If NE wins another Super Bowl this year....

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by IrishSteveZ, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    As I said he paid his dues playing on all those TB teams so if can get one just good for him. Everybody will know he did not play so it is more a token then anything else. I also give props to Belly for doing it. Shows he does have some warmth in his heart as well
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Have other Qbs besides Tom Brady won SBs? Brady is the best but you don't have to have the best QB to win but we do need more talent around Chad than NE needs around Brady.
  3. tanknyc

    tanknyc Active Member

    Dec 27, 2006
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    if we gonna win a superbowl with chad at the helm then we need an incredible defense sort of like the ravens of 2000 or the bears defense this year
  4. Youth Is Served

    Youth Is Served New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    Ok my turn, im gonna start this out by saying a true fan of the game would be able to see what New England has done. As much as I hate New England and Bellichick, I can take my green goggles off.

    New England has been consistently successful due to the fact that they know how to run an organization. They build the team from the trenches on the OL and DL and put the rest of their team together through the draft. They draft for need positions and depth better than any other team. Signing low key free agents and keeping their cap situation under control. These are the simple things that make them soo successful, it is a winning blueprint.

    The team revolves around having a smart QB in Tom Brady (Yuck, hate saying that). Having a smart QB, solid OL and DL and solid drafts year in and year out make this team the best team year in and year out. You never hear about the Patriots being in cap trouble now do you?

    Deion Branch is a perfect example of how this team never cripples itself with the cap. As much as they loved having that player, WR is not on their list of big money positions. They take a cast off WR from the Chargers and Texans/Eagles and turn them into role players. Caldwell and Gaffney have had their careers ressurected by the blueprint of New England.

    I would list this blueprint as the most successful one that I have seen yet in this era of the salary cap. It amazes me that no other team has seen this, just shocks me. The Patriots never trade away their 1st round picks for big name free agents and they always draft at the bottom of the 1st round. Anytime they draft earlier they trade down (the best value of the draft is at the end of 1st and early 2nd round). The players dont demand huge contracts and there are more players for the price that can fit into your scheme. Good example would be how in back to back years the Patrios drafted TE's, who can block and recieve, block being the main word there.

    Now, until this season I have not seen a team try to mimic their success. The Jets have to be the first team who seem to be following this direction and I am very happy to see what Mangini is planning on doing. Everything seems to be following along the lines of what has been done in New England. I am confident as well that is why Bellichick was soo anxious to have Mangini go to another team. He saw that this kid was a student of the game and knew he would succeed. Now, Mangini is doing the same exact thing Belli did over there in NE. I think Mangini and Tannenbuam are the only other combo that comes close to the smarts of Belli and Pioli.

    My question to you is...do you honestly fear what the Jets are now building? I for one can see the same blueprint being followed.

    Also, do you think the Jets are the only team that can knock off the Patriots? I believe they are until they Patriots lose the division to the Jets, I feel the Patriots cant be stopped. The rivaly will now become the biggest one in the NFL. These two teams will be fighting for the division every year and will make the AFC East once again the most feared division.

    Just wait till our peices start to fit into place. Just like yours did a few years ago. Barring a Tom Brady injury the battles that take place between these two teams will be priceless.

  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Terrific post & that was Woody said he wanted to do when he hired Man. Lets hope KC is the next TB otherwise until we find Mr. Right we will not be at there level sorry to say unless TB retires or can no longer play.
  6. Youth Is Served

    Youth Is Served New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    Thanks, but I am hoping Clemmens is the man as well. The kid shows a lot of poise and gets to learn from a very smart QB. Believe it or not I do believe 2008 is the Jets year and Pennington is capable of leading this team there. Many may not see it but a smart QB with a solid O-Line can go a long ways. The defense will have come around by then. If the Jets dont make it by 2008 then I think it is Clemmens turn. Barring injury since you never know what happens. But I agree Tom Brady is not gonna be easy to stop, the talent on the team with stay similar so once the Jets can beat Brady, or Brady is long gone. Then the tides can turn, until then we need to sit back and hope it happens sooner than later.

  7. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Sorry I do not understand how U could say KC shows promise when all we saw him in 10 plays max past season? He sure looked shocked in the 2nd Bflo game when the Bills were destroying Brick from what I remember. Anyway I understand where you are come for with your hope & dreams & let us all hope they come true
  8. Youth Is Served

    Youth Is Served New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    I have lurked around this forum for a long time but most of the time I end up keeping my opinion to myself due to no real responses or intellegent conversations. I understand you are a dark sider. I am a 24 year old kid who owns season tickets and has been going to games since I can remember. I am there at 8 am for every game and I completely bleed green. I have never felt soo good about any coach or GM as I feel for these two. I am a believer in the NE ways and will see Mangini put his own twist into it and lead this team for 20 years. Bringing the Jets to respectibility.

    That may make me a sunshiner and I believe you are a bit older than I. So you have seen a lot more than I have. But from what I have seen and the era I grew up in, this is the best Jets coaching staff since Parcells was around. I even will go as far as to say I feel more confident with Mangini then I did with Parcells. I loved the team but he had the wrong kind of mentality and left this team when things didnt go his way. Mangini will stick through thick and thin and he is a very intelligent and focused coach. So yes I do have a positive outlook on this team.

    As for Clemmens, I didnt point out his play or anything. He was a leader at his school and is a very bright kid. I feel given the right situation he can live up to being our future QB. But it is kinda hard for you to mention Brady and then at the same time saying Kellen has only seen 10 snaps and looked scared. Go back to before Brady was starting a 6th round pick and was a leader of his team and a very bright kid. He got to learn for a few years and turned into a star in the right system. I am in no way comparing the two but its unfair for you to state that after only 10 snaps Clemmens cant be the future. People who said that about Brady are eating their own crow. Cant doubt the kid until he is given a real shot. Thats why I feel 2008 if Chad cant lead this team then give the kid a chance. I never said next year. The kid has more to learn.

