Who Stops the Run???

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    Exactly, DT is so big of a need. I don't care if we use both the 6th and 7th rounders then throw in a player, just get it done!
  2. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    I say we need to trade up one more time

    Tomorrow we need to trade up into the 5th round to get Walter Thomas. Either trade McCariens for a 5th rounder we were already offered or trade next years 4th round pick plus this years 7th rounder we now have.

    Then grab Naanee at WR with our 6th round pick.

    If we can get Thomas to stop the run and Naanee to be a big physical WR threat this braft would be great.
  3. RobA

    RobA 2005-2007 TGG.com Most Optimistic Award Winner

    Oct 27, 2005
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    If we can't get Soliai, then Thomas is our next best option.
  4. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Kurt, my friend, it's hopeless. Really, it is. I haven't posted in weeks because the general football IQ around here is has become about eye level to a toilet bowl. The stupid stuff I see posted... well, no time for a rant I suppose... although I already did a modified short version.

    People read this Cimini trash and believe every word.... meanwhile we have at least 20 posters here that are more football savy than that idiot is. Cimini and his ilk were flatly to f'n lazy to go to TC and KNOW what the depth chart was... and instead complained that the Jets didn't publish one. Same old, same old.

    I still think there should be a seperate forum.... one must pass a Wunderlik football IQ test to get in. Then, about 50 of us could have some meaningful discussions.... where no one gives a shit who was or wasn't voted most knowledgable or most stupid poster. Just pure, unadulterated Jets football. Ah well.... in my next life maybe.
  5. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Agreed on Robertson. He only played the nose last year. He gained momentum as the year went on and should have an even better year in 2007.

    The Jets should still consider taking a DT tomorrow. I like Keith Jackson, Jr. He is a two-gap player. We'll see what happens.
  6. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Long as I remember the run has been comin down.
    Clouds of mystery pourin' confusion on the ground.
    Good men through the ages, trying to find the sun;
    And I wonder, still I wonder, who'll stop the run?

    I went down Virginia, seeking shelter from the storm.
    Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow.
    Five year plans and new deals, wrapped in golden chains.
    And I wonder, still I wonder who'll stop the run?

    Saw the defense playing, how we cheered for more.
    The crowd had rushed together, trying to keep warm.
    Still the run kept coming, on through the years.
    And I wonder, still I wonder who'll stop the run?:wink:
  7. ATL-JET

    ATL-JET Active Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Harris, Kenyon Coleman, Bowens, Vilma...and a hard hitting safety named KERRY RHODES.

    Teams did most of their damage to the Jets in the 1st 1/2 of the season against our run D...the 2nd 1/2 was a different set of circumstances because the team got used to the 3-4....I think most of us (Jets fans) are stuck in the 1st 1/2 of the season. I believe we have the tools to be a great Defense, can we use another DT?

    Well...time will tell.
  8. Boom Dawg

    Boom Dawg New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Im gonna agree with Kurt, I think people are reading too much into this he's not a proto-typical 3-4 NT too much. He did well towards the end of the year. We do still howver have to draft another 3-4 NT, not to replace D-rob but at least to give him some blows and get fresh legs in there towards the end of games. Hopefully we trade McCareins, and one of our linebackers for some 5th's, solidify our O-Line, and Then pick up a NT with a 6th (if we even have a 6th, haha i dont even remember what we traded for day 2 picks.)
  9. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Walter Thoma is the answer...what the NFL is saying

    Positives: Has a thick, massive frame with long arms, large hands, very thick chest, broad shoulders, thick thighs and calves ? Demonstrates excellent foot speed for a player carrying his girth, but he could be even more efficient if he shed roughly 30-40 pounds ? Short stepper who gets out of control at times, but shows a non-stop effort ? Has very good explosion off the snap and is explosive penetrating the gaps ? Lays it on the line every play and, despite his tall frame, he shows a low center of gravity and very good upper-body strength to deliver vicious arm swipes ? Can be sudden off the snap and shows quickness on the edge of a blocker ? Once he gains advantage over an opponent, he keeps it ? Instinctive and quick on the move, doing a nice job of recognizing blocking schemes and reacting to play-action ? Stacks at the point of attack and uses his leverage and strength to hold ground firmly ? Keeps his feet free and is a powerful force shooting the gaps ? Demands constant double-team action to contain him and is not moved off his mark quickly ? Makes quick use of his hands, working across the face of the blocker and will engage with good urgency, keeping his hands active in attempts to shed ? Delivers a strong hand punch, especially in tight quarters and there is no leakage working inside ? Will create problems if an opponent attempts to single block him ? Gets a good push coming off the snap and arrives in the backfield with intent on getting to the passer ? Has the hand usage to control blockers on strength alone ? For a player his size, he is very nimble and light on his feet, showing good stop-and-go action.

    Negatives: Light on his feet, but needs to be placed in a nutritional program to shed at least 30-40 pounds from his frame ? Plays until the whistle early in games, but the added girth causes him to tire quickly ? Struggled in the classroom and might have problems digesting a playbook ? Gets out of control in his pursuit, but shows loose hips and change-of-direction agility to recover ? Plays mostly on brute strength and will need patient coaching to develop ? While not moved off the line quickly by blockers, he needs to do a better job of using his hands to protect his feet ? Better tackler inside the box, as he will get his base narrow and take arm swipes on the move (will miss in space).
  10. Quack

    Quack New Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    We need a DE, if not two. Even if Kenyon Coleman pans out to be as good as we want him to be, Ellis needs to be replaced. He's a steady starter but won't be for much longer and we really can't stick with someone who is just not bad. On top of that we like to rotate our defensive linemen. We did well despite our DEs, not because of them. Not drafting a DE is the biggest mistake that we can make this year.
  11. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Tom Brady completed way too many third down passes on us last year.

    Overall we did pretty good against the pass last year. We needed to improve against the pass against the elite QBs (Brady, Manning, etc.).
  12. biggundewayne63

    biggundewayne63 Active Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    the only progress pouha has mad has been that he is getting progressivley fatter. who cares if the staff praised him the staff praised schlegel for christ sakes. is that big ass motherfucker that can do backflips still available? nothin to loose lets pick him up.
  13. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    6 more picks...then we will see if Mangini takes Walter Thomas...if still available
  14. jets1960

    jets1960 New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    OG Road grader, DT Both M.I.A.
  15. nico002

    nico002 New Member

    Dec 26, 2004
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    Walkter Thomas isnt goning to be drafted.

    I cant believe that some people actually think he is the answer to stop the run.

    The guy is nothing more than a project.
  16. Mehl-56

    Mehl-56 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He couldn't handle D-1 College Football, what makes you think he can handle being a pro. He's a PROJECT, and a big one. Texas vs. the Nation means nothing... He faced mediocre talent there. None of the premiere talent was really there. I don't put much stock in that game. Hell I showed flashes of dominance on the base football team in the Marines because I was bigger than almost everyone playing... that doesn't mean I should have been drafted, or belong in the NFL.
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    But he'll make the Mercedes dealership in his neighborhood really happy after he cracks up the first two SL coupes. :)
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I like your thinking..I had the same guy in mind myself. I'm sure he probably wasn't drafted. Let Mangenius do their wonder on him.
  19. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Nobody thought Chrebet was anything more then a joke too when he walked on. Of course we had Parcells then. **sigh**
  20. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    It's much worse than that.

    Chrebet was a Rich Kotite find. Yep.

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