Herm: The worst thing I did when I was in New York was..........

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Pride, May 15, 2007.

  1. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    well i'm just saying i think parcells 4 years in dallas are gonna be better them herm's first 4 years in kc. and the reason why people get pissed at herm was that he didnt play the right players, he didnt manage the clock all that well, and his game plans were predictable and conservative. u gotta understand how that can rub people the wrong way, especially after all those press conferences where he would ramble on. i would say its 2 different philosophies, and herm's outlook on the game just pisses me off, and i'm sure i'm not the only one. either way we both agree mangini is the better man for the job, and that we're on the up and up as a team. (that's really all i care about anyway)
  2. Pam

    Pam TGG.com Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    Ah, you couldn't coax junc over at the other place so you came here?

    Just pointing that out. :wink:
  3. Bill Parcells

    Bill Parcells New Member

    Apr 15, 2006
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    It took Ellis about 2 years to recover from that debacle,but whatever.
    LMAO! Here are the posts in this thread,only your 64 posts make sense,heh?

    User Name Posts
    nyjunc 64
    winstonbiggs 21
    Jet Blue 21
    Don 11
    KSJets 10
    Tballlz63 9
    jaywayne12 7
    dabrowsk1 6
    championjets69 5
    Jetzz 5
    Dierking 5
    GreenHornet 3
    Coach K 3
    JoeJet 2
    Cman50 2
    Sundayjack 2
    PF4JETS 2
    Warhound7 2
    Green Guy 2
    tomdeb 2
    TheChadManCan 1
    NYJets38 1
    ScotsJet 1
    In Mangini We Trust 1
    KurtTheJetsFan 1
    Yisman 1
    ny4eva22 1
    abyzmul 1
    Bill Parcells 1
    Hobbes3259 1
    TheGreenBrickRhode 1
    Br4dw4y5ux 1
    Mapmakerns 1
    fenwyr 1
    sec314 1
    LostInMA 1
    csw572 1
    jilozzo 1
    #1 Jets Fan 1
    MarionBarber31 1
    typeOnegative13NY 1
    Section 336 1
    baamf 1
    jixxjr 1
    Martin&theJETS 1
    Dirtywater 1
    KOZ 1
    EL Kabong 1
    DOOM 1
    Bill 1
    BigGreenUgly 1
    JetFighter 1
    vilmatic 1
    Miamipuck 1
    jetbugga 1
    JetsIn2004 1
    Show Thread & Close Window
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Oh please, we were desperate after ferg got hurt. he was a PB player by 2003.

    YES my 64 posst make sense. Jut b/c I am in the minority on this situation doen't make me wrong as I am the one presenting facts. You guys can criticize him all youwat and say I am wrong but it's a results business and:

    -Herm took over after 4 coaches either quite or declined to be considered AND parcells also dclined to come back afte '00.

    -herm took over a team that missed the playofs 2 straight years and 12 of 14 years and he guided them 3 of his first 4 years.

    -Herm took over a franchise that in 40 years had 8 total playoff appearaces and in just 5 years he guided the Jets to 3.

    -Herm took over a franchise w/ ONE AFC East Title and 3 div tite overall and he led us to a div title that interuppted a DYNASTY.

    -Herm needed a win to get into the playoffs in wek 17 of '01, he faced a team playing for a bye and at a place we hadn't won at sine we were the NY TITANS and he led us to the W(unlike '97 and '00 where we lost in week 17 to miss the playoffs).

    -Herm took over a frachise w/ 2 road playoff wins in history and both came in 1982 and Herm led us to a playoff win at SD w/ a QB that had atorn rotator cuff in his throwing shoulder AND a building where Sd din't lose a game that yearto any team beside the Jets.

    You can make fun of his clock mgmt, his training camps, his O's, his D's, blah, blah but this is a bottom line business and the bottom line is he had alot of success here w/ a job NOBODY WANTED and a fanchise that was a joke around the league.
  5. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    i dont think we were a joke with parcells as the HC. i think he was the one to turn the franchise around and make us legitimate. i mean when vinny got hurt under bp we still went .500 with a pretty tough schedule. i mean i would think we were a joke right before bill parcells got here being 1-15 and all...
  6. Bill Parcells

    Bill Parcells New Member

    Apr 15, 2006
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    He's just as redundant wherever he is when it comes to Herm.
  7. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    i mean here's where you lose me, you're herm's biggest defender on this thread at least, and even you are glad he's gone and mangini is here, so i just dont know how to take that?
  8. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    junc lust loves to argue. He'll argue with you that the sky is really green if you give him the chance.
  9. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    He's presenting "Facts" :breakdance:

    :Cuckoo Cuckoo:
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He turned us around from beig a joke on the field but we werequickly headed back in that direction w/ 4 coaches walking out on us or declining to be considered for the job. We lost 3 coaches in the span of a less than a year.

