Now that Glavine has lost the lead he'll pitch 3 more innings and not give up any more runs, then the Glavine-enablers will spout their shit about how he "really wasn't that bad".
Un Fukin real! You think he didn't know that was coming after a mound visit!!!! Jesus Clip...This guy is Killin us right now!
Wow Joe. This makes you overusing the pen last night look like such a smart idea in hindsight. Jackass.
Exactly , I've been saying that for sometime now... ...Add to that, the Lack of what seems to be fundamental Baseball that we all of a sudden lack! If we fail to win anything this year, Joe must go...
You know, Jeter is really starting to piss me off. I didn't notice before, until the whole ARod situation early in the year. People were complaining that the "Captain" doesn't do shit for his teammates. I argued in Jeter's favor repeatedly, but I'm really losing all my faith in him. First there was his "Go ask Alex about that" when the "Blonde" situation popped up. Now, Clip pitches poorly and gets yanked, and Jeter pats JOE F'n TORRE on the chest. How about thanking the kid that's given you more than you had a right to expect this year so far? I'm back to Angry Alio again. Thanks Yanks.
Maybe Gomez should be upgraded to Carlos I, those 3 or 4 IF hits are more then the other Carloses have done in a couple weeks.
While I love the guy, it's sad when Cairo is becoming your most consistent player on both sides of the ball. (The only guys more consistent are ARod and Posada.)