Dolphins passed on Brady Quinn for Ted Ginn!?!?!?!

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by AtlantaJet, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. AtlantaJet

    AtlantaJet Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    Let's just all have a good laugh about this! No matter how you feel about the trades the Jets are moving in the right direction, while their traditional rival is becoming a laughing stock!
  2. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I don't like the Dolphins pick, but if Brady Quinn turns out to be a great QB, we had the same opportunity as the Dolphins to draft him and passed.
  3. AtlantaJet

    AtlantaJet Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2003
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    Yes, but there is more than a slight difference between our QB situation and theirs. In the long run we may kick ourselves over it, but they can begin immediately! Even if he doesn't pan out, how do you not take a chance when it has been years since you've had a viable QB!
  4. vilmatic

    vilmatic Active Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Let's just hope we don't eatour words when John Beck starts throwing 40 yard darts to Ted Ginn.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Not selecting quinn was cushioned by getting Beck but taking Ginn that early was very questionable.
  6. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Cleo Lemon is the answer.
  7. Learn To Swim

    Learn To Swim 2008 Nightowltom "Best Non-Jets Poster" Award Winn

    Sep 25, 2004
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    Passing on Quinn: Understandable.

    Passing on Quinn in order to reach on Ginn: Stupid, stupid, stupid.
  8. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    Really, how much film did you study on this draft class?? And how many one on one interviews did you hold with the players in this draft and how many days did you spend at the senior bowl practices, game and Combine and how many scouts did you consult with when spewing your obviously bias opinion? It must be real hard reading someones opinion and repeating it as if you have a clue. I guess you also had Tom Brady a SB champ three times over by his 6th season in the NFL after he was drafted in the 6th round right??

    You wouldn't happen to have a copy of the transcript where you broke down Tom Brady's college career and how it would translate to the NFL and why he will be a superstar at the next level leading up to the 2000 NFL draft, I'm sure it's great stuff...ya know with all your knowledge of the more then 500 players that were eligable for the draft in 2000.

    I love arm chair GM's such the ones on this site..."Oh what a stupid move drafting that player" and "Boy how could they pass on that player they will be the BEST QB EVER!!" It's like this is your first year watching the NFL and you've never experienced the NFL draft and how wrong the so called "experts" are more often then not.

    Nope this thread and many like it are all about hating a division rival and looking for the tiniest little bit of negativity and blowing it up with a stick of dynamite. Ginn was a heisman candidate an explosive WR/KR and he's not affraid to go over the middle, go do a little damn reasearch of your own...but he was a reach at 9, in your opinion?? Pfft, ofcourse a Jet fan thinks the Dolphins first pick was a reach!! Miami has been one of the weakest teams in the division over the last six years on offense, especially exsplosive playmakers like Booker and Ginn.

    We also drafted Beck and if you people actually did your own damn research you'd see the Dolphins draft was about getting a better Oline and adding playmakers and speed, add that to a top 4 defense and a HC who's offenses have won almost 30 games over the last two seasons as an OC and Miami has added talent to the weakest part of our team, but you just keep reading what you "want" to read about the Dolphins, we'll see how much you know when the players take the field rather then living off somone elses opinion, because it's much eaiser then doing your own homework.
    #8 feelthepain, May 3, 2007
    Last edited: May 3, 2007
  9. Dirtywater

    Dirtywater 2005 Award Winner: Best non-Jets fan poster/Best S

    Aug 7, 2004
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    I really respect how passionate you are about the Phins, but every move can't always be correct. I mean, we're all human.

    With that said, It's really about can the player help you, and if Ginn can, then hey does it really matter in the end where you took him? No. Other than the possibility of overpaying due to draft position. When we took Mankins as the 32nd pick of the '05 draft, posters on Finheaven, Buffalo Range and TGG, etc. were all laughing saying we reached. Hey he turned out to be awesome O-Lineman and that's who we wanted. So for us, it worked out. Ginn could also turn out to be that for you.

    I also agree that there are way too many armchair GM's who call a draft right after it happens. Though I personally think Ginn will be a "bust" in the sense of I don't think his impact will be so dramatic as that of a #9 pick, I do think he'll have a good NFL career. That said, I have no more insight that a block of wood. I could easily be so wrong about him. He does look quite explosive. We can't really judge for about 3+ years.

