I think this is Joe's last year regardless of what the yanks do but i'd have n problem w/ him coming back. I appreciare all joe has done and he's earned the right to leave on his own terms.
He's the worst OF I have ever seen. the strange thing is he he got here in '03 he was pretty good in the field but it's been downhill since his first year.
I agree with you, Bobby Cox is the Braves manager as long as he wants to be and he hasn't accomplished nearly as much as Torre. The guy deserves to be treated like Yankee royalty..
I agree. This is Joe's last year, even if they win the World Series. Unlike you, I'll be happy to help him pack his bags, but that's me. Seriously. Before he broke his wrist he was acceptable. Ever since, he's been total garbage in left. He's horrid. He's also become quite hot or cold at the plate lately. He either generates RBI, or he's an out. He could be a DH, but that's about it. This is getting tiring. Really.
Can someone tell me what good Myers is on our roster if he can't get lefties out on any consistant basis.