Herm: The worst thing I did when I was in New York was..........

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Pride, May 15, 2007.

  1. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    so now we're comparing bill parcells to herm edwards...
  2. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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    my bad forgot to inclue the quote in reply. but anyway bill parcells being compared to herm?!!
  3. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    If I recall he had Pennington on the team with a year under he's belt, he could have benched Vinny day 1 he didn't, he didn't even give Pennington a shot until Vinny played himself off the team the following year. Nice revision of history.

    The Core and leadership of the 98 team was Vinny, Mawae, Martin and Bryan Cox. None of those players were there prior to Parcells arrival.
    #163 winstonbiggs, May 17, 2007
    Last edited: May 17, 2007
  4. Warhound7

    Warhound7 New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    what happens when jets fans get bored? -- they rip the living shit out of people because we humans cant predict the future.
  5. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    "He may not be a Championship coach but he's good enough to take a team to a certain level"

    Thank you. Goodnight.
  6. Pam

    Pam TGG.com Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    Shhh. Patriots fans can. Didn't you hear they have The Super Bowl in the bag? :eek:hmy: :lol:
  7. csw572

    csw572 Banned

    Feb 25, 2007
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    I actually met cotchery about a week ago and i must say hes a great guy. He signed a couple things for me, talked to me and my dad for about 10 minutes and then went on his way. I dont see why Herm didn't play him at all if he said he was great in practice. Hes a good person and player...dont know what he was thinking.
  8. NYJets38

    NYJets38 New Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Herm might have messed up with Cotchery, but lots of other young players got a lot of playtime. Vilma started as a rookie. So did Robertson, though that was by necessity. Hobson got playtime as a rookie and started his 2nd year. Coleman and Rhodes both started as rookies, 4th and 5th round picks. Those 2 players alone should remove the myth that Herm didn't play young players.

    I agree with a lot of what nyjunc is saying. Herm is a above average-good coach. He's not a great or elite coach, but he's better than a lot of the guys in the league who keep getting jobs. I don't think he's a guy who is going to take a terrible team and turn them around in one year but he's already proven he's capable of going to and winning in the playoffs. And imo he could win a superbowl someday.

    I don't have a problem with those who wanted Herm to go because after 5 years it pretty much was time for a change, and we replaced him with a guy who looks like he could be an elite coach for years to come. But when people say he is terrible and one of the worst coaches in the league, and they'd rather guys who have already proved themselves to be failures in the NFL over him, it doesn't make any sense.
  9. jetbugga

    jetbugga Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    i think herm was great for the jets. going to the playoffs on a consistant basis was good enough for me but herm actually thinking lamont was a qb, well that would be a what was he thinking moment.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    and what did he do w/ that bye? he had a week of ANDa home game and yet he still led them to a loss.

    Herm won and lost a playoff game twice not once.

    obviously it's about getting to the SB and wining BUT you have to get to the playoffs before you cn get to a SB and 3 chances are better than 1, right?

    No, obviously Herm is nowhere near BP as a coach(though Herm in NY was better than BP in Dallas) but other posters were saying how herm too BP's teams and o course failed to acknowlege how much talent BP was left by previous regimes so i notd how Herm too "BP's team to 3 plyoffs while BP took his teams to 1.

    Chad was hurt most of 2000 and didn't practice much, he as also goin on his 3rd system in 3 years. h needed to e devloped andthe Jets CS did a tremendous job w/him. Chad had a chance to stat in 2002 but Viny earned the job, they brought Chad along at the PERFECT time. If Chad starts 2002 he ether gets hur b/c of allthe OL injuries or he loses his confidence /c we were going 1-4 regardless of the QB.

    he core of the '98 team was keyshawn, Chrebet, Mo, Glenn, Green, etc...
  11. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Vinny started '98 on the bench.
  12. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Let me explain this to you. Teams that play in the second round did better than teams that played in the first round. 3 chances are not better than 1 if you never make it out of the second round. In fact if you're allready in the second round you are 1 step closer to a SB and if you happen to have a home game in the second round the odds go up immensly. You see 3 is not better than 1 because if your not in the second round you have no shot to go to a SB. The odds on a wild card road team going to the SB are tiny, in fact only slightly better than the odds of a none playoff team going to the SB.

    You're argument that you can't get to a SB unless you are in the playoffs while clearly a brilliant point ignores reality. Tell me how many 9 or 10 win teams have gone to a SB out of the WC game? I think it may have been done 2 out of the second round game by division winners? The odds of going to a SB go up dramatically when you aviod the first round through superior regular season record. The odds of making it at 9 & 7 or 10 & 6 are almost none existent compared to 11, 12, 14 and up win teams. So while Vermeil didn't get to one with KC, he got every bit as far as Herm did in 3 tries with 1 try and in fact in that 1 try put he's team in a substantially better position to win a SB than Herm did in he's 3 tries, just like the 98 teams 12 win season put them in a far better position to win a SB than any of Herms 3 attempts with the Jets or 1 with the Chiefs.