    I also thought Beck was a good pick, and draft position means nothing with QB's. Beck could go on to have a much better career than Quinn. There are a lot of 1st Round QB's that don't pan out. It will definitely be better on your cap.

    OK, so, FTP, tell me what your opinion is of Lynch, Revis & Meriweather.
    #9 Dirtywater, May 3, 2007
    Last edited: May 3, 2007
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    To the above posters i warn you this post drips with green and white loyalty, respectfully:

    Your day will never come
    Your days are numbered....

    Thank You

    But seriously, ginn at 9 is too far a reach for a hurt WR. If his foot does not heal properly then he slows from a 4.3-4.5. If so, his return skills are hurt as well as his ability to get down field. There is too much money being paid to an "iffy" WR. And while you defend your team which is fine and respected, i find that 95% of fins fans are reeling from this decision. Beck does worry me because i do like him as a QB, Satele is either solid or serviceable, i dont see much more.
    Edit: It has been reported that Quinn talked to Willie McGinnest quietly in a corner at some function. What Quinn was asking Willie was what he sees pre-snap from a QB. Pre-snap reads, snap count pickups, and QB tells. This was all asked before April 28. That is called a student of the game, which in most cases means a highly talented NFL player. So maybe passing on a kid who just wants to constantly get better and be the best wasn't a good idea. (Ryan Leaf did not ask those questions, he went to Vegas and got wasted, Manning asks those questions, but I am NOT comparing him to Manning, nor will i ever.)
    The jury is definitely out on the fins draft, and the "character issues" of Mr. Meriweather is also a concern, considering the wonderful footage of him stomping an opposing player in the Miami-(FL Internat'l?) game. There comes a time in every division when a change comes. its the bigger picture of the NFL.. The fins owned it for a while, then it was up for grabs (bills dont count haha), then the pats dominate for 5 years straight. Now the pendulum has swung yet again and the feeling in the NFL is that its NY turn. Its just how it happens. Call it parity if you must, but its how the league operates. Pass the torch...
    #10 NDmick, May 3, 2007
    Last edited: May 3, 2007
  11. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hahahaha, a whole thread of Jets fans to reply to and you reply to the Giants fan. That's okay, it's understandable, you're going on your 11th QB since Marino retired, I'll chalk it up to shellshock.
  12. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    The bottom line, is it's less then a week since the NFL draft and people are spewing nonesense about who will do what and why. What about injuries and not fitting into a teams system, or getting into trouble, there are so many things that could happen from just those things it's impossible to evalutate who will do waht so what's the point in talking as if you've got it all figured out when you don't, "you" as in, anyone preditcing the future.

    Brady Quinn almost fell out of the first round for a reason, with so much "unbelieveable talent", how could any team in the top 25 pass on Brady Quinn, even if you don't need a QB you can't tell me if Brady Quinn were so great he would have lasted as long as he did. The more time goes by the more sophisticated the draft and evaluations become.

    I'll guarantee you everyone in the top 20 had someone in their oraganization spend hours and hours on the top 2 QB's Qinn and Russell, not just Miami and Cleveland. QB is the most important position on the field and Cleveland had a shot at Brady in the top 3 and they passed, Detroit Had Quinn at 2 and they passed, Minn had Brady at 7 with only a 2nd round QB in the fold you don't think if Brady were so awsonme they would have taken him?? But they passed, there sure were a lot of teams passing on Brady not to mention all the teams that passed on him after us, but we get blasted for it, as if we were the only team in need of Mr. Wonderful?

    Miami had Beck rated higher and there is no way Ginn would have made it to 40, so Miami got the two top picks on their board where they had them rated, obviously Miami had Beck rated higher the Quinn cause Quinn was just sitting there for the taking and we didn't take him, infact we tried three different times to trade up into the first to get Beck, it just so happens he fell to us and got to keep our picks. Brady Quinn wasn't as highly rated as the talking heads on all the football shows wanted everyone to believe.

    As for Ginn, I'm sure you haven't spent as much time watching film on him as I have. I've never seen anyone pull away from defenders the way Ginn does. He's also very tough and he will go acorss the middle. He regularly abused the top CB's in the nation like Leon Hall and made them look silly. He played for OSU so you know he faced some very good football teams. I'm not even going to begin to try to predict what he will be in the NFL, but his talent as a WR is undeniable and his talent as a KR is unbelievable.

