GMs who would swap their starting QB for CHAD...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Russ Reign, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Let me break down and destroy every point you just made:

    1.) Your first point surrounds Chad being a selfish player. I'm guessing you have never played a sport other than hopscotch in your life. When you are playing for an NFL team that is expected to make a SB run (as we were last season) you want to get on the field. Chad felt he was ready and he was cleared by all of his doctors. He went out on the field and proved to Herm and the coaching staff that he deserved the starting spot and he won it. Obviously, he deserved it. Your forgetting that Chad doesn't make personel decisions that would be the coaching staff. They decide who starts and who sits. Also, if you have played a sport, you would know that you can't blame a player for an injury. It is something that can't be avoided and you have to deal with it. There is no way to avoid injuries, you can only hope to prevent them. Also, if Chad was a selfish player he wouldn't have taken a pay cut before this season. Chad came into this offseason with the knowledge that he may not win the starting spot. Even with that knowledge he took a pay cut for the better of the team.

    2.) You have never seen an interview with a player cockier than Chad? Clearly you don't watch TV or sports. I could make a list of 100 players who are cockier than Chad in an interview. You can't judge Chad on one interview. Everyone has their tough games and if you said you didn't you would be lying. All the interviewws I have seen with Chad have shown him as a down to earth intelligent guy. He gives all the credit to his teamates and accepts the blame for losses.

    3.) Your right with this point, Chad is an extremely smart QB. So smart, in fact, that he was a finalist for the prestigious Rhodes Scholar award. Being a smart QB definitly helps you in the NFL. It gives players like Peyton Manning and Pennington the ability to memorize a playbook and utilize every play out of an audible. It also allows them to step up to the line and read a defense accurately. Being smart doesn't all have to do with knowing facts and learning out of a book. When you have developed your brain to that extent, which is what learning is, it gives you a higher percentage for success.

    So, there you go, counter with your own arguement but I have proven every single one of your points wrong.
  2. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    To take a page from the chat rooms..
    jets526 FTW
  3. MobiusOne28

    MobiusOne28 New Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Owned. Seriously, you said exactly what I was going to counter with, except wrote it down much better than I normally could :drunk:
  4. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hehe, if your post wasn't so badly written, I'd ask what rag you write weak sports print for.
  5. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    That was say the least
  6. themantda

    themantda New Member

    Sep 7, 2006
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  7. OJDidIt

    OJDidIt Banned

    Dec 26, 2006
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    You will miss Chad when he is gone. This is a team that did not have a winning record during the entire decade of teh 1970's. Now we have a QB who gets us to the playoffs and WINS PLAYOFF GAMES and you want to throw him away.

    For Shame. For shame.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Kansas city
    Tampa Bay

    other teams wouldn't swap but he's better than the QBs they have like Losman in Buf, Eli w/ the giants, Garrad/leftwich in Jax, Romo in Dallas, favre in GB(at this point in his career), delhomme, ...
  9. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    CARR lost those two games? Toss them aside, his TEAM lost the game, HE takes the loss, AND his numbers were ALL done in garbage time?

    I'm sorry, you're going to have to explain this really um...something logic.

    It's like people completely forget a QB is one man on a 50+ man roster. Even better, they forget than he only plays on one side of the ball.
  10. joejets1

    joejets1 Member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    Do you guys realize since the 2002 season when Chad came in for Vinny only a handful of qbs have done what he has in his frst 6 seasons as a starting qb. He won a division and 2 other playoff appearences, also making it to the divisionals each year before this season.

    Off the top of my head only Brady, Manning, McNabb have done that. I am talking about current qbs in this era.
  11. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    The other thing that makes me laugh is when people have such a huge hard-on for guys that have played a handful of games. After Chad's first ten games or so people were saying he's the next Joe Montana. The test is over time and how you come back from adversity, that's when we'll see how great the Jay Cutlers, Tony Romos and Vince Youngs of the world are.
  12. NYJets38

    NYJets38 New Member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    Then maybe its time to get new friends because they are fucking morons.

    Edit: After reading the rest of the thread I changed my mind, you should keep those friends, you seem to have a lot in common.
    #52 NYJets38, Feb 8, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2007
  13. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    Yes, there is more to those losses than just Carr. All I'm saying is don't point to games where Carr put up good numbers and the team lost. Winning is more important and Chad clearly has the better track record there compared to Carr. Look at Brady's numbers. They are rarely impressive but the Patriots usually win.

