Thomas Jones traded to the Jets...Deal Complete (Merged 5X)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by hydro51, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. jets94nj

    jets94nj Active Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    Originally Posted by Exit 117
    Isn't he like 32 already? Woopty freakin' doo. Seahawks couldn't get a 2nd round for Alexander, Colts couldn't get a 2nd rounder for James... This is Thomas Fuckin' Jones.
    29. wow real old.we didnt give up 2nd rounder we moved 23 spots. whoop de do! u guys amaze me. never happy. what would u be happy with a #1 pick rb to turn out to be another blair thomas, ki jana carter or rasham salaam?
    #341 jets94nj, Mar 5, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2007
  2. Slagan7

    Slagan7 Member

    Aug 8, 2005
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    I think this is a smart move. Your picking up a starting NFL RB for a third rounder?? Sounds good to me. Even if he doesn't pan out, it's a great move with little down side. We are trying to put together a serious conteder here. I don't know how people think he's done. I also think he'll bring a great leadership quality to the locker room, and let alone people are going to have to start respecting the run.
  3. QueensBearsFan

    QueensBearsFan New Member

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Thomas Jones's New Contract

    You guys shouldn't lose sleep over the swap of picks. From a compensation aspect of it, the Jets fleeced the Bears. Jets fans should worry about the contract that TJ and his agent Drew Rosenhaus ultimately negotiates.

    Jones signed a $10M 4yr deal to come to Chicago as a free-agent. From a production standpoint, I'd say he was a great FA pickup in terms of value. He was in the prime of his career, he was the focal point of the offense and he played for dirt cheap.

    Now that he's coming off two consecutive 1,000 yard seasons including a SB appearance, he's going to want to cash in. I dunno if you guys are aware, but TJ has this car fetish. On his MTV cribs episode he owned something like 5 or 6 cars, including a BMW 6-series, a Bentley and a Ferrari. Then he picked up another Ferrari this past year. No wonder he wanted a new contract.

    So if the Jets give him anything similar to what LaMont Jordan signed for a few years ago, then you should worry. Jones best season in Chicago was 1,300 rushing yards. Now he's two years older and is going to split carries. Something like a 4yr $15M deal with a $6M bonus makes sense. He'll probably give you good production for another 3 years averaging something like 1,100 yards and 8 TDs. To expect anything more would be pushing it.
  4. jets94nj

    jets94nj Active Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    good enough. ill take 700 more yards from leon and 8 tds we'll be set. after 3 years tj can hit the road anyhow.
  5. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Honestly, he is a HUGE improvement over Barlow and Blaylock.
  6. jets94nj

    jets94nj Active Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    i couldnt stand them two. we now have 3 decent backs. i feel very confident. gonna be great having washington and jones. i like washington he has that speed martin didnt. that speed to take one 100 yards. not taking away from martin the guy was amazing and ill always miss him but he did run outta gas quickly.
  7. mudman

    mudman New Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    i understand all the 'value' talk about what level pick we traded for jones (a 3rd rounder as has been stated countless times), ....but my thoughts differ a bit...this is NOT like trading a 3rd round pick straight up for TJ...that would leave you will one less bullet in the draft.....and in this case we still have the same amount of ammo...

    i think too much is made of the 'value' level of picks and not enough is made of having a pick at all...we got TJ and we still have that extra pick...that is gold to me...

    this is basically a 2 player for 1 player trade...and we get a top flight RB along with undetermined players being swapped in the 2nd round...a year from now, that 'other' 2nd round player could make this even more of a steal for the Jets!

    sorry for the rant, but got a little tired of the 3rd rounder straight up for TJ talk...too theoretical for me...i like the idea of a high quality starting RB and another young stud in the 2nd round for a 2nd rounder...

    it's quality AND quantity...
  8. mudman

    mudman New Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    Got love the fact that TJ has 113 yards and 121 yards in back to back games at the Meadowlands last year....