    As for the other players you asked me about I think they're all extremely talented and I would love to have any of them on my team, but as with the players Miami drafted it's far to soon to even think about who will do what. All you can do is wait and see and be happy with whomever your team selected...or not.
  13. Jets102812

    Jets102812 Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    sounds like a bunch of BS. Holla at your boy
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Quinn has a really high bust potential. I understand why the Dolphins passed on him, although I don't understand why they took Ginn. The draft board at 9 said Amobi Okoye or Patrick Willis if you didn't want Quinn. Taking a player they could have had on 19 was just stupid.

    I've been watching the Dolphins moves the last 3 years and it's becoming clear that they are going to be pathetic in a year or two when their defense thins out to age.
  15. Dirtywater

    Dirtywater 2005 Award Winner: Best non-Jets fan poster/Best S

    Aug 7, 2004
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    How about Santana Moss? How would you compare the two players coming out of college?
  16. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    So instead of addressing an area of dire need, the FO went for a risky punt returner.

    It's great to start drives on the 35, except when you go 3 and out.
  17. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    you don't draft a STs player in the first round, let alone top 10. Anything can happen but judging from the Dolphins recent draft history, I wouldn't get my hopes ti high if I was a Dolphins fan.
  18. Youth Is Served

    Youth Is Served New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    So did you jump out of your seat with excitement when the Dolphins passed on Brady Quinn for Ted Ginn Jr.?? I am pretty curious of what your exact reaction was when that pick happened. Were you exstatic or were you pissed that they passed on Quinn? I am a fair fan and evaluate all teams. But I can not believe for one second that you jumped out of your seat at the fact that the Dolphins passed on Brady Quinn and reached for Ginn who is pretty much the same mold of Santana Moss. The Jets grabbed Moss in the 1st round and a lot of people here were pissed, not because he wasnt a good player but it wasnt worth drafting him that high just to be a #2 WR and a punt returner. I just truly feel that Ginn was a big reach at 9 especially when Brady Quinn was sitting there.

    But, to sit here and accuse Jets fans of being arm chair coaches is lame. Everyone is entitled their opinion and mine is biased. But the worst part is you did not go to any interviews with Ginn and you also were not at all the events that the coaches were at. So its kinda unfair for you to call all of us armchair coaches based on our opinions when you have the same resources that we all do.

  19. feelthepain

    feelthepain New Member

    Apr 24, 2006
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    I loved Moss, being a Hurricane fan. I thought he would be a very good NFL WR even though he was small, but he's truned out to be a better player then I thought he would at the next level. I was hoping he would land with the Dolphins, but as you can see after 5 years and almost 5000 yards, his size hasn't been a problem for him. He's only 12 lbs heavier then Ginn and he's not as fast as Ginn.

    There are several WR's in the NFL that are in Ginns size range, Holt, Harrison, Hall, Moss brothers, Steve Smith. His size is only something for someone looking for a reason to knock him.
  20. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    oh wow. that is a great comparison DW.

    and for the phins fan im not hating but I always felt even when Ginn Jr was a freshman he was better suited to be a CB in the NFL and not a WR. Like DW said, we all have no right to say much but theyre opinions for a reason.

    if ginn jr were realistically at a weight of 195 I prolly would feel more confident in his ability to become a consistent playmaker. First off returning, he has world class speed and cutting. Returning will be his bread and butter.

    But I feel with the departure of Welker they jumped on the most athletic WR available to fill the returner void. He has the flashes of what everyone would expect from a top wideout. But for some reason I doubt his ability to be a consistent performer.

    Either way were still waiting for Miller to start at CB and it might never happen. And us jets fans are ok with that.

    Long as Ginn stays healthy he'll be worth the number 9 pick. But I question his durability and with the QB Carousel you guys have Quinn did look enticing.

    The only thing that will make or break this argument is how Quinn and Beck fare out about 4 yrs from now

    but I will give u this. with the entrance of Stallworth, Moss, and Ginn Jr into our division. Jumping up for Revis could be th ebest thing the jets ever did.
    #20 Coach K, May 3, 2007
    Last edited: May 3, 2007

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