    I know you are beginning to feel the joy of having a franchise be built the correct way. Its ok to admit it once in a while.

  9. Dirtywater

    Dirtywater 2005 Award Winner: Best non-Jets fan poster/Best S

    Aug 7, 2004
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    Do I fear what the jets are building? No. But I certainly do respect it and also expect great things from it.

    So far, as you have stated, you are following the blueprint. But tha has been on the field. Let's wait and see how you operate in the off-season. Remember, outside of Colvin, we haven't targeted the high price free agents. Of course exceptions have been made (Harrison & Ted Washington), but the didn't throw the cap out of whack. I assume Tannenbaum will follow a Pioli example, and if that is the case, I think you'll have a better long-term outlook.

    Make no mistake, what the Jets are building has success written all over it. I think that you will have a chance to compete for the Super Bowl, but you will need to realize one big thing. You won't be able to keep everyone for the entire run. With the success you earn, players will want more money, it is the nature of the beast. To me, that is our most remarkable stat. We are competitive with the loss of players sustained.

    As for the Jets being the only team able to knock us out, if you mean of the AFC East, no. Miami will become competitive with a QB and Buffalo certainly is going to get better soon too. We have a tough division. You guys are right there though at the top right now. As for the AFC, the Colts, Chargers and Steelers all present major competition. I am not sold on Baltimore though. I guess you could throw the Bengals in there as well.

    To sum it up, here is what I am most curious about with the Jets. Remember last season, everyone was really high on Nick Saban and the Dolphins. Well they hit the sophomore slump in spades (yes I realize all the QB issues, etc.). Will the Jets suffer from the expectations, or will they rise to the challenge. Can Mangini avoid Saban's struggles in his 2nd season. I look forward to seeing how it pans out. I certainly am not here claiming either way. You guys got a very good team. Should be fun to watch for years to come.

    By the way, You Is Served... good to meet you. You seem like a very knowledgeable poster who likes to rationally discuss football without the smack talk. My type of friend on here. Here's to more great football talk over the years.


    #109 Dirtywater, Jan 21, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2007
  10. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    DW - The Dolphins are in trouble with their QB situation. They cannot possibly expect to compete w/ Culpepper. Harrington could be the "ace in the hole". I think he is smart enough to figure out Cameron's offense where Culpepper just isn't.

    Buffalo is in the same situation. Clearly Losman is not the answer. Now they will need to bring in a new QB and there are talks of them trading McGahee (I'm not sure how much I would believe that though). I think those two things (if the McGahee trade actually does happen) will set them back a few years.

    Now, I may be a bit biased here, but I think if something does happen to Chad next year we are in a better situation to keep going forward with Clemens in there.

    I also forsee some distractions next year w/ the Pats if the rumors are true of Belichick having issues with his contract.

    We have a much tougher schedule next season, but I think with a few key FA signings we could compete again. This year we were in it in every loss minus the Jacksonville game. I also think next year the Pats/Jets games will be the most entertaining and competitive games in the league.

    I just loved the "one-upsmanship" of the Wild Card game we just played.

    Good luck tomorrow
  11. Youth Is Served

    Youth Is Served New Member

    Mar 24, 2003
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    Always an intellegent discussion around just gotta ask for it, I cover a lot of teams not just my favorite. I am a fan of the game and my team. Havent posted much due to lack of reasonable conversations, but will be posting more often now.

    To answer your question. I am not a homer and am very hard on the Jets when things are not going right, but for the first time I am confident coming into next season. I have been preaching that this is a 3-4 year rebuilding process and making the playoffs in year 1 is a huge jump. I don't expect to blow teams away next season but I expect another year of building for our future. Having Tannenbuam upstairs has been such an underrated topic of discussion. As much as Mangini has done and what they have done as a team. I tip my hat off to Tannenbuam, who I feel is very similar to Pioli. The two of them did a very good job this past season controlling our cap and draft in excellent fashion. As you can see I am a big fan of the Youth movement that is coming through the Meadowlands. Finally, I can feel confident about the coach and general manager during the off season. This team will fight hard next year and we will learn more about then in the 2nd year of the rebuild.

  12. Jets81

    Jets81 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2003
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    The Pats are the best teams in football, and I'm sure they'll be ragarded as one of, if not the best teams in NFL history if they pull of another SB win. Love'em or hate'em it's the truth.

    Is it any suprise there in our division? Hell, we got the ball rolling for them in the first place.(thanks Mo) When we finally do rise up and become a dominant team, it will make it all that much sweeter.

    Fortunatly Pats fans are football fans second, or even third. They'll always be able to lean on there period of dominance, but it won't be like Phin fans talking about an undefeated season that occured before my lifetime.

    Head is telling me Colts, wallet is telling me Pats though. I tend to go with my wallet.
  13. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    edit per a PM
    #113 Cakes, Jan 21, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  14. JetsVilma28

    JetsVilma28 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2005
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    This thread can now be safely laid to rest.
  15. pakijet

    pakijet New Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    they wont cuz they lost.....lol..they can win on madden 2006.....the pats are dead..now they can go and eff themselves
  16. NJrocket24

    NJrocket24 Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    whoa whoa whoa, if theres one thing we learned, you can never count out brady & bellichek, even when they choke and loose.

    The media needs to stop fawning over them and get ready for the New York Jets assault on the AFC east throne. It'll be a battle soon, and I can't wait to push the golden boys playoff record from 11-2 to .500:pats_suck:

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