I know, I was trying desperately to not have the first post come off like that, but I think it did anyway. I wouldn't be opposed to having nominations for spots, if that's what everyone wanted to do.
The problem with nominations, is everyone that is active would vote for themselves, and everyone who is not nominated, might not want to vote.
I like that idea. Having owners who are around here more often will make for a much better draft. I'd like to be a part of this and own 2 teams.
I'm In!!! I'd rather have 16 GMs that want to get this done. It get's too watered down. I remember we did a 3 rd mock, a couple of years ago, with 4 GMs (8 people) and it went well.....we completed in on a Sat and Sun....I was exhaused
I am in and can handle two teams (I had the Broncos and Steelers in one of these. I work pretty long jours during the weekdays so I won't be able to do much more than OTC notices as far as running the thing goes. I would suggest a 4 hour limit on picks. If you won't be here you should at least PM your next pick and an alternate to someone that doesn't pick before you do. If someone goes through that much trouble and both guys get picked, only then should we hold things up any longer. I like trades but they should be peripheral to the mock draft. That means that you make the trades BEFORE your pick is up and do not slow the draft down by trying to trade your pick when you are OTC. Players only using a predetermined draft chart eliminates the need to hold things up for commishoner approval. Just make sure that 1. we have all agreed to this and 2. that the comishoner is notified so that we all know who is OTC. Also, if you miss your pick, anyone should be able tto make your selection and a second missed pick should be enough to kick someone out. Those are my thoughts anyway.
I'm down with the 16 owners two teams apiece. I think we could fairly easily get 16 members who are committed to this, 32 not so easy.
uhh ive had them before so ill take the browns and the titans and ive made every pick on time so far so if i gurentee i will never miss a pick if i do you can BAN ME
Yeah guys, no teams just yet. More likely than not, it'll go something like this. I'll ask each of you for a list of three teams that you want, and make sure that everyone gets one of those teams on that list. Then I'll randomlyassign that person a team from the other half of the mock (meaning if you want the Raiders, your 2nd team will be from 17-32). That way everyone has an early pick and a late pick. And give it another day or so to see if there are any other people out there that want to throw their hat in there to be apart of this, there are still a few good candidates out there that probably haven't seen the thread yet. Plus, we aren't even at 16 yet, so time is needed.