    To put it another way I can't win the lottery unless I buy a lottery ticket but my odds of winning the lottery if I buy a ticket or don't buy one aren't that much different. The odds of a Herm Edwards team having to win all 3 games in the playoffs to get to a SB are who knows. We know he is 0 for 4 in getting there now which is the same as every team that didn't make the playoffs in the years Herm did.

    The best players on that team without any doubt were Vinny, Mawae, Cox and Martin in that order. You can make an argument for Keyshawn behind Vinny and Mawae.
    #172 winstonbiggs, May 18, 2007
    Last edited: May 18, 2007
  13. Warhound7

    Warhound7 New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    HAHAHAHA touche!
  14. Tballlz63

    Tballlz63 Active Member

    Apr 27, 2007
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  15. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Worse thing Herm ever did was open up his mouth at a post game press conference - one stupid comment after the next.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    it's more impressive winning a 1st rd game and losing in rd 2 then getting a bye and losing in rd at home as a favorite.

    Which is why it is much worse to lose in rd 2 when you have a bye.

    it doesn't matter, how many teams pre '00 won 4 postseason games to win the SB? I think it was done once in the rpevious 34 SBs and now it's been donw twice since 2000. How many teams had won 3 road games to get to the SB? never until Pitt did it 2 years ago. Just b/c something asn't been donw before doesn't mean it can't be done.

    Herm had 3 tries, Herm won 2 playoff games. Vermiel got to ONE postseason and won ZERO playoff games. HUGE advantage Herm. You can spin it any way you want but the bottom line is Herm ahd alot mroe success in 5 years espite lesser reg season record. it's always better to get yto the playoffs 3 times over 1 time unless of course that 1 time ends in a SB but Vermeil didn't evevn win a playoff game.

    Vinny and Cox were complete luck. They were both brought in to be in to be backup players and Curtis was NOT great that year. key was a bigger key for us as was wayne. 80% of that team was already in place when BP got here, he struck gold w/ Vinny and Cox w/ a low risk but unfortunately his luck ran out after that season when he brought in great players like Steve Atwater, roman phifer and Eric Green.

    O'Donnell was a SB QB, he may not have been marino but he was a good QB that you could win w/. Parcells also inherited Key, Chrebet, Murrell, Brady, jumbo, O'Dwyer, Anderson(who he did't play except when Byars was hurt), cascaddn, Mo, Marvin, Green, Glenn, Coleman, Douglas(who he gave away), Jeff Graham, Bobby hamilton, Mickens, David Williams.

    I appreciate what BP did here, I wish he never left. We were losers and he turned us around BUT we had ALOT of talent which is why he came here.

    He gave Groh all the credit in 2000 b/c he didn't want to take th heat or trading Key, he doesn't get the credit now. If you want to see what a BP darft looks like see 1997-1999.

    He left an aging team w/ a cap mess that hadn't been in postseasoin for 2 straight years.

    herm will NEVER catch BP overall, but he did a better job in NY than BP did in dallas.
  17. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Ageing team? Abe, Pennington, Ellis, Mawae, Coles, Becht, Randi Thomas, Farrior, Ferguson, Fabini, Young and Sowell all brought in prior to Herm and all in their absolute prime when Herm arrived and all outstanding football players.

    Herm was left a veteran team with quality depth and youth all throughout that team and studs on both the OL and DL.

    Herm blew it here, he took an excellent team and over time dismantled it and left them in taters. He has allready started to do the same thing in KC.
    #177 winstonbiggs, May 19, 2007
    Last edited: May 19, 2007
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Herm = The Second coming of Marty Schottenheimer.

    He'll get you 10 a year, but you'll be back home the second week of January.

    In all his years of coaching, Marty still hasnt managed to capture lightning in a bottle.
  19. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    He got to 10 2 in 6 years.
  20. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    This is the problem I have always had with Champs knock on the team. The Jets did not..did not have a poor roster..especially when Herm took over. This was a very solid roster. Herm just slowly destroyed it and was not able to take hardly any draft picks and make them highly productive players.

    The Jets. like many other good teams in Football and other sports, were good/average because of the talent they had on their team..not because of the coach.

    The only compliment you can give Herm Edwards was that he was smart? enough to know that he had no x's and o's talent whatsoever...none. So he stayed out of the way and let his conservative offensive coach do his thing..and let his defensive coaches either do their thing or flounder. He had no ability to rescue a poor coach because he had no talent...no knowledge...nothing on either side of the ball because the guy never called a play..drew up a play...designed a play....in his life.

    He was a cheerleader...I will say that a thousand times..a cheerleader...and the last compliment I will give the guy is that he was a damn good one.

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