They never made a Draft related award in general, so I don't think they'd make one just for our mock.
Twinjet wants suggestions for next years awards. I guess we could ask. But, here's the thing, they run another draft in the NFL forum too right? <shrugs> I like the idea though. (even thou I totally suck at this) :lol:
Sorry i missed my pick guys, my cable was down all day. I like the dolphins pick though, good job GH.
With Jeff Hartings retiring, the Steelers need another great center for the future. I personally think Datish is the second best center in this years draft, behind Kalil, and could be an amazing center in the future. With a year of tuteledge, I think in 2008 he would take over as the Steelers starting center and hold that position for the next decade. He may even be able to start now. I know they signed Sean Mahan to play there, but Mahan is not as experienced at center, mostly playing guard, and has never been a full time great starter. Datish has much more potential and I think could easily take over Mahan's spot, and be an amazing center for years. He just needs to focus on mastering the center position, unlike in college where he played all over the line, and then I think he could be great, he doesn't really have any big weaknesses that need to be fixed. He will also add great depth because he has played all three OL positions in college.
PACKERS ======= 1. Adam Carriker, DL, Nebraska 2. Brian Leonard, RB/FB, Rutgers 3. Jonathan Wade, CB, Tennessee
Niners are thrilled to get some badly needed Wr help....I like 2006 he had 13 Tds and over 1300 yards. {NFLDraftScout} nailed it right here on Jonathan Wade Wade is certainly raw, but his combination of sprinter speed, game-breaking ability and frame can't be coached. With time to develop, Wade has the potential to be one of the real game-changers of this draft
JJ...nice pick with Datish.........Last year the Steelers were eyeing Mangold. A big need and Datish can play any position on the line.
Yeah, I was very happy that he was still there, and I think he fills the only hole the Steelers really had left (meaning now I can go BPA basically) and was a great value in the 3rd round.
he was third on my list when I picked Eric Wright for the Jets, the other was JOsh Miller...Wade has some intruiging raw talent...its hard to look away from
for some reason i was thinking about justin miller and josh wilson when i typed that...maybe i shouldnt have had that jack/coke in the middle of the day thanks jason, i appreciate your smug humor
No, I had to add the wink, duh! Without the wink, it just sounds snotty, but with the wink, you know it's humorous.
Wow, I signed on at a really perfect time, right when the picks time is up, and I think I can handle this, give me a second.