to get much seperation today. The DB's, and the D in general is using a lot of rotations. Smith, Coleman and Rhodes at safety, Dyson, Barrett and Miller at CB and a ton of different player combos at LB and DL. In what I think was the nickel, might have been the dime, Bryan Thomas was playing DE in a stance all the time. On one play he tried to bull rush Brick inside, and Brick put him on the ground. Kurt and I agreed it was good to see.

    Bowens and haynes saw a lot of first team time, but then on defense they were rotating players a lot. Pouha got some snaps with the first unit and he lokks seriously bulked up from last year. The guy has new guns hanging from his shoulders. DRob also looked lighter in the belly and bigger up top, and was playing with more energy than I've ever seen him play with. They both had to get double teamed on the pass rush, and showed some push into the pocket. I am pleasantly surprised by what I saw today at the NT position.

    Again, lots of roatation up front... Kimo still appears to be the starter, but Coleman and Haynes are pushing him. Ellis looked to be in good shape, and was very active. Bowens got a lot of snaps, and was in on the pass D at OLB when Thomas got into a 3 point stance. I was impressed with Bowens....

    I think Schlegel and Kassel are hanging on by a thread... and I could see both of them getting cut. Harris played mostly with the 2nd team, and at times looked good, but I didn't like either his speed, reaction time to the play and yeah, I thought he lacked some hustle. He has potential, I just think he is more of a project than I thought he was. Kurt and I also agreed that he doesn't look any bigger than Vilma. He did get a lot of snaps though, I think he took every single 2nd team snap on the day. They are obviously putting him on a crash course in the 3-4 D. He showed flashes, but is in my opinion, no where near ready to start at ILB. He has a lot to learn, and that might take a year, or at least beyong the preseason I think. I have a baseline on him now in any case, so it will be interesting to see how he develops in TC this year.

    Kendall was banished to the bike.... not in pads like the rest of the team. Seems to me they want to make sure he doesn't get hurt while they look for a buyer.

    Onto the offense. Bender got some 1st team time, and Adrian Clarke looked pretty good next to Brick. No sign of Blanton... no idea what's up with him. Kurt said that Benders footwork wasn't real good, but he liked Clarke. I've never been a Moore supporter, but I have to admit, he played well today in pass protection. The O line was giving the QB's some time to throw, but the DB's were doing a good job staying with the WR's.

    Maybe the sharpest pass I ever say Penny throw happened today. Fired a 20 yard lazer to the sideline, complete to B Smith who made a nice grab. Clemens clearly has a stronger arm, but that one pass by Chad stands out in my mind. Speaking of Clemens, bith Kurt and I thought he had a good day. He overthrew a few, but also got the ball into some tight spots. He needs to see the field better. On one play, Frisman Jackson had good seperation on an intermediate route down the left sideline... Clemens didn't pick him up and he forced the ball outside on a short pattern that went incomplete. But, he and Stuckey (who catches EVERYTHING thrown his way) seem to have something going. It reminds me of the Penny to Coles sort of connection. Kurt thinks Stuckey is a lot like Moss... but he doesn't look for the sidelines like Moss did. This kid might be a good one. He was the most consistant WR as far as getting open, although much of that was against the 2nd team D.

    Clemens also hit Brad Smith on a dead run a catch that Smith made look easy, but he had to fully extend. A very pretty play by both Clemens and Smith for a 25 yard gain or so. Smith was covered pretty well, and Clemens put it where only he could get it... and he did. Smith looks really good as a WR.... and not too shabby at QB either. he can scramble to the outside in near Vick-like fashion.

    In earlier 7 on 7's, Stuckey threw what might have been the prettiest pass of the day on the kind of a play one would expect from Smith. Gimmick play, but he drilled the ball on an across the body throw in sort of a roll-out! Did he ever play QB? Is he another slash? Stuckey was impressive all day. I could see him as Coles' eventual replacement.

    Based on today's practice, I don't have much to offer on TJ. There were almost no into the line running plays... alot of dink and dunk and outside stuff. Frankly, Jones looked a bit smaller that I thought he would.

