Kellen going to push Chad in Camp

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Mavericknyc1980, Jan 28, 2007.

  1. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I am judging the QB on his failure to score ANY points when he was in the RED ZONE! Isn't that what a QB is supposed to do BACCALA? Score points! To blame a kicker in a game where the weather is not ideal to kick and in a stadium with a reputation as the hardest to kick long FGs, isn't it incumbant for the QB to get as close as he can without losing ground befor e the kick? BACCALA we can argue this forever but CHAD failed to score points in 5 trips to the red zone that day. Blame who you want and I will do likewise. I just make no excuses for failure because I am a fan of a team! I hope CHADWICK proves me wrong and wins a SB for us this year! I am a Jets fan rather then a fan of 1 player. My loyalty is to the team.
  2. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Same here. If we win I won't complain who the QB is, I just think blaming the QB when the kicker misses is a bit off base. If the QB was that bad the drives would have ended with punts, not missed FGs.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Please explain to me how you can run the ball against the Steelers defense of last year with 7 in the box. Makes no diff who is running or blocking it cant be done because they know your Qb is not going to throw. He took a Knee so we would not loose yards for the FG. The whole team failed Im just pointing out Penningtons part in that failure. How many times did the Jets get in the Redzone? How many times did chad Fail to get us in the endzone because of his inability to make big plays in big games. Same thing happened this year with the Patriots. Once again, A reciever taking a ten yard pass and going 70 yards does not count as a Qb making a play! Chad did what he always does against the good teams in the playoffs. Nothing! He beat the colts when they had the worst defense in football and we will not even discuss the Schottenheimer coached Charger Team he beat. Chad is not to blame for the Jets failures but with that said I still say it is time to Upgrade him.
  4. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    OK! Chad did nothing to win or lose the game! Lets blame the kicker for all the failed trips to the RED ZONE that produced NOTHING! Lets blame BRIEN for CHAD screwing up the time just beforew the FG attampt and losing 5 more yards on an already long FG try in a horrible Stadium to kick long FGs. Yep, it is all the kickers fault. And it was also the kickers fault when JAX and CHICAGO shut us out this year!!!!!!! That would never have happened if they could kick very long FGs of 80 yards etc! LOL

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Your forgetting the Patriot loss in the playoffs and the Raider loss a few years ago. If we would have had a better kicker that would have made all the difference in the world. We certainly can't blame the Qb for failing in the Redzone all those times or Fumbling the ball everytime someone breathes near him.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    You keep saying it doesn't make it true. Watch the tape, I've told you this before. He lets go of the ball at the 15 and it's caught at the 40, that's 25 yards, not 10. But I'm sure by July it will have been a handoff, right?

    We won't discuss it why? Because it blows your argument to hell? We won on the road with Chad playing with a bad shoulder, and he completed a TD bomb to Moss and another TD to Becht. The Colts game was 41-0 and the week before we beat a 12-3 Green Bay team 42-10. But no, he can't beat a good team in a big game.

    The team shares equally in blame and success. But if you want to upgrade him, fine. How do you suggest we do that? Where do you just go get an upgrade from a guy who can get you to the playoffs every year? I'm not against it, but give me a solution, not just saying we need an upgrade. If it was that easy why don't we just upgrade every position and become the team of the decade?

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    What I want to happen and what will realistically happen are two different things. This is how I see things playing out. Next year we have a real schedule and our record will reflect it. I say somewhere between the 8th and 10th game Clemens should come in to play. As soon as the Jets are out of it then that is all she wrote. I do not think Clemens will be given the job even if he outplays Chad in Camp. After Chad is taken out this year he should be given his permanent walking papers. With that said I would love to have him back someday as a coach somewhere down the line. I feel that the jets are still rebuilding and should concentrate on drafting Defense and offensive linemen this year. Next year when the transition is made to a new Qb we should then upgrade the skill players on offense.
  8. DonnieBaseball23

