8 of the past 11...Let's keep the drive rolling! Mon, Jul 16 7:05 pm EDT K. Igawa vs. J. Towers Tue, Jul 17 7:05 pm EDT A. Pettitte vs. R. Halladay Wed, Jul 18 7:05 pm EDT R. Clemens vs. S. Marcum Thu, Jul 19 1:05 pm EDT
This is a HUGE series. Boston is playing against Kansas City and Chicago, so 3 out of 4 is going to be needed in order to keep pace with them. With that said, I personally think it's gonna be a split, with the Yanks winning Rocket's and Wang's starts.
I'm still seething over a loss to TB, but stuff happens I guess. The bats have to continue the pace they've set. No more going cold. As for Boston playing KC, don't count the Royals out right now. They're winning games this year. Chicago is a team on the decline, but they could still surprise. Anyway, we just need wins. Keep up the magic GM!
We need better hitting and better pitching in this series to even hope to win 3 out of 4. Toronto won't fall apart when they go to the pen.
If we can get a W tonight w/ Igawa that would be huge, we need to get 3 of 4 and start putting some istance btw us and Toronto.
Heh..if Igawa pitches a perfect game or only gives up a few HRs we have a chance. He does fine until there are runners on base and he has to pitch from the stretch.
http://www.nypost.com/seven/0716200...not_farnsworth_s_kyle_yankees_george_king.htm Proctor? Ehh... Bruney - 40 games 2.52 ERA...I've seen him in big spots this year and I like him, I sure as hell trust him more than any of those other 3. Vizcaino, don't get excited for his small little success...Proctor is hit or miss...3 outs, or 4 walks, flip the coin. Bruney DESERVES a legit shot to be the setup man.
I totally agree with you, and I wonder why he doesn't get the shot. It's almost like he's not one of "Torre's Guys," which would figure, since he could probably help.
I would've agreed about Bruney earlier in the year, but lately he can't get the ball over the plate to save his life. I'd actually trust both Viz and Proctor over Bruney until he gets his shit together... and that's not because I think Viz or Proctor are great or anything.