Come on do you honestly believe yourself? Do you think New England is really a better team than San Diego? If so you know absolutely nothing about football.
Saints were a great story and, at many times, a great team. Chicago has dominated the conference most of the season. They've won with great defense. They've won with great rushing. Hell, in weeks 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 15, and 16, they won with great passing, too. Best team in the NFC. BAR NONE. They are going to the Super Bowl, and they sure as shit deserve it.
I'd say the D won this game too. But the Bears offense broke down the Saints eventually with some pretty nice drives. Of course that's becasue of the Bears D keeping the Saints D on the field and aggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats to the Bears, they earned it. Some day we'll get to experience a day like the Bears fans had today, I just hope I am alive to see it.
Why did Tony Dorsett give Virginia McCasky the NFC trophy. What connection does he have to the Bears?
Yeah, he doesn't look to good but he had one great drive that brought them to the dance. Now all bets are off.