Trust Tangini on Turner Decision (video)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rickjet, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I was actually a little concerned watching the video. It didn't look like he had a very one step and cut move which is the first thing I look at with a RB.
  2. Mickey Shuler 82

    Mickey Shuler 82 New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    I'd say two things:

    1) Hopefully, SD learns from the Jets' example with Jordan that by waiting out for a huge offer on your restricted free agent may mean you don't get a single thing for him the following year. Tannenbaum is good at negotiations, and won't sell the farm.

    2) Schotty Jr was the QB coach in SD, and probably knows better than most whether Turner is the real deal or just a guy who comes into games late with fresh legs and looks all world.
  3. Tight

    Tight Active Member

    Nov 25, 2005
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    I love that video, the guys expression @ 4:54 into the video cracks me up every single time.

    I dont know whether he's thinking, damn we lost this game or "oops I sharted".


    O yah michael turner ran well.
  4. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    I'm not exactly sure what you are saying here... but I think I agree. :grin:

    Watching that video I noticed there was a particular kind of highlight that was missing. The 1 on 1 open field juke. From watching Turner in this video it appears that he lacks 'pure' elusiveness.

    He does have good enough speed to screw defenders angles. But if that doesn't happen or if there isn't a big hole - then he just bowls into people. And if Turner's only move as a RB is to run the defender over then I wonder how long his career will actually be as the primary ball carrier?
  5. PennyandtheJets

    PennyandtheJets Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    I AM a well known MIchael turne r supporter, but this thread is pointless...I made a post a couple of weeks ago with the same video...

    He is a very physical Rb and could be a real threat with Pennington running playaction off of his runs...

    I want Micahel Turner because I think he and Leon would form a grea duo in the back field...
  6. phubbadaman

    phubbadaman Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    I didn't even bother watching the video. If I felt like it and had the footage, I could go make Ryan Leaf look like the greatest QB to ever play. It is what it is, A HIGHLITE REEL. Watch him in a game when he gets stuffed for a one yard loss.

    I hate on Turner a lot here becuase people have put him up on a pedastal, but I do think he's good, but he's not worth anything more than a 3rd round pick.
  7. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    ^Just wondering, you two dont live together do you?
  8. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Oh, another point on a lame argument...why didn't guys like Alexander and Edge get first rounders in trades...

    It's simple, they were late 20's RBs with ALOT of mileadge on them. Everybody knows the shelf life on the average RB is as short as it gets in any sport. Yes, they got themselves some monster contracts where they went, but no one really thinks that they'll last that contract or even be worth it for the majority of it.

    While I'm on the fence on Turner for a first, its mostly because I highly doubt whoever gets him will actually pay with a first.
  9. glenn212

    glenn212 New Member

    Jun 7, 2006
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    The good things that I witnessed from the video:

    1. good vision in finding seams on runs
    2. great pad level (stays low on contact).
    3. great leg strength
    4. great balance
    5. above average speed
    6. great toughness
    7. gets to the endzone and acts like he's been there before.
    8. youth.

    Not much downside giving a second rounder for this a freakin heartbeat even a first rounder is debatable!
  10. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    First of all, great video rickjet! It really sheds some light on what Turner's abilities are. After looking at the video, I think he would be a great fit. We need a power back that can wear a team out. I think he can do that. Throw Leon in for good measure, and I really think we have something.

    The only fly in the ointment is what does San Diego want for him? Who is our competition on getting him?

    I know we have a relativiely outside pick in the 1st round at I think 25. That is usually no mans land in the draft, but we have a FO that seems to be really tuned in on scouting. Our 1st round pick might still be a bit too high. I kind of like the idea of using one of our 2nd round picks for the guy; I think he is worth it.
  11. phubbadaman

    phubbadaman Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2005
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    Haha, no we don't live together. He hadn't respoded as I was typing up my answer, kinda funny as I'm not usually up that late.
  12. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Chatman was only 5'8 and lazy as shit. Thats why the cut him. Turner is 5'10, 240. Plus he runs the forty in close to 4.3 seconds.
  13. KyleJetfan

    KyleJetfan Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Well, i havent posted in a long time, but, if you watched that highlight, youll notice that some of his best runs were in games(look at the upper right corner of the video) were against the Pats and colts in tight games and the man refuses to be tackled. REFUSES to be tackled. Im not on the Turner bandwagon, BUT, with the 25th pick in the draft? OK
  14. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    thats another thing i've noticed. NE couldnt slow him down. he was breaking tackles on every single carry. and that 50+ yd touchdown run got called back because of a meaningless holding penalty (so his stats should've looked even better with that bigrun). remember, eric mangini faced turner in 05. he knows he wasnt able to slow turner down. he just ran over every new england would be great to have him here so he can do the same thing for us.
  15. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Of course, most will rebut how hard he runs and give credit to everyone but him. Oh, he's running behind LT, the line is great, and the Pats were so tired and so on.

