Now I want to pick, damn this is gonna be a good one, I am a bit happy I do not pick with the Skins until 5, then all of my energy can go to the Superbowl champs
Hey green hurricane, if it is not too much trouble, would you mind taking my draft tracker thing (the one in the code) and putting it on one of these threads, so it is easier to keep track of picks? That way we can see how exactly was drafted before us. Just a bit easier. Just copy that code (but negate to Patriots trading with the Falcons, because that was a in-draft trade) and than turn it into a new code. It will just make it easier.
That's a good idea, if it's not too much trouble for you GH. Solid pick by Detroit I suppose... "Beware of falling QBs, next 15 picks" Anyway, there's a certain player than Tampa Bay better not take that I have a feeling they will
Code: Hi my name is MC. I think thats what jasonjets was refering to. if you want you could quote this to see how to link it.
Yeah, it is just if you do the code thing, you can put all 7 rounds on 1 page without taking up much room. Thank you for making the page, it is just if you put it all in a code, it all fits on 1 page.
I just want to thank Green Hurricane for setting this up, its should be good and better then the one I set up. It sucks that I couldnt get everybody on the same page but im happy to see that the idea isnt lost. Thanks again GH
yea MC, he wasnt going to fall that far, its like me hoping that Adam Carriker is falling to 25, right in my lap
I got my highest ranked DT for the Skins, Okoye is gonna be a monster, I like him better than Branch for a 4-3 team, just to bad that i like him so much I definatley will not want him on the Skins in the real draft