I did not know this. On the refs or what precisely? As an aside. Goodell destroying Cheats tapes because there's nothing to see here will always make me laugh. Goodell became a target of Cheats fans over Deflate Gate, but what they should have been doing was sending him a thank you card for all eternity. Goodell over Deflate Gate: "It's to preserve the integrity of the game". The duplicity is hilarious.
Arian Foster's comments a few years ago were what started the NFL campaign to mock the idea that their game was scripted to the point of "thou doth protest far too much". That crap went on for 2 seasons, promptly followed by the TayTay and Travis saga.
Who was the poster who had the avatar with with the ref with red eyes and a Cheats logo on his hat? C'mon, help me out.
@JetsVilma28 https://forums.theganggreen.com/threads/refs-i-know-were-all-sick-of-the-subject.100520/ Perhaps a thread merge?