    Loose correlation, but it cant hurt that he plays well on our home turf!
  9. AMJets

    AMJets Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2003
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    Jones will get more than that in his contract, which is fine. He still has another 2-3 years of good play in him at the very least.
  10. Big Derty

    Big Derty Active Member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Here is my take, it took me a while to figure out how I really feel about this deal. I have flip flopped fifty times on of I like it or not. Thinking about it from the perspective of a Chicago Bears fan I would be furious. Moving up from the end of the second to the top ten and losing their starting RB, with an unproven RB in the wings, I would not be happy.

    I am satisfied with the Rb situation provided they both get close to equal time. We did not lose a pick, we just moved down and filled a need.

    The clincher for me is that we are NOT pursuing Michael Turner this year. If we had given up anymore than a third rounder for him I would have lost my mind. Good deal by Eric and Tanny
  11. Green Hurricane

    Green Hurricane Footsteps Falco

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Phenomenal deal, absolutely tremendous. I will never even let a shadow of doubt enter my mind again about our Front Office.
  12. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    good enough....IF he signs at a reasonable price. the fact is that he wants to get paid....this isnt only costing a draft pick. it could end up being a lot more. for a RB thats turning 30 comitting a lot of money isnt a great idea.

    this is a much better move than the blaylock or barlow move. at least when ppl say TJ is 1000 ud rusher he actually rushed for a good chunk of yards, and did it more than once (barlow barely cracked 1000 once) he had something like 1059 for his "1000 yd season".

    this trade isnt just about a draft pick...
  13. KOWIE

    KOWIE Active Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    thats just a stupid analogy....seriously.
  14. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    and a 6th rounder.
  15. MisterMoss

    MisterMoss PRO-American

    Mar 5, 2004
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    From Tom Rock's Newsday Blog:

  16. MisterMoss

    MisterMoss PRO-American

    Mar 5, 2004
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    From Bob Glauber's blog. It may have been posted, but I'm not sure

  17. QueensBearsFan

    QueensBearsFan New Member

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Actually I'm not too distraught over it. I'm glad we let Thomas Jones go. I would have liked to see us get more in return, but not because I wanted to keep him, just because I think we could have gotten a better deal if we waited.

    The Bears acquired Thomas Jones as a free-agent. Meaning we didn't invest anything to get him, not a single draft pick. It would be different if we drafted him or traded picks to get him. We got three good years out of him for minimal cost and he got us to the Superbowl. In order to keep him it would have required a big-money extension. No thanks.

    The Bears are stocked at RB. There's is alot of sentiment among Bears fans that Adrian Peterson, our third string RB, could put up the same kinds of numbers that Jones did. With Jones we had the luxury to use AP as a standout special teams player. Now he'll get that chance to share carries with Benson.
  18. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    huh? Turner will leave after this season if he isn't traded. He's not staying in SD as a backup.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    That's called creating depth where none existed before.

    If the Jets keep this up for a few years their roster will be loaded with talent and ready to blow people out.
  20. QueensBearsFan

    QueensBearsFan New Member

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Thomas Jones

    Here's something else to think about. For the past three years Thomas Jones averaged 1,164 yds and a shade over 7 TDs per season. That was at age 27, 28 and 29 behind a run-first offense that was built around him. Granted we had no passing game to speak of, but it only cost us $2.5M / yr.

    Chances are TJ is not going to out-do his previous three year average. Considering he's going to share carries with Leon Washington, he'll be lucky to match that production at 29, 30 and 31 if all goes according to plan. However, with the new contract he'll probably make $4-5M per year. So you guys are going to be getting less production than we did, but paying around twice as much.

    The positive is that he's a good locker room guy who will teach the young guys good practice habits. I got to be honest though, a lot of Bears fans wanted to run him out of town after year 1. He's a good character guy, but his running style get pretty frustrating at times. Expect to see alot of running out of bounds at the Meadowlands next season.
    #360 QueensBearsFan, Mar 6, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2007

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