    January 3rd, 2000: Bill parcells "retires"
    January 4th, 2000: bill Belichick announces his resignation at a PC called to introduce him as HC.
    December 29, 2000: Al groh resigns to take UVa job.

    3 guys quit on us in less than a year. That's unheard of so we were becoming a joke again around the league. Herm stabilized us in the coaching dep't.

    Mangini has really nothing to do w/ the Herm debates. My point all along is that Herm did a good job for us and no matter what he dos in KC or what mangini does that will not change. I love Mangini's potential, I think he has a higher upside than Herm so that's why I would never change back. it doesn't mean anything about Hrem, i also wold rather BP have stayed han to hire Groh then Herm but that doesn't change the facts that Herm was successful here and I appreciate it.

    I noticed how you haven't responded to post 224. Let's see you refute those facts.
  11. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    I don't agree with your desperation scenario you paint - ANd I'm sure you include this magical scenario where you have no clue what real coaches said behind closed doors or who they tried to get to coach as FACTS :cuckoo: - People in the NFL and coaches knew the deal - BB had a deal with the Pats, Parcells was stepping down and Groh was a college coach in the wrong spot... It's NEW YORK... There was little desperation and they could have hired a ton of people who actually coached before....

    That's a ridiculous scenario you paint there....

    Parcells reccomended the Bradway connection and that was that - There was no desperation.. Woody went with Parcel's opinion and perosnally I think that was wrong right there - He should have assembled a new staff of people who would stay here and be responsible for the outcome.

    The rest of you blabber ignores the fact that Herm BLOWS CHUNKS as an actual coach - We realize he happened to get us to a certain point in spite of that and we ALL realize THE NEW YORK JETS NEEDED BETTER COACHING..

    Like YOU said yourself - THEY NEEDED BETTER COACHING...

    Of how about even an organizational identity and plan??????

    There shouldn't be an argument here - THEY NEEDED BETTER COACHING...

    But, you continue to be the Board(s) freak who just loves to nitpick all the points that we already know and wash over the fact that WE NEEDED BETTER COACHING when it's opportune...

    Then all of a sudden you spin back when it's convenient and say " i love Mangini - and WE NEEDED BETTER COACHING"....

    So, you realize Herm's limitations but, continue to play games....

    That's ALL we're saying is that WE NEEDED BETTER COACHING... Done. Finished. Next topic.

    Just Like You are saying, And that's all that matters..

  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Yep ridiculous-

    belichick under contract walks out, parcells under contract walks out, groh under contract walks out, parcells has a chance to take over after groh walks out and he declines, Capers interviewes and removes himself from consideration for the job. yep 5 times coaches would walk out on such immene talent. wake up and start using common sense.

    I don't think it has EVER happened where a franchise had 3 different HC's in a year quit on them. if that wasn't a time of crisis then I don't know what is.

    and the new staff was responsible and around 5 years which in Jet land is an eternity.

    just what i thought, you have NOTHING to counter what I wrote. I write facts and you write nonsense.

    Do me a favor and don't reply anymore unless you can counter post #224.
  13. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Actually, I think the change in ownership had more to do with that than anything else. No one knew anything about Woody. I firmly believe that if Leon Hess didn't die that the turmoil that you're talking about would not have happened. No one knew what to expect with the new owner and we all know Bill loves to be the one calling the shots.
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    U R correct about that & in fact Belly alluded to it in his goodbye speech.

  15. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    this thread has now become a horribly done episode of the twilight zone.

  16. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    It is funny how a year later the only thread that has any real legs is one that involves Herm Edwards.... :lol:
  17. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    :rofl: At Facts.....

    Whatever dude...

    WE AGREED.... :beer:


    It's all this other BS that makes the rest of us Laugh at you.

    It's THE NEW YORK JETS - We know why BB, Parcells and Groh didn't want the job.... You forget about the million other candidates that would have sold off a newborn for the job......

    But, again, We're in your muck of useless info and spinning again...

    THE POINT and ONLY thing that matters here is:


    You "get it" Congrats...... The rest is your little game which we all tag team and have fun playing at times.....

    Oh - And say hello to Herm at the next family function. :up:
  18. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    It has little to do with Herm and more to do with Junc and his stubborn games...... I think 98% of us have a grasp on what went on and what kind of coach Herm is..... Junc and the rest of his family have little else to do but visit numerous boards and pimp for Herm.
  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Yep bottom line that is what it is all about & Junc admitted that Herm was just not good enough. Time will tell if Man is. From the very getgo of Herms employment by Woody I was posting that he would fail & he would NEVER/EVER get us the championship that we long for

  20. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    True, it has a lot more to do with people wanting to argue Junc into the ground, and Junc not giving up an inch of ground.

    I believe far and large that most people just hate Edwards. He's not the greatest coach in the league, but at the same time he is not the worst. People around here make him out to be far worse than he truly is, and it is understandable how things went down with the Jets and him. People still hold a big grudge against Parcells, but time has softened that some.

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