Pettitte is having a poor night. Great. We're already down Mo for sure, and Myers already wasted the 3 decent pitches his arm is capable of per night.
I just wanna comment on this since I find it an amusing story and since I read a lot about it in the papers today. I mean, it's been all over and i'm surprised how much attention it's gotten from the media and the fans. I love stuff like this that can cause confusion because it makes those who know look smart and wise, and I'm on board with the fact that the stats count for June, but perhaps the best line i read was from the NY times, That's pretty much it. For the books, it would count as 493, but as far as reality goes, time goes forward, not backwards, so we can't arbitrarily insert an event into a point in time and revert everything up to the current moment to keep up. It's not realistic So we were not going to NOT "celebrate" 500 Homers like those really into technicalities, and others may have celebrated it twice. But when we sober up and realize that time goes forward and chronologically, that's the way it is, while recognizing that the stats count for a different day.
Gotta finally agree with you. But we really need to find a way to trade for another pen arm. This pen is just garbage, save for Viz and Mo.
Britton will be back soon. And they're talking about having Chamberlain up. Or Karstens. Really... can they be worse than Farnsworth? I don't think so.
Well, hopefully we can get some value out of Detroit for Farnsworth. 8 behind the Sox, 5 behind the Tribe.
Seriously Cakes, get out of this thread. You're only here to start trouble. We're staying out of the Mets threads, you should do the same for ours if you serve no benefit (see Yisman's contributions).
Somebody could look it up to make sure, but I believe there was an NBA game similar to this. A game was halted due to a leak in the roof or the arena showers going off. It was resumed a month or two later. The two teams made a trade in the meantime. Tamika Catchings' father was involved in the trade. I'm not sure if he was allowed to play in the conclusion of the game.
Mets fans who revel in Yankee losses always amuse me. It's like, how unfulfilled must your life of Mets fandom be that Yankee losses cause such apparent glee? I'm ambivalent about the Mets. If anything, I like Willie and would like to see the Mets do well. Of course, when Mets fans act like this, the spiteful side of me isn't going to mind them choking off the lead to the Bravos... but I try not to listen to that side.
Rumors are that Seattle and several other teams are interested in trading for Igawa. I can see why, he's dirt cheap and signed for 5 years. Wonder what we can get, he probably has no career here.