    Did you see the Jets home game against the Texans? I did. And what I saw from Carr was really bad. He threw a pick that was worse than any INT I've ever seen Chad throw. And he did nothing to impress me whatsoever even though he had plenty of garbage time to let loose with. Even Harrington, in garbage time against the Jets, looked impressive but Carr showed nothing.

    Now let's look at the games, if you want to get in depth. Vs the Colts in Week 2, Carr threw for 219 yards and 3 TDs. But he didn't throw a single TD until the 4th quarter, at which point the Texans were down 30-3. That is the very definition of garbage time. In the game against the Eagles, in Week 1, Carr threw for 208 yards and 1 TD. The Texans lost that game. I'm not seeing how those are good numbers. They are average. And those were the first two games of the season. Carr did start off the season well, actually leading the league in QB rating for a while I think, but he completely fell off the map after something like Week 5 and went into the toilet after that.

    When you say Chad is a bad QB, I'll listen but to me that means that you have high standards for a QB. When you then turn around and say that Carr is good, you just sound like a Chad hater who refuses to look at the facts.
    #53 Namath2Kolber, Feb 8, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2007
  14. GSourJr

    GSourJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2004
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    Chad Pennington is not 3 for 5 in making the playoffs, he's 3 for 3. Every season that he's been healthy and able to play more than half the games, he's taken the Jets to the playoffs.

    That includes 2002 when he dragged a dead in the water 1-4 team to only its 3rd division title, and largest margin of victory in the playoffs.

    That includes 2003, when he tore up his left arm and wrist and didn't return until the season was shot.

    That includes 2004, when despite tearing a shoulder, he took the team to the playoffs, to a playoff victory on the road, and what should've been another playoff victory in Pittsburgh.

    That includes 2005 when he tore his shoulder in the 3rd game and was done for the year.

    That includes 2006 when he came back from two shoulder surgeries, took the team to its 3rd playoff season (a feat only accomplished by O'Brien), and won the Comeback player of the Year award.

    Has he won the championship? NO. Did he stink vs the Raiders in 02, and not play too great vs. two of the best defenses in the league in the Steelers and Pats in the other playoff ousters? YES.

    Does he need to get better? Hell, YES! Nothing but a Super Bowl will do.

    Will he get better? YES, and when the team is ready to contend, he will take them to the Super Bowl, and probably win the game.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    They call us S**pid Jet fans for a reason. Because we are the only Fans that would even think to try and say Chad is an elite Qb. Out of this City everybody else thinks Chad is about as good as David Carr or Joey Harrington. They want to play us with Chad at Qb.
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I get your point and I agree but it was our 4th div title overall, 2nd AFC east title. We won the div in '68, '69 and '98.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    The fact that they are morons makes it hurt even more when I have to agree with the fact that they are right!
  18. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Nice post, thanks. To add to that, I would say there are two types of QBs who win the Super Bowl.

    The first kind is your Hall of Famer like a Joe Montana, Troy Aikman, probably Tom Brady and Peyton Manning--the guys who are great in the clutch and probably win more than once. Usually because they make a big drive or something when maybe their team otherwise would not get there, but for the most part they still have a great team around them.

    The second kind is the good QB who doesn't win games by being dominant, but is good enough that if the team can get there he won't hold them back. I would say Pennington definitely fits this category because he obviously doesn't hold the team back from winning. If he did, they certainly wouldn't be 3 for 3 in getting to the playoffs with him and go in the tank when he's hurt.

    Of course there are always abberations, Dan Marino and Dan Fouts probably would fit the first category but they were unlucky. John Elway flirted with the same fate for 13 years before he broke through.
  19. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    You know things are bad when you start to quote yourself :lol:
  20. Namath2Kolber

    Namath2Kolber New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
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    This, to me, means one of two things. One possibility is that you are saying that Chad Pennington is an equally talented quarterback as David Carr or Joey Harrington. This is just not true. I'm not going to waste time going through career stats but Chad beats them both in every category, most importantly career wins. The other possibility is you are saying that other team's fans and possibly even players and coaches underestimate Chad's abilities. If that is true, doesn't that work to the Jets advantage? If other teams are not expecting much from Chad and then he exceeds their expectations, how is that a bad thing? Or is it more important to you to have a QB that other team's fans respect than one who wins games.

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