    But it's pretty obvious just how hard he runs on every play. We all know that as EXHAUSTED as a defense gets when Turner gets in, but the man just refuses to be taken down.

    I remember Phil Simms saying San Diego considers him a far better inside runner than LT. After watching him play, I can see why. He may run alot of counters, but the man runs like an absolute battering ram and I have little doubt thats true (mostly because LT almost never runs inside).
  16. Johnny4

    Johnny4 New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    The guy I trust is Brian Schott, he coached him.
  17. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Why in the hell do you think the Jets are interested in him, OTHER than propaganda by the CHARGERS and unfounded rumours by people here and the NY media?? Truth is that everything the Jets front office and Mangini has said would leave you to believe that RB is not a top concern and that they are VERY happy with Leon so the Jets will go into next year with likely the same RB staff as this year, but with an upgraded OL and a bigger role for Leon. NOTHING the Jets have done points to interest in Turner. Nothing.
  18. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Whoa there, Johnny! While I agree with your point, but rickjet didn't start the rumors! You seem pretty fired up there! Yes, the rumors came from "unamed Chargers sources".

    The Jets would not be doing their job if they didn't inquire about Turner... I have little doubt that they have. Commonly referred to as "due diligence'. I agree the Turner rumors are overblown, but the Schotty connection fuels them all the more.

    I await a thread.... any freakin thread that is a civil exchange of ideas, opinions and discussion without reactionary attacks, cursing, insults (both obvious and veiled) exageration ( I was told I hated M Irvin today) and general ill will towards anyone with a different opinion. This site has gotten very volatile lately.... is keeping it friendly and respectful too much to ask?
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    A.J. Smith is excellent at drumming up interest in his players and has a proven track record of being able to get something of interest for them when he lets them go.

    I doubt very much that the Jets have made inquiries about Turner at this stage, however that wouldn't stop Smith from mentioning them as a team that might be interested in Turner in a trade.

    The rumors that the Jets and Giants were both interested in Turner came from SD and came right after the Chargers were eliminated from the playoffs. It would be not unusual for people associated with the Jets and Giants to have called people in SD and expressed condolences on the loss to the Pats. Schottenheimer would almost certainly call his dad and do so, and the Giants new GM Jerry Reese certainly would want to maintain the cordial relationship that Ernie Accorsi built with the Chargers.

    Who knows what they talked about but a trade offer or expression of interest in Turner probably was not on the menu.
  20. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I was not aiming it specifically at the thread starter, but so MANY people believe that not only are we interested in Turner, but we have already stated that were willing to give up a first rounder for him! My point is that nothing in reality points to that being true, it is spin created by the Chargers, and fueled here by fans who seem to have decided Turner is the messiah. I am not even convinved the Jets will do "due dilligence" on Turner, as I am not convinced there is any interest. Tannenbaums and Mangini's comments actually point against this as being true. I just get frustrated with so many assuming this is all a fact and that all is left is to figure out compensation for Turner. I would be shocked if the Jets made this move. As a San Diego resident, I watch every Charger game, and he is an adequate back. But he is the polar opposite of LT in style and execution. This makes him a tremendous change of pace back as the other team has prepared all week to contain LT, especially the bounce out and off-end runs he does. Turner comes in and runs up the middle, which is 1. not the run style they prepared for and 2. often in a pass situation or read where there are less people in the box. Make him the full time back, and put him on the Jets and against the 8 man fronts and tight safeties we face, I seriously doubt that Turner would do much better than Cedric or Barlow, neither of whom will cost the $35 million dollars or so Turner will get. Improve the run blocking, especially at the guard and RT positions, beef up Brick, and incorporate some pulling by Mangold who will be ready for it and I think you mught be shocked at how much better Cedric and Leon seem as "feature backs". Turner is not the savior for the running game for this team.

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