    DonnieBaseball23 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    I still think Kellen needs one more year on the bench. The limited action he saw, he just looked well overmatched and didn't seem to grasp the system.
  9. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    You've got it all planned out, huh? For one thing, there is no way of knowing how tough our schedule is going to be until the season rolls back around, so to assume we're going to be out of it by the 8th or 10th game is really a reach. Did you not learn from this year that you can't judge one year by the previous one? And how are we still rebuilding if we just went to the playoffs? Every team has to re-tool every year, the age of the long rebuilding process has passed us by. So really, the rest of your post makes no sense.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I know a football team that got to the playoffs because of great coaching and the weakest schedule in the league. I know when I match up the Jets players with the teams that I feel are better than us their talent level is way above ours. The most glaring being the Qb position to me. If you think the Jets are a super bowl caliber team we have to agree to disagree on this matter. Even if we get back to the playoffs next year we will not be beating the Chargers, Colts or Ravens. Until we retool the Qb position it will not be happening!
  11. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    You know maybe I should have read the thread, but I saw a couple posts talking about how much QBs get all the glory/blame and I can't ignore that.

    To me talking about a QB's W-L record, or giving him all the credit/blame for a loss is borderline retard. It's as dumb as pitchers W-L in baseball. Theres a whole other side of the game (offense in baseball, defense in football) that they don't control, and then there are other players besides them affecting how things turn out. WRs can drop passes. The offensive line may be getting dominated. Hell, he can have a great game and if they lose....theres going to be fans talking about how he can "pile up his stats" but not "close to deal" no matter the score. It's horrible logic.
  12. KSJets

    KSJets New Member

    Sep 5, 2003
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    So let's ignore the skill positions this year and then blame it all on the QB and dump him. Brilliant strategy :rolleyes:

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Championships are built in the trenches. That is why I say build the lines. It is apparent that we will need a Baltimore Raven like Defense to win so why waste a pick on a speed burner if the Qb can not throw it farther than 30 yards anyway. Are you going to tell me that there is a more important need than Defensive end, cornerback, 3/4 Linebacker and D-tackle on the Jets right now?
  14. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Agreed. A lot of stuff here is borderline retard. Welcome, by the way.
  15. red75bronco

    red75bronco Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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  16. CanadianJetsFan

    CanadianJetsFan New Member

    Feb 5, 2007
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  17. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I'm a Chad hater but the statement in bold above has to be challenged. The Jets are rebuilding and we do need upgrades at several positions and I agree we need it at QB as well to become an elite team but if you look at the Chargers or the Ravens they beat us and badly but not because of the QB matchup. Now the Colts, Bengals and Pats do have a big QB advantage but the Chargers kill us at LB, NT, OL, TE, RB not at QB. The Ravens kill us on D and in the running game not at QB. The Pats kill us at TE, QB, NT, DE, RB and OL. The Colts kill us at WR, QB, DE, RB and OL. It's not like Chad is mismatched all that often in the NFL. That said a better QB would help the OL and the running game but it doesn't change the fact that the Jets talent level across the board compared to the elite teams isn't as good and we may match up better at QB than many other positions.

    The problem to me is how do you upgrade at QB without being in the right draft in the right spot? Last year we were in position to take either Cutler or Leinart and we took DBrick. If it turns out the DBrick is the greatest LT in football and either Cutler or Leinart become a top 3 NFL QB it will have been the dumbest move this franchise made since taking OBrien over Marino, if.

    I'm betting that we draft a QB prospect every year in some round until we do get that big upgrade. Until we do Chad is the guy.
  18. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I disagree with that. Look at our O-line from 2005, you need to protect a QB and be able to run the ball for a QB to have any success. We went through a bunch of QBs in 05 because the line wasn't up to par. It's not pretty or popular, but you need to get your O-line in place first. David Carr is the prime example of that, we may never know how good he could be or could have been because he gets the shit knocked out of him too much.
  19. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    either way Kellen is going to push Chad in camp.........over the bench into a cooler so Kellen is the absolute starter

    case closed.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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