    It was good to shoot the breeze with Kurt, and I'll be back at camp on Wednesday. I'll post again then. If I can answer any questions, I'll do my best. Kurt said this team looks faster than it did last year. I think I agree. The thing I am not comfortable with right now is what I think is a lack of power and size on both lines. The NT spot looks improved, but other than that, I nervous about the run D and the run game on offense. Beyond that, in general, the team looked pretty good over all to this amatuer's eyes today. I DO love TC! :drunk:
  2. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    no mention of wadsworth....any news on him?

    great report:up:
  3. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    "Maybe the sharpest pass I ever say Penny throw happened today. Fired a 20 yard lazer to the sideline, complete to B Smith who made a nice grab."

    What was he doing throwing to Smith who Mangini swears is a QB now?
  4. BleedingGreen55

    BleedingGreen55 Active Member

    Jun 18, 2004
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    Great read! Much apprieciated by those who cannot attend. Keep up the good work. :pats_suck:
  5. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Nice report T-bird - I was hoping you guys would do these again.

  6. The Uniform Bomber

    The Uniform Bomber Spivey's Agent

    Jan 22, 2005
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    good stuff about Stuckey. i remember him throwing passes on trick plays at Clemson, and maybe he played some QB in high school. if he manages to stay healthy, he can be a steal.

  7. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    forget to mention, Stuckey used to be a QB, converted into a WR...hes another gimmick player the Jets have....the versatility on this team is amazing and I wouldnt be surprised to see a trick play this season with Stuckey, Smith, and Tutt ( also used to be a QB) sometime this season...that could end up being one crazy play
  8. jaywade

    jaywade Active Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Stuckey played QB in high school and his freshman year of college. Now that his foot is healed he is probably back to 4.4 or sub 4.4 speed and he always had great hands. It looks like the WR depth is better then what everyone thought. That is good news about Clarke because we need him to step up because Kendell is going to be out of here and sounds like Moore has been working to improve, we need the o-line to be better then last year. From what you have wrote (and I believe it) the NT position is going to be much better then what most thought and if that happens we should be a top 10 D.
  9. Ten

    Ten Active Member

    Jun 6, 2004
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    Great stuff Thunderbird and Kurt.
  10. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    nice read. what was that: [​IMG] all about?
  11. greenhorse

    greenhorse Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Maybe the sharpest pass I ever say Penny throw happened today. Fired a 20 yard lazer to the sideline, complete to B Smith who made a nice grab

    a 20 yd out ???from pennington?? wow!
  12. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    just another pass he can throw now....maybe this season all his out routes wont be jumped...

    if Penny has the Playaction working for him...i dont think the Out Route will be a problem at all, the CB's wont know what hit em
  13. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Nice read, thanks for that. Hopefully the team will keep improving as training camp continues.
  14. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I'd say he's a long shot, but he did look like he was in football shape. At the end of practice, they was another sort of 11 on 11 scrimmage, with Smith at QB. Most of the guys unlikely to make the team were out there, but so was Bender... I think they want to get him more scrimmage time. Wadsworth was out there with the rest of the UDFA's and rookies though. He seemed to hold his own, but I don't recall anything remarkable about his play today.
  15. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Good report mate. News on Wadsworth?
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Great report, T-Bird and Kurt. I missed you guys yesterday, which was a spur-of-the-moment, last minute thing (me being there with my nephew). Your mechanical observations, particularly on DEF and more acutely on the linemen, are always top notch and bar none. Looking for more of the same and/or perhaps hooking up with you guys again soon. Meantime, keep up the great work.
  17. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    227, any chance of you coming out on Wednesday? It's a 2 o'clock practice.... then maybe a brat fest at my place while the rush hour traffic clears out? In any case, that's what Kurt and I will do on Wednesday.

    BallHawk, I didn't see any skirmishes today... maybe that happened before I got there a bit late?

    I am disappointed that Kenyon Coleman hasn't looked real good yet.... we need to get Kimo on the 2nd team.
  18. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    im just going to hope that he needs a few days to get back in the mix of things...its not easy sitting out for 6 years, just to get up and start playing football again
  19. plinko

    plinko Absolute Ruler

    Aug 28, 2002
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    as always, excellent report tbj and kurt.
  20. Mickey Shuler 82

    Mickey Shuler 82 New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Tbird, always a pleasure. Tom Rock and Cimini have got nothing on you.

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