Wow, just looked that up. Had never heard of her(seems like it’s relevant, too). Looks like the lid on that rancid garbage can that is that town needs to opened
The gabby petito doc on Netflix was pretty good, no new info on that really . My daughter told me there is a doc coming out on investigation discovery about the Karen read case next month.
That kid who stabbed Salman Rushdie was found guilty of attempted murder. it was a formality as he didn’t have much of a defense and had already claimed responsibility
I watched it. I thought it was interesting that someone else said she may have been killed in the van. She didn't have any drag marks, but if you're severely decomposed, it is impossible to tell. I think he chased her and strangled her to death.
That’s right, I hadn’t heard that before. It would make sense. If she died in the van , it would imo be spontaneous, like he snapped during an argument. If it happened out near where she was found , it would sound pre meditated. From what I gathered, it seems most of their issues surrounded her ocd about the van cleanliness and his “dirty feet”, would sometimes cause her to go off the rails. It also seems she was trying to keep the van tidy for videos. He wasn’t into the vlogging at all, and in a lot of the videos you see her in the van, and him outside doing something.
What a crazy story that is. She was half in the bag, her and Wagner were supposedly arguing out of jealousy, Christopher Walken went to bed. "I heard a splash in the water." No matter how drunk you are, are you leaning over a boat railing when you have an extreme fear of water? In the dark? Just because? It's plausible that she was inebriated enough, sure; but what I think is Wagner pushed her and said fck her, let her drown. She didn't know how to swim.
Though not recommended by the Red Cross many a person has been taught to swim by being thrown in the water.
Looks like kohbergers dna may have been found under Madison mogens fingernails… if so, that fucker is cooked