It is not a problem. He said this in the Players Selected By Team thread: It is just, it is the last pick in the draft and no one is picking after him, so might as well let him take as long as he wants to make his pick, it is not holding up anything. I realize it has been a while, and had this not been the final pick in the draft, I myself would have made this pick yesterday, but might as well just let Wolfe Tone pick, considering the circumstances.
Sorry, I have had to move myself and the family to a hotel, we are selling our house and moving right away, the Internet in the room just got fixed tonight Thanks for the patience
It wasn't the guy I wanted, the guy was Anthony Waters MLB, but I missed him being taken and was banking on him being there, perfect fit for the Colts D, I believe it was Hasty that picked him, Spencer is gonna be a player
Unless I overread something, nobody with the name of ''Spencer'' in either their 1st or last name was taken in the 6th or 7th round.
Yeah, what are you talking about? I just looked through it like BakerMaker, and found nothing except for Anthony Spencer in the 2nd round.
Arrgh, I meant Anthony Waters, seriously this hotel shit is killing me, for some reason i had Anthony Spencer in my head
Agreed, Yeh I missed him being picked and saw that many rankings were down on him for missing this past season, but he is gonna be solid, great pick for the Rams in this, And yeh I need sleep bad, My son, wife and I, in one room and still trying to finish my university semester is rough
Haha I am happy not taking a QB for Carolina so high(Zabransky I guess can be 3rd string for them) or taking a K for Saints at all(Mare). I think Im psychic or something. :wink: